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    posted a message on DotA participation... $$$
    no one?

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on DotA participation... $$$
    Ya I Did, obviously its still SICK, just that we should also elect willing people to start a DotA faction. I would love to and enyone else here that plays, im [GR]Ev3rt0 on west servers.

    Please if you are intrested just give me a shout and if I get enough people ill ask silver.
    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on DotA participation... $$$
    Hey everyone, its been a while... :)

    Just wanted to see what the responce would be to starting up a DotA Allstars clan as its probably in the top 3 most played blizzard related games being played at the moment, and this would do wonders to inspire intrest amongst the blizzard gamers of that sphere and would promote this site and its idea to these gamers.

    Please respond quickly...

    And readily.
    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Band Of The Hawk
    Posted in: SICK Clan Archives
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    posted a message on Things we want to see/have in Diablo 3
    I think Diablo 3 should have a more realistic outlook.

    ie: Drug dealers, prostitutes etc.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on WoW SUCKS!!
    i agree completely with all of you. Wow is not only made by greedy bastards, but is also a failure. I still lan Frozen throne once in a while bcoz its just such a good game, but after the first few hours of playing wow, i just stopped. It really was one of the worst investements of my life. Everything is way too cartoonish. Right now on the RPG side of things im playing elder scrolls - oblivion (Excellent).
    Posted in: Warcraft & WoW
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    posted a message on Characters
    yes either that or just that your beast is part of you.

    Fat1, fics, now, we need to chat
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Characters
    yes, and in D3 i hope that when you get to a certain level, u can mount on an animal, like wow. eg. Angel = unicorn or something Druid = bear or something like that
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which Side would you choose?
    agreed, although i think she is actually evil.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Secret Cow Level
    dekard kain needs to get it
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo3.com New Layout, Site Engine, and Webmaster.
    well it didnt really work now did it?
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Diablo3.Com Website team is looking for staff!
    We have all been waiting for Diablo for a really long time now, and over the months we have picked up lots of evidence, ie. the patent trademark, (well done cyks!) and whats this? Looking for job postings of the origanal diablo 1 and 2 team to work on an unnanounced project? Oh my gosh, its final. Please do not try to deny it. Diablo3 will be announced sometime this year.

    The issue before us is not whether it will be released, it is other things, such as wether it will be an mmo or single player. Where will it get a FITTING storyline from where Diablo 2 broke off? Here is my conclusion. It sounds quite logical to me.

    Diablo 3 is not going to be an mmo. It won't be only single player either, since thats just not fun at all. It will be a single player game with a multiplayer option, following it's predecessor's succesful example. Think about it. What made Diablo 2 most succesful? Its rocking storyline and free, awesome internet and LAN options. Now dont get me wrong. the single player kicked ass too, but why not have multiplayer? You feel a lot more freedom playing with people all over the world. But now think about this. 70% of Diablo 2 online players play World of Warcraft as well. Can you honestly tell me that the average player, (who is probably still going through scooling and is unemployed) has enough money and time to have active accounts on more than one MMO? What a waste! If Diablo 3 is an MMO, then most of Blizzards bored WoW fans will be cancel their wow accounts to be part of this fresh MMO experience, something which blizzard definately doesnt want, as they are still building on Wow, making expansions and so on.

    For the rest, we're just going to have to wait for blizzard to announce Diablo3, as any further proof regarding this subject is scarce.

    So long, have fun playing D2 LoD and Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion.

    see you all in a D3 realm sometime soon.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Your favorite energy drink?
    Although USN is the only thing that works for me
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Your favorite energy drink?
    Ghostz dig the ava, jessica alba defiantely is the hottest female celebrity out there.

    Oh, and i know it tastes like normal, but plain, oxygenated water gives you the most energy. Its been proven.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Would you pay to play Diablo III?
    ok, so when did all of u confirm that d3 was an mmo?
    I thought we all already overruled that possibility?

    even if it is an mmo, all mmo titles are beginning to follow guild war's example. Its free, and it has low computer sys requirements and connection requirements. heck u can even play comfortably with a modem! And not to mention, despite all of this, its still stunning to play!

    Oh wait we discussed this before the server crashed. I dont know how many of u were old members who used different nicks, but if you were there, then lets debate!

    #1: Diablo 3 would not be profitably configured into an mmo, since probably the most exciting thing about the game is its amazing storyline. A key element which mmos lack.

    #2: Blizzard having D3 as an mmo would detract all of its online players from the mmo giant, wow, which they are still currently releasing expansions 4.

    there were many others but i cant remember them. If u can remember, pls chime in...

    the old sage.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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