The only thing I noticed was the Fallen coming in the tavern and the door being shut. Shatterer had now made it clear that the door is shut. The biggest thing with these RPs is trying to allow the reader to understand your timeline. How I see the lastest events are:
We arrived at the town, some of us went to the bar, we had drinks, Fallen envaded, we all started to kill everything, (unknown... yet) has made their entrance, stopping time.
The hardest thing to understand is when people just put a reply to a post right above their's. When I haven't posted in a while I typically like to at least recap previous things that have happened. Also, I'll use thoughts rather than dialouge because if you use dialouge it seems like you were ignored :P. In my lastest post I recaped walking into the bar, since we have moved into fighting off the Fallen.
I don't know if that really helps you at all, but none the less there's some tips. Anyway, you can always ask us in this thread if you need help understanding something and I would expect everyone would be happy to help.
When he got up he saw Seddrik and Borin entering(<--here you enter) by the door, and saw the man of the swamp sending a zombie to defend the entrance... suddenly, a hand grabbed his ankle, turned quickly and saw a demon without legs still trying to attack, Vaker raised his hand and casted a fire bolt at the head, leaving only a trail of ashes ...
He approached the group, "Sometimes i think that healing is more painful than actually getting hurt..." Seddrik said, "I don't mind to much pain" he said to Sedrikk smiling, as he pointed to his still bleeding chest.(<-- here i ask you for some help :P)
@Junction: yeah it helped... thanks
The hardest thing to understand is when people just put a reply to a post right above their's
that is the part that keeps confusing me but is all good now xD
So I guess Azriel is joining the group up rather than at the very beginning. I figured from the character sheet that he was going to be at the beginning. Not that it really matters because I think that it played out well this way.
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We arrived at the town, some of us went to the bar, we had drinks, Fallen envaded, we all started to kill everything, (unknown... yet) has made their entrance, stopping time.
The hardest thing to understand is when people just put a reply to a post right above their's. When I haven't posted in a while I typically like to at least recap previous things that have happened. Also, I'll use thoughts rather than dialouge because if you use dialouge it seems like you were ignored :P. In my lastest post I recaped walking into the bar, since we have moved into fighting off the Fallen.
I don't know if that really helps you at all, but none the less there's some tips. Anyway, you can always ask us in this thread if you need help understanding something and I would expect everyone would be happy to help.
And the thing that REALLY confuses me is when you write out a post, but somebody posts while you are writing...
@Junction: yeah it helped... thanks
that is the part that keeps confusing me
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
So if you've lost track of the posts and such, now is the time to join back in.
Yeah, christmas will indeed be slow, but I'll post a small one now.
Sunday I'll post a bigger one, if there is enough material for me to do so.
Edit: Ok, that post I made today was a bit longer than I had expected.
Join the chat!
i'll be posting later today...
Jeru, it must have been cosy with candlelight around Christmas time. Happy catching up!
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