It was a full moon that lighted their path as they hurried to the Tower. Twelve figures, all with hooded robes, were walking with a sense of haste. The last two were carrying a bound and gagged woman who was late into her pregnancy. As they made their way closer to their goal the woods silenced in their presence, they could sense the evil.
"How much more time do we have" The robed figure in front said, her voice sounding like poisoned honey.
"Her contractions are five minutes apart" answered one of the men carrying the woman, "we have enough time."
"Perfect" whispered the woman as the Tower came into view.
The Tower was imposing, even if it was almost a ruin. Eight stories high with just two exits, the padlocked door at its base and the barred window at the top. The tower also had a certain power on those in its vicinity. In the towers area you could feel its previous owners rage, despair, and want of freedom. Candle would be blown out without wind and batteries would be drained. But the robed ones could see every blade of grass as if the sun was in the middle of the sky with the light of the moon.
As they neared the doors they showed no surprise as the padlock fell to the ground, unlocked without the key.
They climbed up the eight stories, silent except for the moans of the woman in labor. The stairs ended in a single room containing nothing but a woman's corpse. As the group entered the room the bound woman tried to break her bond and scream a name when she saw the corpse but was knocked unconscious with a syringe into her jugular. As was planned, her body was placed next to the corpse as the moonlight fell onto both of them. The twelve then pulled down their hoods and stood in a circle around the two women as the leader of the group started her speech.
"Four hundred years we have waited for this night. This night four hundred years ago our Countess said with her dieing breath that she would someday return. Today is that day. As the prophesy states, the first son of the Bathory clan will be born tonight. We will give his blood to the Countess and she will live again!" declared the woman, "Get the child." As one of the hooded ones pulled out a ceremonial dagger the mother worked the gag of and yelled out.
As her stomach was spilled open she fell silent.
"Hurry! The guards will have heard her scream!" The woman said with fear in her eyes.
The child covered with blood was handed to her. As she touched him, the child started crying loudly, almost drowning out the footsteps of the Tower guard running up the stairs with superhuman speed.
"GIVE ME THE KNIFE! NOW!" the woman yelled over the babies shriek, “TAKE THIS SACRIFICE, MY QUEEN! AND RETURN TO YOUR GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The knife swung toward the child's neck as a bullet blasted into the robed leader's skull, killing her instantly and making her drop the child. As one of the soldiers grabbed the child and comforted him, the rest shot the remaining robed ones with a single bullet between the eyes for each of them.
As the last one slumped to the ground, the child's mother, forgotten in the mayhem, called to the soldier holding her child.
With a small breath she whispered to the soldier
"Take care of my little Zubin."
As she closed her eyes with peace, sixteen year old Zubin woke in a cold sweat.
7. I'm in search of different resources which make me more powerful. The power of my Darklaw can combine different items to it, as to increase its power. Other than it, My Legion goal is :
We shall fight till death, either of the enemy's or ours, we do not fear death but we fear our defeat. We will keep away all foes who try to enter and infect SICK. - Zubin
Other than that, i'm still in search of the evil who demolished my fathers body. The evil was not powerful enough to destroy his soul and thats the reason he still resides on the Throne of Dark valour.
I am here to maintain the order of the damned souls under Lord Jay.
''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
4. Rapier of Frost, throwing stars/shuriken, 2 daggers that are both poisoned,
5. Appearance:
6. Somewhere in Japan, a baby lays in a crib, and a women sits rocking the crib back and forth. The moon light shines through a window illuminating the room. Motorcycles can be heard coming down a dirt road. The woman peers out the window to see several cloaked men riding down the road towards the house.
The men stop and dismount their bikes. They draw swords and begin to chop brush and leaves from the bushes. One takes out torches and passes one to each man. The men tie the brush to the tops of the torches and light them.
The woman watches as a look of peril comes upon her face. She quickly grabs the child out of the crib and runs from the bed room, down a hallway, and down a set of steps. She hears torches crash through windows and them thud onto the wooden floor. She tries to run down another hallway but trips on a table, dropping the child, who begins to cry.
The men start to mount their bikes and ride away but hear the child's cries. They turn their bikes back and move closer to the now burning house.
The woman now brings herself to her feet, and hobbles to the child, scooping him up. She walks to the door in front of her, the air now ladened with smoke from the fire. She opens the door to find a cloaked man standing in front of her. The man takes out a blade and stabs her through the heart. She drops the baby to the floor. The man then moves to kill the baby but police sirens begin the wail. The man turns around and looks to see several police cars and fire trucks pull in. The police draw weapons and aim at the man. He puts his hands up and drops a tiny ball to his feet. The ball explodes, dispersing smoke. When the smoke disipates, the man is nowhere to be found.
The firemen begin to spray the house with water, attempting to put out the fire. Meanwhile other firemen enter the house to find the mother and child on the ground in front of the door. One fireman goes to pick up the child but the mother lays her hand on the fireman's arm.
The mother leans over to her child, barely alive. She kisses the child on the cheek and dies.
One week later the child is placed into an orphanage. His name, Oshida Yakanuba. He attempts to run away from the orphanage 15 times in the next 8 years. It is that 15th time that he successfully escapes.
For the next 7 years, he trained his body in martial arts, acrobatics, and sword mastery. It is at the age of 18 that he hired by an elite group of assassins known as the Eagle Templar.
Now, at the age of 22 he has discovered his mother's killers and aims to erase them from the world.
7. Personal goals, to become the greatest assassin in the world, and avenge my mother's death.
Occupational Goals: finish the "job"
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"I'm like a dog chasing cars." - Joker, Dark Knight
4.bone dagger and spells. wears a black cloak to concile himself.
6. born in the jungles of kehjistan. mother-follower of rathma. father-priest of rathma. I, am a follower of rathma. searchs the world of santuary to keep the balance in order. i am a loner who doesnt care what people think of me. i do not fear death, i only embrace it. studiing the past events and history of the necromancers. help the guild of SICK by keeping the balance in order.
Atrumentis, being the anti-patriot as he is, doesn't belong to any one piece of land or territory. Instead, he prefers to drift around to places, exploring the world, discovering new things, and providing aid where it is needed. He especially loves autumn forests.
Originally born on the outskirts of Entsteig and growing up in the town of Deeha'Blothri, Atrumentis moved to the East to secretly study with both the Priests of Rathma and the Druids of Scosglen. How exactly he managed to do it he does not say, but since then he has formed his own order called the Morsarbor, which combines the skills of both Necromancy and Caoi Dulra. Using this combination, he is able to summon dead bits of flora in the form of Tree Minions, manipulate nature so as to form Death Omens, and there always seems to be a deathly calm in the air around him.
Atrumentis has accomplished the feat of actually binding a Spirit Raven to him. The Raven doesn't seem to mind, however, as it appears to be quite affectionate.
CLASS: Morsarbor - of growth and decay
Name of magic discipline: Mors Dulra (the death version of the Druid’s Caoi Dulra)
When the Three roamed Sanctuary, many clans and orders came to seek them out and banish the evils from this world. Upon doing so, the Priests of Rathma and the Druids came into contact with each other where they normally wouldn’t have. In conversation and seeing each other’s skills in combat, some Druids and Rathmians came to realise that their two different clans and way of life is not so different after all. It was discovered that in fact both Rathmians and Druids serve the Great Cycle of Being, but on opposite sides. The Necromancers have long served the Great Cycle of Being under the teachings of Rathma and Trag’Oul, but they have always focused on the Afterlife side of it. Through extra research, the Druids found that the theory of this ‘Great Cycle of Being’ actually fits in with their own teachings.
Although sharing knowledge for both clans is strictly forbidden, some were still very interested in each other, feeling that the two clans are almost cousins (where as the Druids and Barbarians are more like brothers). Some Druids and Necromancers left their clans to share knowledge with each other, feeling that the best way to protect the Great Cycle is to have full knowledge of it, not just half-knowledge as they previously had. Although such an act is forbidden, neither of the Elders for either side enforced any punishments. This new combination of Druids and Necromancers came to call themselves the Morsarbor, meaning “Growth and Decay”.
Ones with great knowledge, the Morsarbors retain their training from both sides of the Great Cycle of Being, combining their skills to create new ones.
Tree Minion (pictured) [Druid Vine + Necro Resurrect]
Combining the Necromancers knowledge of golems with the nature power of the Druids, the Morsarbor are able to summon dead tree branches and roots from the ground as minions.
Raven Spirit (pictured) [Druid Raven + Necro Weaken]
Sometimes considered an Omen of Death, the raven’s presence weakens the monsters in the area, making them prone to passing into the afterlife.
Black Dog [Druid Wolf + Necro Terror]
Another combination of the Necromancer's Curses and Spirits of Nature, the Morsarbor form what some cultures would call a 'Death Omen' in the form of a Black Dog which forebodes the death of his enemies. The Black Dogs act like Dire Wolves, but have an aura about them that causes enemies to flee in terror.
[Druid Wind + Necro Iron Golem]
A spell that usually associated with traditional magic, the Morsarbor’s version of Telekinesis is actually a combination of the art of Wind manipulation from the Druids and the life-sparking knowledge of the Necromancers. This combination allows the Morsarbor to remotely pick up any object, activate any switch or move any monster around the battlefield at will; much more effective than the Mage’s version of Telekinesis.
Chill of Death
[Druid Wind + Necro Terror]
The Morsarbor call upon the ghostly winds to chill and frighten his foes.
Wind Blast [Druid Wind + Necro Teeth]
Using the raw power of the winds and applying the wide-spread nature of the Den'Trang, the Morsarbor knocks back a group of enemies in front of him, damaging them.
[Druid Vine + Necro Bone Wall]
Similar to Bone Wall, the Arborwall summons roots and vines instead of bone. The improvement is that this tree wall can’t break as easily and is able to fight back at opponents that get too close or try and break through.
Comet Omen [Druid Armageddon + Necro Lower Resist]
In some cultures comets are seen as bad omens. The Morsarbor combines the Druid's Armageddon spell with the Necromancer's Lower Resist curse to form a comet in the sky that acts as an omen, lowering the resistance of enemies within a large radius.
Poison Ivy
[Druid Vine + Necro Poison]
The Morsarbor applies his knowledge with poisons to add poison damage to all of his tree or vine-related skills.
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2. Pilus Prior
3. LoTD
4. The Slayer Darklaw, [Guardian Darklaw]
6. Order of Blood - Zubin's Fate
It was a full moon that lighted their path as they hurried to the Tower. Twelve figures, all with hooded robes, were walking with a sense of haste. The last two were carrying a bound and gagged woman who was late into her pregnancy. As they made their way closer to their goal the woods silenced in their presence, they could sense the evil.
"How much more time do we have" The robed figure in front said, her voice sounding like poisoned honey.
"Her contractions are five minutes apart" answered one of the men carrying the woman, "we have enough time."
"Perfect" whispered the woman as the Tower came into view.
The Tower was imposing, even if it was almost a ruin. Eight stories high with just two exits, the padlocked door at its base and the barred window at the top. The tower also had a certain power on those in its vicinity. In the towers area you could feel its previous owners rage, despair, and want of freedom. Candle would be blown out without wind and batteries would be drained. But the robed ones could see every blade of grass as if the sun was in the middle of the sky with the light of the moon.
As they neared the doors they showed no surprise as the padlock fell to the ground, unlocked without the key.
They climbed up the eight stories, silent except for the moans of the woman in labor. The stairs ended in a single room containing nothing but a woman's corpse. As the group entered the room the bound woman tried to break her bond and scream a name when she saw the corpse but was knocked unconscious with a syringe into her jugular. As was planned, her body was placed next to the corpse as the moonlight fell onto both of them. The twelve then pulled down their hoods and stood in a circle around the two women as the leader of the group started her speech.
"Four hundred years we have waited for this night. This night four hundred years ago our Countess said with her dieing breath that she would someday return. Today is that day. As the prophesy states, the first son of the Bathory clan will be born tonight. We will give his blood to the Countess and she will live again!" declared the woman, "Get the child." As one of the hooded ones pulled out a ceremonial dagger the mother worked the gag of and yelled out.
As her stomach was spilled open she fell silent.
"Hurry! The guards will have heard her scream!" The woman said with fear in her eyes.
The child covered with blood was handed to her. As she touched him, the child started crying loudly, almost drowning out the footsteps of the Tower guard running up the stairs with superhuman speed.
"GIVE ME THE KNIFE! NOW!" the woman yelled over the babies shriek, “TAKE THIS SACRIFICE, MY QUEEN! AND RETURN TO YOUR GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The knife swung toward the child's neck as a bullet blasted into the robed leader's skull, killing her instantly and making her drop the child. As one of the soldiers grabbed the child and comforted him, the rest shot the remaining robed ones with a single bullet between the eyes for each of them.
As the last one slumped to the ground, the child's mother, forgotten in the mayhem, called to the soldier holding her child.
With a small breath she whispered to the soldier
"Take care of my little Zubin."
As she closed her eyes with peace, sixteen year old Zubin woke in a cold sweat.
7. I'm in search of different resources which make me more powerful. The power of my Darklaw can combine different items to it, as to increase its power. Other than it, My Legion goal is :
We shall fight till death, either of the enemy's or ours, we do not fear death but we fear our defeat. We will keep away all foes who try to enter and infect SICK. - Zubin
Other than that, i'm still in search of the evil who demolished my fathers body. The evil was not powerful enough to destroy his soul and thats the reason he still resides on the Throne of Dark valour.
I am here to maintain the order of the damned souls under Lord Jay.
8. Skills - Mixing - Drinks, potions etc etc. (poisons too)
Tranformation not to be included.
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
2. Decurion
3. Legion of the Damned
4. Rapier of Frost, throwing stars/shuriken, 2 daggers that are both poisoned,
5. Appearance:
6. Somewhere in Japan, a baby lays in a crib, and a women sits rocking the crib back and forth. The moon light shines through a window illuminating the room. Motorcycles can be heard coming down a dirt road. The woman peers out the window to see several cloaked men riding down the road towards the house.
The men stop and dismount their bikes. They draw swords and begin to chop brush and leaves from the bushes. One takes out torches and passes one to each man. The men tie the brush to the tops of the torches and light them.
The woman watches as a look of peril comes upon her face. She quickly grabs the child out of the crib and runs from the bed room, down a hallway, and down a set of steps. She hears torches crash through windows and them thud onto the wooden floor. She tries to run down another hallway but trips on a table, dropping the child, who begins to cry.
The men start to mount their bikes and ride away but hear the child's cries. They turn their bikes back and move closer to the now burning house.
The woman now brings herself to her feet, and hobbles to the child, scooping him up. She walks to the door in front of her, the air now ladened with smoke from the fire. She opens the door to find a cloaked man standing in front of her. The man takes out a blade and stabs her through the heart. She drops the baby to the floor. The man then moves to kill the baby but police sirens begin the wail. The man turns around and looks to see several police cars and fire trucks pull in. The police draw weapons and aim at the man. He puts his hands up and drops a tiny ball to his feet. The ball explodes, dispersing smoke. When the smoke disipates, the man is nowhere to be found.
The firemen begin to spray the house with water, attempting to put out the fire. Meanwhile other firemen enter the house to find the mother and child on the ground in front of the door. One fireman goes to pick up the child but the mother lays her hand on the fireman's arm.
The mother leans over to her child, barely alive. She kisses the child on the cheek and dies.
One week later the child is placed into an orphanage. His name, Oshida Yakanuba. He attempts to run away from the orphanage 15 times in the next 8 years. It is that 15th time that he successfully escapes.
For the next 7 years, he trained his body in martial arts, acrobatics, and sword mastery. It is at the age of 18 that he hired by an elite group of assassins known as the Eagle Templar.
Now, at the age of 22 he has discovered his mother's killers and aims to erase them from the world.
7. Personal goals, to become the greatest assassin in the world, and avenge my mother's death.
Occupational Goals: finish the "job"
4.bone dagger and spells. wears a black cloak to concile himself.
6. born in the jungles of kehjistan. mother-follower of rathma. father-priest of rathma. I, am a follower of rathma. searchs the world of santuary to keep the balance in order. i am a loner who doesnt care what people think of me. i do not fear death, i only embrace it. studiing the past events and history of the necromancers. help the guild of SICK by keeping the balance in order.
Founder of the Morsarbor Order.
Atrumentis, being the anti-patriot as he is, doesn't belong to any one piece of land or territory. Instead, he prefers to drift around to places, exploring the world, discovering new things, and providing aid where it is needed. He especially loves autumn forests.
Originally born on the outskirts of Entsteig and growing up in the town of Deeha'Blothri, Atrumentis moved to the East to secretly study with both the Priests of Rathma and the Druids of Scosglen. How exactly he managed to do it he does not say, but since then he has formed his own order called the Morsarbor, which combines the skills of both Necromancy and Caoi Dulra. Using this combination, he is able to summon dead bits of flora in the form of Tree Minions, manipulate nature so as to form Death Omens, and there always seems to be a deathly calm in the air around him.
Atrumentis has accomplished the feat of actually binding a Spirit Raven to him. The Raven doesn't seem to mind, however, as it appears to be quite affectionate.
CLASS: Morsarbor - of growth and decay
Name of magic discipline: Mors Dulra (the death version of the Druid’s Caoi Dulra)
When the Three roamed Sanctuary, many clans and orders came to seek them out and banish the evils from this world. Upon doing so, the Priests of Rathma and the Druids came into contact with each other where they normally wouldn’t have. In conversation and seeing each other’s skills in combat, some Druids and Rathmians came to realise that their two different clans and way of life is not so different after all. It was discovered that in fact both Rathmians and Druids serve the Great Cycle of Being, but on opposite sides. The Necromancers have long served the Great Cycle of Being under the teachings of Rathma and Trag’Oul, but they have always focused on the Afterlife side of it. Through extra research, the Druids found that the theory of this ‘Great Cycle of Being’ actually fits in with their own teachings.
Although sharing knowledge for both clans is strictly forbidden, some were still very interested in each other, feeling that the two clans are almost cousins (where as the Druids and Barbarians are more like brothers). Some Druids and Necromancers left their clans to share knowledge with each other, feeling that the best way to protect the Great Cycle is to have full knowledge of it, not just half-knowledge as they previously had. Although such an act is forbidden, neither of the Elders for either side enforced any punishments. This new combination of Druids and Necromancers came to call themselves the Morsarbor, meaning “Growth and Decay”.
Ones with great knowledge, the Morsarbors retain their training from both sides of the Great Cycle of Being, combining their skills to create new ones.
Tree Minion (pictured)
[Druid Vine + Necro Resurrect]
Combining the Necromancers knowledge of golems with the nature power of the Druids, the Morsarbor are able to summon dead tree branches and roots from the ground as minions.
Raven Spirit (pictured)
[Druid Raven + Necro Weaken]
Sometimes considered an Omen of Death, the raven’s presence weakens the monsters in the area, making them prone to passing into the afterlife.
Black Dog
[Druid Wolf + Necro Terror]
Another combination of the Necromancer's Curses and Spirits of Nature, the Morsarbor form what some cultures would call a 'Death Omen' in the form of a Black Dog which forebodes the death of his enemies. The Black Dogs act like Dire Wolves, but have an aura about them that causes enemies to flee in terror.
[Druid Wind + Necro Iron Golem]
A spell that usually associated with traditional magic, the Morsarbor’s version of Telekinesis is actually a combination of the art of Wind manipulation from the Druids and the life-sparking knowledge of the Necromancers. This combination allows the Morsarbor to remotely pick up any object, activate any switch or move any monster around the battlefield at will; much more effective than the Mage’s version of Telekinesis.
Chill of Death
[Druid Wind + Necro Terror]
The Morsarbor call upon the ghostly winds to chill and frighten his foes.
Wind Blast
[Druid Wind + Necro Teeth]
Using the raw power of the winds and applying the wide-spread nature of the Den'Trang, the Morsarbor knocks back a group of enemies in front of him, damaging them.
[Druid Vine + Necro Bone Wall]
Similar to Bone Wall, the Arborwall summons roots and vines instead of bone. The improvement is that this tree wall can’t break as easily and is able to fight back at opponents that get too close or try and break through.
Comet Omen
[Druid Armageddon + Necro Lower Resist]
In some cultures comets are seen as bad omens. The Morsarbor combines the Druid's Armageddon spell with the Necromancer's Lower Resist curse to form a comet in the sky that acts as an omen, lowering the resistance of enemies within a large radius.
Poison Ivy
[Druid Vine + Necro Poison]
The Morsarbor applies his knowledge with poisons to add poison damage to all of his tree or vine-related skills.