Build Guide
1) Stack as much Area Damage as possible. Area Damage on shoulders, gloves, rings. 130+ Area damage is good.
2) At least 27% CDR is required for build to work smoothly. This is better done with CDR on shoulders (8%) + diamond in helm (12,5)+ ring (8%).
3) Max Fury on weapon will really help. You can get up to 136 default fury with Fury roll on Blade of the Tribes(24) and belt(12), which, spent through Boulder Toss will reset your Leap by 4 seconds (instead of 3 when you just have 100 default fury). Fury on belt is not as important as Fury on weapon, because 24 Fury from weapon alone will give you an extra 1 second for Leap cooldown. Every second counts!
4) Overall you can get a maximum of 186 Fury with rolls on weapon/belt and max resource from paragon (+20 more from Animosity if you are crazy). Remember though, that you reset your Leap cooldown by ALL fury spent / 30 = 1 sec. That means 186 will have your Leap resetted by 6,2 seconds. BUT! You also need time to cast boulder toss and it's about 0,5 sec animation. So ~180 fury is a sweet, solid spot you need to achieve.
You need to find a balance between fury from paragon, gear, decide if you need animosity or not, and also see how much CDR you need to make everything work "smooth" for you.
The sequence is like this:
1) Leap 3 times -> Shout / Warcry
2) Generate full Fury
3) Spend all Fury with Seismic Slam---> your Leap refreshes
4) Repeat
The build is pretty fragile outside of the APD procs, so it requires a lot of density to survive and do damage via AOE.
I am still learning it myself!
Also build actually requires some of skill, cause it needs strict timing and great attentiveness and execution as well as positioning. No mindless button mashing here
Thank you!
Btw, 27 CDR is not enough, you need like ~32