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    posted a message on PTR 2.1.2 - 50 Crafted Crossbows, 7 Ancients (Video)
    Quote from igorkrnic»
    In addition to all that, sentries will also shoot their standard bolts so Krider shot looks kinda OP but what confuses me is that all top ranked DHs in ptr use cold evasive fire + malestrom with either crossbow or Etrayu :S
    It's pretty difficult to find a good ancient Krider :P
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Yes, pure single target seems like the best option if you want to play for rankings (excluding conduits here). The problem with fire is that you have no one to apply the slow, so you will have to do it yourself, leaving you only with a frostfire build, which in turn is really suboptimal on single target if you use a Helltrapper and have to use Gogok to reach the last breakpoint. My idea was to try out a physical build involving Cluster / Impale / EA using a bow or xbow, however even then you will probably get screwed on RGs that spawn a lot of adds, which are not that many fortunately.

    I know about the barbs being popular in other regions, it seems like there are just none around on EU nonseason, which is really sad actually. Possibly we will even see full barb parties at the top at the end of the season, hunting for the conduits on tier 53-55. Empyrian indeed is working pretty hard and playing well from what I can tell, but we got some more seasonal barbs around as well.

    About the Wreath of Lightning proccing Night Stalker: I have no clue, never tested it specifically, but there is reason to assume it does, as this is the case with Conduit pylons.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    I have two new videos, both recorded yesterday in quick succession.

    1) 2p with a Barb, tier 49. Unfortunately there are not many barbs around, but Rob decided to give it a shot and it works very well, seems like it will surpass the WD combo easily. He doesn't have much experience and is using an Int Furnace even, so there is a lot of potential for this combo. Here's a nice clip (screenshots of other tries in the description): http://www.twitch.tv/wudijo/c/5450281 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r31p3WIqxKA

    2) Solo tier 50. It's going well, I had some tries last night, spawned the RG before 15 minutes in 4 of the 10 runs. I still can't get a good hellfire, I could have very likely beaten one of those in time if I had one :(
    I strongly recommend to play this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg4ygeG0qiw and then start the clip: http://www.twitch.tv/wudijo/c/5450128 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2AvJfXC6No

    One more general thing: I've started playing season hardcore to try to go for the rank 1 solo there as well. I want to gear up till paragon 400 and go all in then (given I get a TnT in time) - p123 currently. It will probably take some time, but I'm slowly getting there.

    Enjoy :D
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on DH 45-46 keys solo
    Even though you have asked the same question in the other thread as well, I will answer you here, as this topic is better discussed in a seperate thread. Jelloslock has given you the right advice. I can only tell you that it's pretty difficult to get 45+ consistently. I haven't done that many trials solo, because I was only focusing on 3p and 4p during the first weeks of the season, where I was several tiers above what is possible in solo trials pretty quickly, allowing me to use the leftover keys for solo. I have tried it a bit just for fun, but getting 45 consistently is pretty difficult. I guess you will max out at ~47 with very good items and RNG, but it's a lot easier to just join a community (e.g. 'High Level Trials' on EU servers) and invite some people there. In the mid 40's you don't have to rely on RNG, but can get your desired key basically 100% of the time without much effort.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Could have been a better dmg roll on that Krider, but it's still not bad. I can't find that many differences in terms of efficiency between the two builds for anything unrelated to greater rifts, only solo keywarden farming is something where you would clearly prefer the frostfire build. In the end, it comes down to what you like most probably. In grifts, you should probably see pretty similar results if you can play the lightning build properly, with frostfire being more consistent in lower tiers.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Monk, Crus, DH, DH (2x lightning, but 1x cold is possible)
    Highest I got was 52, some guys in clan got 53 even.

    Video of a trial run: http://www.twitch.tv/wudijo/c/5328897

    Highest solo key I have seen was 46 using the lightning build, but I didn't really try that much.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Alright people, for those of you who were waiting for the Kridershot, here it is. I actually recorded this one three times (with the first one being the best, I cleared tier 40 in 9 min because of Wortham + conduit xD), and received some weird copyrights claims because of the music that was running (even though I was only using ingame sounds the second time). It's a pretty long video, but it has all the details for just about everything you would like to know about the Kridershot build, enjoy.

    Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/wudijo/c/5370192
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfgMngy5cLU&list=UU9dDy4kSyAl-iVSzKVq6tdQ

    Just for the record, I didn't really keep this thread up to date about my grift progress.

    Tier 47 solo (11 Oct 2014): http://www.twitch.tv/wudijo/c/5275743 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqkeEv7wZ0s

    Tier 48 solo (12 Oct 2014): http://www.twitch.tv/wudijo/c/5279781 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETBp67gUlYg

    Tier 49 solo (24 Oct 2014): No twitch link, sound got muted | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ux_8fKG1PI

    Tier 50 solo: Soon™.
    Currently farming that elusive Hellfire Amulet so that I won't have to rely on a lame pylon. Approaching ~200 Hellfires by now, still nothing useful. Unfortunately I am very busy in the upcoming weeks, so hopefully I can get a lucky draw on that amulet, I suppose tier 50 will fall shortly after =).
    Teaser (image): #1 http://puu.sh/crgXv/bb26ef7c10.jpg (16 Oct 2014)
    #2 http://puu.sh/crfVj/120be149bf.jpg | http://puu.sh/crfOI/45fbeee39d.jpg (21 Oct 2014)
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Hi everyone, even though this thread has been inactive for a while, I don't really want to create a new one just for this purpose.

    Many people have been asking me to create a video guide for the Helltrapper lightning build as well as the Kridershot lightning build, so recently I have done so. The guide includes the items, paragon, skills and a tier 45 solo run (no rift-fishing). Right now I can only upload the Helltrapper guide because of some weird copyrights claims by twitch, even though I consciously shut down all music save for ingame sounds; I have appealed their claim and hope this issue can be resolved soon. In the meantime:

    Twitch Link: http://www.twitch.tv/wudijo/c/5343481

    Youtube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehvaQpc-oIA
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Why Polar Station for Meticulous Bolts build?
    When using ambush, you have to take into account that the first 25% health drop faster than the last 75%. It's more like a 7.7% increase in dps. It's multiplicative though, so a pure dps increase.

    Math: http://puu.sh/cn0Sj/489a8ee262.png
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Haven't tried Uskang, but it will be nowhere near Helltrapper or Kridershot. As you already have ~40% (or 60% in case of a good amulet) lightning damage increase, adding another 20% won't do very much. Kridershot is a little behind the Helltrapper, and enables you to shoot permanently (including huge benefits from area damage and night stalker), Uskang can't compete with that in any way.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Quote from pweelin
    hi there wudijo , congrats on your great run , and thanks a lot for your guide , took sometime to muster out the gear to mimic your build , was wondering is it my gear or play style . I just can only barely bear gr 33 to 34 , I just took out preparation to bolas so I can regen hatred/ discipline and also maintain gogok as the ball lighting really takes sometime to travel , below is a link to my toon , hope u can appraise him!! thanks your very much all comments are welcom

    The build works fairly equal, no matter what tier you do. Once you get the gist of it, you should do fine at higher levels. Try to get a quiver with 32 or less travel speed (huge dps and discipline factor!), as well as a crit / chd amulet, cdr/resource shoulders and a lightning soj.

    @Seifa, thank you, it should be working now I hope
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Sorry Krigbur, I probably missed it as I'm generally replying to more than one comment at a time; someone was talking about pylons before. So your question was about why not using a generator, here's my opinion:
    I haven't really tried a generator, could be good, but I generally prefer not shooting so much. It will fit in a more "safer" playstyle where you try to stay back some more, but I'm just running around too much and I use quite some cdr to keep my CDs short, so that I can use Punishment like every 12sec.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Quote from Scorpion91

    Grats on rank1 EU for the rest of the season i guess. That said, the build wasn't new (people discussed it on US forums for ages now, before this).

    Also it's pretty obvious you're using TurboHUD (so no respect for that, before anyone says anything, his videos are recorded from twitch and as VocaloidNyan admitted it's an overlay so it won't show on stream but you can tell when someone is using it) + tons of 46-47 keys from your group trials and just fishing for lucky rifts.

    Hopefully things improve for the next season with less RNG, less trial crap since most of my friends stopped playing due to how frustrating this whole thing is.
    What makes you think so, if I may ask? I don't like cheating. I really despise that Turbo HUD comes with an included maphack, other than that I'd really love to use it a dps meter. However, I heard that it really eats on your performance as well, so there's no option to include it in a lightning build anyway. Also, which streamer would actually use it and stream, if you could be spotted by some attentive people pretty easily (as you will most likely reveal yourself to them at some point, by some kind of vocal reaction or gameplay).

    Edit: I'm fairly certain we will see 48 solo in every region without a pylon, at least.

    To the questions: Wreath of Lightning is good for the Kridershot T6 build, I pair it with BotP and BotT. I frequent the communities "Bounty Split Farm", "Torment 6 only" and "Uber bosses" fairly often.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Quote from Krigbur
    A stupid question - why don't you use a generator instead of Punishment? :)

    I'd like to note that I smell another SS nerf, like 2 years ago(SS + Nether Tentacles build).
    The nerfs will come, and they will hit hard :x Sorry about that.

    About the channeling: You should note that they provide next to no benefit in most situations, and in this special case probably even set me back (as I got too confident on the second one and died to lag). Obviously, you will need some kind of good rng (Ess of Johan is my lucky charm!), but remember it's the top world rankings we're talking about here^^
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on World Rank 1 - Solo DH Tier 45 (no pylons)
    Tier 46 Vid: http://www.twitch.tv/wudijo/c/5210212

    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqp9DU8ihfg

    Tier 47 Screen: http://i.imgur.com/QlJrG3p.jpg

    About the Paragon: AS>CC>CHD>CDR, you should have enough cdr anyway when using it on at least two items + Gogok. You'll still need to actually deal some damage.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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