
LoN Dead Cold/Poison Explosion Part Deux

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  • Frailty Aura of Frailty
  • Corpse Explosion Dead Cold
  • Blood Rush Molting
  • Bone Armor Thy Flesh Sustained
  • Command Golem Flesh Golem
  • Land of the Dead Shallow Graves
  • Stand Alone
  • Overwhelming Essence
  • Final Service
  • Blood is Power


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • Reilena's Shadowhook
  • Grasps of Essence
  • Krysbin's Sentence

Trag + Dayntee + Aura of Frailty is just good

Stuarts for super speed

Golemskin for more Flesh Golem active procs, as well as 30% damage reduction

Aquila for +50% damage reduction, no essence is used in the build

Nemesis for efficiency and speed

Johnstone because we use Corpse Explosion and Land of the Dead

Leorics for more cooldown

Prefer Grasps of Essence in the cube over Moribund, but either can be worn/go in cube

Reilana for the 165% global character damage boost

Krysbin for the constant 300% damage boost proc due to Dead Cold freezing for 2 seconds

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

Original build used Rimeheart w/Trag Scythe, but Reilana's with Trag Scythe just increases overall damage so much more.

Get pickup radius and cooldown on as much as you can

Feel free to swap Gizzard + Invigorating for other gems of your choice, though Gizzard is very useful overall, and Invigorating synergizes with it as well as gives Immunity to Control Impairing Effects, which is very nice for Necro in particular. Other options include Esoteric, Powerful, and Stricken

Thy Flesh Sustained is used for more Life Regen/Shield as well as easier time taking advantage of Blood is Power, feel free to switch to Harvest of Anguish if you prefer more speed over toughness/recovery/cooldown.

It's possible to switch Bone Armor for Bone Spirit and Golemskin legs for Defiler legs to have an on demand Nuke to decimate RG's and elites, but you lose toughness and less able to use Active for golem, though this isn't too much of a problem as we use Moribund and Molting and Land of the Dead is up more often than not.

Feel free to swap the entire build to a poison build, changing to Close Quarters, Dislocation, Decay Golem, and Plaguelands, with Nayr's in cube, and Rigor Mortis in place of Overpowering Essence. This setup may be even better

Gameplay is just spamming Blood Rush Molting on groups of enemies, exploding that corpse (preferably at 5 stacks of Grasps of Essence, not hard to keep up) and decimating the group, anything not decimated will die with the next cast of corpse explosion from the corpses provided by the dead enemies, Moribund gauntlet procs, Flesh Golem proc, or just being in Land of the Dead for 12 seconds and spam casting 5 corpse explosions constantly and at once. Use Bone Armor often to take damage and reset cooldowns, as well as deal a bit of damage. Otherwise just run/teleport around, use cooldowns, and right click corpses and corpse piles and watch everything die. One important point to note is that since this build relies pretty heavily on the 300% Krysbin proc activating constantly, elites with the Juggernaut affix should be skipped if possible.