It seems to me that when I change nerves of steals and impunity me effective health (physical) rises from 463.511 to 474.708
Currently there is no way to compare options against other options, if this is something people would like it could be implemented in a future version, but id like to know if its something people want before adding it in, more things isn't always better.
The change in value you saw is due to one calculation with the buff of an item comparison compared to another calculation without the buff of the same item comparison. The change amount was probably greater without your buff on because you had a lower base effective health without your buff on and it was easier to increase by a higher value. As far as i have noticed in this game the percentages are fairly constant between comparisons but changing your base value will change the absolute value number. (I hope that was clear)
Edit: You also mention it happened with nerves of steel which only affects vitality and impunity which only affects resists, so this could also account for the discrepancy depending on how much vitality / resistances you were comparing while changing the options.
Still learning how to use this table and had a few questions that would help a noob like me out. What is the purpose of having a "Current Equipped Item" column to compare with "Possible Switch"? Since we already have a spot for the "Current" item stats in the blue input column, isn't this a bit redundant to have "Current Equipped Item" as well? If there is a clear use for this can you please explain for a me, thanks.
Also the Current Equipped Item column for Weapon 1 is now whited out, isn't it supposed to be yellow?
The current equipped item column is for comparing 1 item to a possible switch item, or combinations, example sword and shield to two one handers or a 2 hander. Basically the current equipped column is what you will be unequipping when you equip your possible switch item.
The current equipped for item 1 is whited out, because if you are replacing your main hand weapon it autimatically assumes that you are unequipping your main hand weapon.
Thanks for the clarification on that, but now why isn't Weapon 2's "Current Item Equipped" not whited out, or even rings and amulets? Since they two would be assumed to be unequipped for a new possible item.
Because rings, amulets and offhands there is no guaranteed way to replace them based on column G. If you have a dps ring and replace it with a stat ring the column G comparison wont have dps in it, so a white out would miss this change, the same if you replaced an offhand weapon with a shield or source, or if you replaced your main hand with a two hander, you would have to have a way to show that you are unequipping both weapons.
Because rings, amulets and offhands there is no guaranteed way to replace them based on column G. If you have a dps ring and replace it with a stat ring the column G comparison wont have dps in it, so a white out would miss this change, the same if you replaced an offhand weapon with a shield or source, or if you replaced your main hand with a two hander, you would have to have a way to show that you are unequipping both weapons.
As an example, why doesn't rings just work like the mainhand. If I enter values of 2(bot dmg) & 6 (top dmg) for ring 1, and place a 0 dmg stat ring in as possible switch, shouldn't it just know that the change will be -2 and -6? Like the Weapon 1 section, if i just enter in 200/400 damage weapon, and enter in 0/0 it will then have a change of -200/-400. Basically, why doesn't the column G just work for everything else like it does for Weapon 1. We're already entering in the current stats of the weapon2, ring, amulet in the Column C, why must it be repeated in Column F? Column C and F will always be the same anyway. Sorry if these are dumb questions, I'd like to take a stab at something this intricate someday, and wanted to understand the thought process and mechanics.
It looks to me like Column D (Change) will always be Column G - Column C. So what then is the point of F?
As an example, why doesn't rings just work like the mainhand. If I enter values of 2(bot dmg) & 6 (top dmg) for ring 1, and place a 0 dmg stat ring in as possible switch, shouldn't it just know that the change will be -2 and -6? Like the Weapon 1 section, if i just enter in 200/400 damage weapon, and enter in 0/0 it will then have a change of -200/-400. Basically, why doesn't the column G just work for everything else like it does for Weapon 1. We're already entering in the current stats of the weapon2, ring, amulet in the Column C, why must it be repeated in Column F? Column C and F will always be the same anyway. Sorry if these are dumb questions, I'd like to take a stab at something this intricate someday, and wanted to understand the thought process and mechanics.
It looks to me like Column D (Change) will always be Column G - Column C. So what then is the point of F?
If you were to put in 0's it would work fine, but the problem is I personally think it is too easy to forget to put in zero's.
Iif you personally want to do that, you can just copy the formulas from the top of column D down to cell 20 and white out the column F cells down to the same spot.
Real good work on this. I do have a couple of questions.
I've been looking for a place to input 'Damage Dealt Is Converted to Life' from my weapon, but I can't find it. Has this been ommitted for any reason?
Same for 'Reduces damage from ranged attacks'. Though on your spreadsheet, there is a 'Reduced Damage from Elites'. Could that be a typo?
And over on the right hand side, down to the 'Life on Hit Coefficient'... Is that defaulted for someone who uses Frenzy with Sidearm Rune? If not, do I simply do 777*0.75 to come up with a proper number there?
1. I didnt realize people used this stat, but yeah I can add it in
2. This stat could really only be beneficial in a few scenarios and would mislead effective health
3. Thats defaulted to frenzy (they are all the same), Id suggest taking a second look at the coefficient table if you are multiplying 777 by anything.
Regarding the argument that reduced damage from ranged attacks only is beneficial in a few scenarios, is that because most projectiles considered as spells? Is it only like the skeleton archers that actually count as ranged attackers?
Regarding the argument that reduced damage from ranged attacks only is beneficial in a few scenarios, is that because most projectiles considered as spells? Is it only like the skeleton archers that actually count as ranged attackers?
I honestly haven't tested reduced damage from ranged attacks, so can't really answer this. My assumption however was that both physical projectiles like arrows, and magic projectiles like fireballs did count towards the reduction however. I just don't see many scenarios where you are gearing for less ranged damage taken specifically, it just doesn't seem to matter nearly as much as the other two % damage reductions which would be close to all (90%-ish) relevant damage sources
EDIT: Upon further testing, its only changing "tough as nails" from 1 to 0 that seems to increase my effective health by around 20k.
Another thing is that it would be really nice if you could make a stat weigth table for current gear effective health wise.
The change you are seeing is because you are turning off your passive that gives you armor (tough as nails) without changing your character sheet armor value. This is working properly. The plus armor buffs are additive and not multiplactive, so for example if you have a 25% armor buff and a 20% armor buff they would combine to 45% rather than 50% (which you would get by multiplying) because this is the case, each "real" armor value gives you more total armor than the "extra" armor from the passive.
Also, I'll toss in stat weights, they seem pretty straightforward, thanks for the suggestions.
Marginal stat change has been added on another tab, Ideally I'd like to add it to the main page but unsure where it would "fit" with the current layout...
Something doesn't work right. I have Nerves of Steel and Tough as Nails passives. Also have Enchantress with Focused Mind and Powered Armor. Unbuffed, my armor value reads 8806 (with Enchantress as my active follower). The details panel in game says I have 74.59% reduction from armor.
I use Warcry and my armor goes up to 10,064 and now the details panel says I have 77.04% reduction from armor.
In the spreadsheet, I have entered 8806 in the Current Armor value column, and I have selected
Tough as Nails + Nerves of Steel + Impunity + Powered Armor + Focused Mind = 1
In the Damage Reduction section of the Spreadshet, at the bottom, it says Armor is 77.30%, compared to 77.04% that is shown in the game. Granted the difference is quite small, but given that we're talking about almost a quarter of a percent, it seems significant enough to warrant concern.
Something doesn't work right. I have Nerves of Steel and Tough as Nails passives. Also have Enchantress with Focused Mind and Powered Armor. Unbuffed, my armor value reads 8806 (with Enchantress as my active follower). The details panel in game says I have 74.59% reduction from armor.
I use Warcry and my armor goes up to 10,064 and now the details panel says I have 77.04% reduction from armor.
In the spreadsheet, I have entered 8806 in the Current Armor value column, and I have selected
Tough as Nails + Nerves of Steel + Impunity + Powered Armor + Focused Mind = 1
In the Damage Reduction section of the Spreadshet, at the bottom, it says Armor is 77.30%, compared to 77.04% that is shown in the game. Granted the difference is quite small, but given that we're talking about almost a quarter of a percent, it seems significant enough to warrant concern.
When I put in 8806 armor and level 60 mobs it comes out to exactly 77.04 like your in game shows.
When I put in 8806 armor and level 63 mobs and also take off Powered armor i come to 77.30 armor.
I would recheck both your options and your mob level, but can confirm that the calculation is working the same as in game values.
The way I see it, the biggest problem regarding ranged damage reduction is figuring out which mobs that only does ranged damage, and how they're affected by your physical-/magical damage reduction. Seeing as there is no tab for mitigation against ranged attacks we could assume that ranged attacks are affected by physical-/magical damage reduction. Comparing reduced ranged damage to the other two, reduced damage from melee and reduced damage from elites, I don't think anyone would argue that you'll face more melee and elite mobs than you will non-elite ranged mobs. Though for the sake of not leaving anything out it makes somewhat sense to add it to the spreadsheet, however it may be a bit more complex.
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Currently there is no way to compare options against other options, if this is something people would like it could be implemented in a future version, but id like to know if its something people want before adding it in, more things isn't always better.
The change in value you saw is due to one calculation with the buff of an item comparison compared to another calculation without the buff of the same item comparison. The change amount was probably greater without your buff on because you had a lower base effective health without your buff on and it was easier to increase by a higher value. As far as i have noticed in this game the percentages are fairly constant between comparisons but changing your base value will change the absolute value number. (I hope that was clear)
Edit: You also mention it happened with nerves of steel which only affects vitality and impunity which only affects resists, so this could also account for the discrepancy depending on how much vitality / resistances you were comparing while changing the options.
Thanks for the clarification on that, but now why isn't Weapon 2's "Current Item Equipped" not whited out, or even rings and amulets? Since they two would be assumed to be unequipped for a new possible item.
As an example, why doesn't rings just work like the mainhand. If I enter values of 2(bot dmg) & 6 (top dmg) for ring 1, and place a 0 dmg stat ring in as possible switch, shouldn't it just know that the change will be -2 and -6? Like the Weapon 1 section, if i just enter in 200/400 damage weapon, and enter in 0/0 it will then have a change of -200/-400. Basically, why doesn't the column G just work for everything else like it does for Weapon 1. We're already entering in the current stats of the weapon2, ring, amulet in the Column C, why must it be repeated in Column F? Column C and F will always be the same anyway. Sorry if these are dumb questions, I'd like to take a stab at something this intricate someday, and wanted to understand the thought process and mechanics.
It looks to me like Column D (Change) will always be Column G - Column C. So what then is the point of F?
The only way would be to include an input box for average melee swing, which would probably not be very accurate, so not really no, sorry.
If you were to put in 0's it would work fine, but the problem is I personally think it is too easy to forget to put in zero's.
Iif you personally want to do that, you can just copy the formulas from the top of column D down to cell 20 and white out the column F cells down to the same spot.
2. This stat could really only be beneficial in a few scenarios and would mislead effective health
3. Thats defaulted to frenzy (they are all the same), Id suggest taking a second look at the coefficient table if you are multiplying 777 by anything.
EDC I assume?
I honestly haven't tested reduced damage from ranged attacks, so can't really answer this. My assumption however was that both physical projectiles like arrows, and magic projectiles like fireballs did count towards the reduction however. I just don't see many scenarios where you are gearing for less ranged damage taken specifically, it just doesn't seem to matter nearly as much as the other two % damage reductions which would be close to all (90%-ish) relevant damage sources
TY, ill fix this right away
The change you are seeing is because you are turning off your passive that gives you armor (tough as nails) without changing your character sheet armor value. This is working properly. The plus armor buffs are additive and not multiplactive, so for example if you have a 25% armor buff and a 20% armor buff they would combine to 45% rather than 50% (which you would get by multiplying) because this is the case, each "real" armor value gives you more total armor than the "extra" armor from the passive.
Also, I'll toss in stat weights, they seem pretty straightforward, thanks for the suggestions.
Do you have any sources of how it works or any testing done on ranged damage reduction?
I use Warcry and my armor goes up to 10,064 and now the details panel says I have 77.04% reduction from armor.
In the spreadsheet, I have entered 8806 in the Current Armor value column, and I have selected
Tough as Nails + Nerves of Steel + Impunity + Powered Armor + Focused Mind = 1
In the Damage Reduction section of the Spreadshet, at the bottom, it says Armor is 77.30%, compared to 77.04% that is shown in the game. Granted the difference is quite small, but given that we're talking about almost a quarter of a percent, it seems significant enough to warrant concern.
When I put in 8806 armor and level 60 mobs it comes out to exactly 77.04 like your in game shows.
When I put in 8806 armor and level 63 mobs and also take off Powered armor i come to 77.30 armor.
I would recheck both your options and your mob level, but can confirm that the calculation is working the same as in game values.