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    posted a message on Today was ... strange
    hey, havent posted here in awhile. But ugh yea today we celebrated thanksgiving. Anyways the family was over here I was showing my cousin Crysis Warhead. And I start to get sick to my stomach, but I have those problems when I don't get enough sleep for some reason. Anyways as usual I start getting an upset stomach, take the pain like a man like usual and then is passes. But no this was diffrent somehow. I go to the bathroom, turn on the water, shut the door so nobody see's me squirm around with my upset stomach (yes I do squirm when I have an upset stomach its a natural reflex for me... -.-) anyways as soon as I close the door and lock it. BAM! I'm slowly opening my eyes and realizing im on the frackn floor of the bathroom. Just lieing there... So I get up not remembering anything .. so i'm thinking either I passed out or I'm dreaming. It took me a couple minutes to get the strength to stand up. I finally stand up and notice my pants is wet at the ugh stick ma jig place. I frackn pissed myself how in the hell did I piss myself? I haven't pissed myself since i was like 6. Anyways my hat for some reason is in the sink with the water running just getting soaked.

    I was so baffled at what happen probably cause I didnt remember anything. Anyways I've been having flashes all day (yes what you see on the movies is actually true, as I found out today) anyways even with these small lil tid bit flashes I cant figure out what really happened.

    Well just thought I would share that little story with you. = )
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on IT proffesional questions.
    So if my wife is psychologically instable I should just google it? I know how to use google I use it everyday. But there's just some things that you want told from other human beings.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on IT proffesional questions.
    Just wondering if there are any IT proffesionals in this forum that could help me with a few questions. I was thinking about becoming an IT proffesional. I was wondering what exactly do they do, I know they maintain networks / databases for businesses. But what is there actual role? What do they do on a daily basis? How much do they make annually on average, lowest, and even highest annual makings. Is it over the top to get a computer science degree or just go to a technical college? Reason why I'm asking is if a technical college is good enough to get into the field, because usually a technical college is about 2 years and a computer science degree will probably take 4 years. Not that I'm lazy it's just I don't see the need in getting a 4 year degree when I can get a 2 year degree. Thanks in advance! (I know that I said I was asking for people already in the field, but any input or help from anyone would be a big help for me).
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on College trouble
    I just started college in august (last month, duh). I had a placement test and I was placed in both basic english and basic math. I feel as though they misplaced me as I understand everything that is going on. Because I had learned the stuff they teach at a early age. Today I was in english class and I did not seem to be getting anything right the fact was I kept misunderstanding the teacher like for an example she would say underline a subject and the verb in the sentence. I would underline both and then next thing you know when we start going over then I'm starting to realize that she said to underline the verb, subject and prepositional phrase. This not only happened once this happened several times. And then since I did the exercise completly wrong. I'm bashing myself for not understanding simple directions so I go into this like trance of day dreaming, next thing you know were done and I didn't hear a single word she said.

    Then next class is over and I'm like okay "What did I learn today?". NOTHING! Can't follow directions, I day dream the whole time because I do everything wrong, and which = to not learning anything. Thank god the stuff shes going over is so simple and I already know it. I feel like I'm not getting a challenge. Like I'm not even suppose to be there. Plus the only reason why I went to that college is because theres no other financial options except to go to a junior college. I'm only 17 I can't even legally sign a contract, or anything related to making decisions on my own. Every thing I decide in life really just gets bashed, thrown away and then really I have no option but to go with what I did not want to do.

    I'm getting a little off subject though. I probably sound like I should get whatever I want and people should do what I want to do. Thats not the case these decisions that are being made effect my whole future. I spent months and months, even years planning out my future. And now my decisions are being made based on my age, my financial situation, and the ability to be independant. These are all unfair disadvantages. My whole point of writing all this non-sense is trying to pinpoint where my problem is maybe thats not easy as this is just giving a little information about the situation on a forum.

    Maybe I'm just writing this thread so I can write out my thoughts. It's helping though.
    This thread is actually pretty pointless. All I know is that I gotta stick this out, pass these two classes I'm taking and then get my license in december (since I already got my car pretty much paid for) by then these classes will be over. Call the college that I really wanted to go to (Full sail, in orlando florida) it's about a 6hr drive from here. And see what classes I need to take next semester for general studies and see if they can be transfered if they can't I'll see if they can transfer them to Devry another college I have in mind which is only 2 hours away. The only diffrence really is that Devry will take about 3 to almost 4 and full sail will take 1 year and half. Anyways by the time June comes which I will turn 18 I will have some of my general studies out of the way and then I can inevitabely go to one of these colleges. Life would be so much easyer if I lived near one of these colleges it would take a lot of pressure off.

    I don't know! I'm getting EMO! God not this dreadful experience again! Gawh. num num num num num...... Lol I'm talking out my @$$ now. Wasting your time! I don't care this is fun to get this off my chest. I mean really it's an internet forum board who cares? Who cares what I got to say? You know I contacted this proffesional astrolgy she sent me a reading. She said in the next 44 days I was going to receive this sum of money which was going to help me financially to help my goals. And that I was going to find the love of my life in the same period and that she wanted to help guide me in this one time chance period of time. Heres the catch though when I contacted her the whole time we spoke she didn't care to answer any of my concerns she was so concentrated on getting me to fill out this form and pay 60$ to get a full reading. She didn't care about me, she was just money hungry, hell 99.9% of the stuff she said she probably just pulled out of thin air.

    In fact I will send you what she sent me. Hold on... Here is the email she sent me

    "Hello Dakota,

    I have received the information you sent through! You went to my website on the 9 September 2008 and to be very honest with you, ever since then I have been in a state of great excitement. So let me tell you just why.

    With the personal details that you entrusted to me and sent to me I was able to finish your astrological reading and I felt I had to write to you straight away. Indeed I have just discovered that not only you were soon to live through an event of great astrological importance but also that you were going to blessed with a period of chance and opportunities.

    I have worked in my chosen professional field for a very long time now, I have been fortune enough to study astrological and psychic energies for many years now and it is rare that I feel such a powerful surge of emotion and knowledge when consulting an individual's details for the first time. I was surprised, excited and pleased when I felt this powerful connection with you Dakota. I only can explain it by the creation of a strong psychic bond between us and this bond has an enormous advantage for me as I am able to discern exactly what you are feeling at this time. This in-depth and sensitive information meant that I could then compare and contrast these very personal details to your particular astrological configuration.

    Which is exactly what I have done! What I am now going to tell you is very important and of course I have checked and double-checked everything before telling you. I don't ever want to offer false homes and my commitment to my work is so great that I am always careful and I make sure that all the details are correct before saying anything further.

    So here is what is is all about and I know that you have already sensed certain of these details for yourself already: a Transit period is on the way and you are perfectly positioned to get the very best out of the opportunities it is set to bring. In a very short time indeed you will find yourself in the glare of several powerful astrological influences. These influences will place you in a rare astrological Transit which will not occur again in your skies before a very long time. This is a period of 44 days during which a great number of opportunities are going to be offered to you. These opportunities are going to have a great impact on your life and here is what comes out of my analysis:

    During this period you can expect some very positive financial changes in your life. It seems that one very important opportunity will be made to you and this opportunity is linked to an unexpected sum of money. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows me that this sum of money should allow you to finish a project which you have been thinking about for a long time. 3 main points stand out clearly:

    - first of all, you must realize why this period is so important for you and this is simply because these 44 days are linked to a large sum of money
    - it seems that this sum of money will help you with your projects, ambitions and investments
    - at this stage of my analysis it is difficult to say exactly how you can get hold of this sum of money but it seems that it is linked to a notion of games or lottery. You will certainly gain this sum when you least expect it and this will also be a moment when your natural chance and good luck are boosted to their maximum. This does indicate a win through a game of some sort.

    This is going to be a very active time for you on many different levels but this is even more true for your love-life. You are going to be very surprised Dakota because you are going to have some great news which is set to have a lasting impact on your life.

    This is all about an encounter, or even a date, which will be just the beginning of a passionate relationship. You don't know this person yet but the encounter is certainly set to take place over this period of 44 days. You can't miss out on this encounter because this person could well be your soul-mate and by meeting this person you will reach a new and exciting turning point in your life.

    Dakota, I must insist on the fact that this Transit is going to have an enormous influence and a great importance in your life. I can't insist on this enough. This is really a very vital moment and it is going to be very descisive for your Future. You need to be ready to seize all of the opportunities which are going to be open to you during this period as it represents a real chance in your life. For this you need to have some complementary information (where, how, what, when, with who...). This is why I have put a page online especially for you, Dakota, where you can ask me to research this information.

    Just before you do go to this webpage Dakota, read on a little more because I want to explain exactly what I have felt about you and why this has had such a major impact on my work and my analysis of you.

    You probably are wondering at this point how I can be so passionate about your particular case. Well let me explain a little more about what I felt about you when we first entered into contact and how this has allowed me to know you even better, Dakota.

    You are currently going through a very interesting period in your life and many very interesting things are soon to occur. You are someone who loves challenges and what I feel strongly about you is a great desire to affirm your personality (I am going to stop and add a comment in brackets here: an image has just struck me....I am seeing a person in a uniform. Yes a clear and distinct uniform. What is this uniform connection?). Let's get back to you. As far as your personality is concerned you are a person with fresh and innovative ideas and are not willing to settle for what others tell you. You have to see things for yourself and if you don't like what you see, you will change it. I can also see that quite recently you have been energized by thoughts of exciting change, but have not acted due to fear. you are terrified of failing and making the wrong choice. Don't worry about this, I am here to help you make the right choice.

    You are aware that you have been given certain talents... very special talents, unique only to you and while you have known of these abilities you haven't yet fully acted on them up to now. As a matter of fact I can quite clearly see that you have a great deal of latent or unrealized potential but you are sometimes frustrated with the fact that others don't always recognize this. I feel that you have a complex and rich personality and that you often have difficulties showing all the different facettes of this personality to the people around you. This has often caused problems in your relationships, particularly as far as your love life is concerned. At the moment you ask yourself a great deal of questions about your personal life,whether that be about your professional future or more particularly about your love life or even your financial life. You want to make good choices in all of these areas of your life, to be in just the right place at the right time to seize these valuable opportunities and above all not to let them pass you by because you are impatient that things evolve quickly. This is exactly what is going to happen during the period of this Transit and I am going to help you make just the right choices.

    So now you see just how much I have sensed about your from our initial contact. Lets get back to this period Dakota as I should warn you about one particular point. If you do not act in a very decisive manner concerning this period then it is extremely likely that all of these important opportunities will simply pass you by. I must remind you that this Transit is a very rare event which will not come around again for a very long time to come and it will allow you to transform your life with a unexpected gain of money make an encounter which could change your life forever in relation to your love life.

    This particular element is very clear in your configuration and to achieve this it is important that you find yourself in the right place and at the right time to take the right decisions and this is what I want to help you to do.

    I also need to warn you about something which I have already seen with certain other people who simply wait for events to occur. Please pay attention to what I am now going to tell you because this is an important part of my work for you.

    I know, through my years of experience, that people who know that such a Transit will soon occur yet who sit by and do nothing about it (probably because they think that they can guess which actions are needed and when), almost always miss out on the full impact of the period. A professional astrologer can read your Skies correctly to bring you the informations you truly need concerning your Transit of 44 days and then you Dakota can act in EXACTLY the right way to get the very best out of it's chances and opportunities.

    Dakota, I don't want to be too serious however I have chosen to warn you in this way because the stakes concerning this period are too high. You need a professional to help you through this vitally important time in your life. This is pure and simple fact. This Transit is too significant and too important not to try and get all chances over on your side.

    I must mention though that I am not the only professional who could help you. You may of course consult with someone a little closer to your home or with an astrologer you are already familiar with. You are of course free to make this choice, you are the Master of your own Destiny and you must follow your heart. This person should be able to help you in exactly the same manner as I would be able to.

    Of course I want you to know that as far as I am concerned I am also 100% ready to help you Dakota. I so much important and exciting information to share with you and I can give you full details on the following points:

    I will determine for you all of the information which you will need concerning the financial developments which you can expect during this Transit and how this sum of money will change your life. I will tell you:

    - why this period is more important than any other period
    - what financial changes you can really expect
    - how this sum of money will come to you
    - how you can grab hold and keep it
    - and I will also give you a lot of other information which will help you to get all the chance over on your side so that you can make the most of this valuable opportunity

    I will also let you know what will be the impact of this transit on your love life:

    - why this period will be so important for you as far as your love-life is concerned
    - when this encounter will take place
    - where you will meet
    - how the date will take place
    - how you can recognise the right person
    - how you can seduce this individual and start building something good together
    - what this person will be like
    - if this is really the love of your life
    - what kind of future you can expect together

    So here is the web page again where you can request my help, Dakota. As soon as I receive your confirmation that you want me to work on your reading I can get straight to work on your complete analysis. On this same page I have also given you a link to some testimonials from other customers that I have also helped through my clairvoyance and astrology.

    Here is the link: Insert link here!

    Have a great day, I really am excited that you are now so close to reaching that important moment in your life.

    Your friend and astrologer,

    Anyways I'm just gonna sign off for now. Later!
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Are there any sims with multiplayer?
    Thanks for the help!
    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Are there any sims with multiplayer?
    I started playing spore and realized just how ingenious the sims games were I haven't played the series in a very long time and I was just wondering since every game now has multiplayer on it I was wondering if theres any sims games out there with multiplayer?

    It would be cool to know that my neighbors are real people. = )
    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Cheating in video games.
    We all know hacking or "cheating" in games is unfair, ruins the experience for others, and even maybe very rarely sometimes can break a game. Now when a cheater comes into a server everyone labels them as scum bags of society, noobs, or whatever. But the thing is though not one person in this community, or any community, or hell any person on the planet. If they knew 100% that they would not get caught they would use cheats to have the upper advantage to give them a more relaxing and pleasurable time. It's just like SP cheats we all use them one time or another because there is no consequences and nothing to lose. There is only something to gain out of it,... "fun". It's like robbing a bank, if there were no consequences to robbing a bank, everyone would do it. Because they would gain the advantage, a well more pleasurable experience in life, no money problems..... So when you see a cheater how can you label him/her. When in fact the only diffrence between a cheater and a fair player or even a bank robber and someone who does not rob banks, is simple. The cheaters are the ones that take chances and the fair players dont take chances.

    Simply put.

    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Knowing Movie Trailer - ZOMFG!

    I am soo gonna watch that movie. It looks so epic!!! Okay im done. /Discuss
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Where is God in the Diablo Universe
    Yah know, I use to be a christian probably because my mother has been her whole life and it kinda just came to me going to church all the time, it was like Santa I had no doubt in my mind that he existed but now I'm the opposite I'm the guy laughing in the background about my mom's secret santa if yah know what i mean (I'll give a hint: God). It's like looking at a kid that believes in Santa they can't help it they were in a sense, "taught" that Santa existed and it's kinda sad for me to look at when you know one day they're gonna find out the truth. And then...

    They won't believe you. You've hammered that Santa existed for so long and it's all they've heard growing up. That it must be a lie! Maybe not as far as a lie but you catch my drift. As a "former" christian I hate to compare the two but God is that Santa as you were a child. But God, god has a much more power. It's simple. The ability to listen, no matter what it is, when it is, or where it is, he has the ability to listen to you. And that in itself is truly a God.

    Humans want someone to blame, Gods there.
    Humans want someone to care, Gods there.
    Humans want acknowledgment for there doings, Gods there.

    Damn he pretty much fills any need you.... well...need. That you would never be able to get otherwise. This is something that is impossible to take away from a human being. It's not something that you can just say "God doesnt exist! What are you smoking?"

    And everyday I look at a christian, it's just the same way I look at a kid when he believes in santa.

    But anyways you probably didn't understand a fucking word I just said. Lol....
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Flagship Studios Closing
    Meh, didn't like the company anyways. Always trying to copy Diablo... Why couldn't they just come up with there own game ideas? Lazy? Quick buck? Well I bet they learned there lesson. Diablo 3 developement started before Hellgate: London ever existed. Yet hellgate:london was released a year ago. And Diablo 3 is still in developement. You can tell just by that they didnt put any thought into it. They just took abunch of Diablo stuff and tried to rehash it. Put it together and threw it out there.

    Mythos is the same way but a lil more closer to the Diablo world and well even a lil funner. But yet again same thing as hellgate:london.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Was Umaro prepared?
    I find myself going to diabloii.net on a daily basis first before coming here now. (Use to not go there at all, always just diablo3.com erm I mean diablofans.com now) Why? Because they always seem to be on top of Diablo 3 news related stuff and a lot of content in the news they do put up. It also almost seems like MD is doing all the work here lately. I feel as if it werent for him we would have nothing on the main page. While MD has been on top of things for the past few days. Are there any plans to step up the game?

    I mean will I still continue to go to diabloii.net just to get news updates until and even after diablo 3 comes out?

    Doesn't seem Umaro was prepared and even seems to be not doing anything to do about it. I haven't even seen Umaro once since the announcement? Have you?

    Such a great community here and lots of potential. If we want to see this community grow were gonna need to step up the ball game.

    Thoughts? Or am I just going ape sh!t?
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on My zodiac sign.
    I'm interested in seeing Equinox sign too. *giggles*
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on My zodiac sign.
    I've always been interested in fortune telling. I finallly decided to see what my sign was, it seems it's Gemini. As I was [THREAD LINK="http://www.psychicguild.com/horoscopes_zodiac.php?sign=Gemini"]reading[/THREAD LINK] my sign it was actually strange. It seemed to be really accurate. Well atleast more accurate then anybody has ever described me. It's kinda freaky to be honest. lol...

    Anyways just interested to see what your guys sign is for the zodiac thingy. You can find what it is here http://www.psychicguild.com/horoscopes_explained.php and how accurate it was to you.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on What do you do?
    Quote from "Equinox" »
    I'm a high schooler, gamer, and forum reader. I don't really do anything useful.

    Lol starting to sound like me.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Girl that will change the internet forever?
    Yea I stopped reading here ""Josh Evans" did not exist. The boy the Meiers felt was largely responsible for what happened to Megan was an invention. He was created by a woman in their neighborhood. A woman on their street. A woman named Lori Drew."

    Thats just fucking sick, disturbing, and wrong on so many levels at the same time. That women should get ran over, die, and burn in hell for eternity.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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