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Name Type Class Effects
DaybreakLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderConsecration now protects you and nearby party members, decreasing damage taken by 15%.
Hard CensureLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderCondemn now calls down a thunderbolt from the heavens to a targeted location, dealing continuous damage.
Springback ChainLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderSpinning Shield damage increased by 10%.
Feathermail CoatLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderJudgment damage increased by 10%.
Fortress HermeticLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderConsecration radius increased by 20%.
BesiegerLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderDraw and Quarter periodically calls down a bombardment for 109 damage to nearby enemies.
Hungerfire ChitonLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderShield Charge also unleashes a shock wave at its destination, dealing 161 damage to all nearby enemies.
Iron SuzerainLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderCondemn now continuously drags enemies toward you.
Justice Without FavorLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderConjuration of Light surrounds you and your allies with holy fire that continually damages all nearby enemies, but no longer prevents damage.
Inhumed PlateLegendary Chest ArmorCrusaderConjuration of Light lasts longer and protects you and your allies within an area.