D3 Official Stream Thread, Farm Goblins from Greed, Today I Learned Round 2, Physical Demon Hunter vs Greater Rift 40

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D3 Official Stream Thread

It might not be known by a lot of players, but Blizzard has a thread on the official forums (EU), handled by community managers, to which players can add their Diablo streams. With all the new content added by Patch 2.1 quite a few players started streaming once again. Vaneras updated the list today, and reminded players to post on that thread if they want their stream added to the list.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

The streams and video channels list has been updated once again: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8966397314

It has been a while now since this thread got started, so it is possible that some of the channels listed may no be longer active, or are simply no longer featuring Diablo III. As such, if you notice an inactive channel listed in the thread above, please let us know so that we can remove it from the list.
Please post a link to your stream/podcast/video channel below if you wish to have it listed in the 'Diablo III streams & video channels'.

As per usual, If your stream/video channel is already listed in the thread above and you would like to have the description of your channel changed, please make a post below with the new description you would like (please keep it short though - think twitter short)

Farm Goblins from Greed

Redditor Taffer posted a very useful tip for players who find The Vault. I have also gathered a compilation of tips from the internet and personal experience below!

  • Greed, the Baroness of the Treasure Realm, drops Treasure Goblins when she charges and hits an obstacle.
  • If you find the Vault on lower difficulties (like when doing split Bounties), deactivate "passive" damaging abilities (like Storm Armor or Mystic Ally) and maybe even dismiss your follower.
  • You must be able to kill these Goblins quickly, as they appear to despawn quicker than normal Goblins.
  • You can count how many Goblins she still has left by looking at her back!
  • If you die, the boss fight is reset. And yes, so do the goblins.

Today I Learned Round 2

So it's been a while since we last mentioned this small series of tips by MVP and forum mod Jaetch. Since then, he added a few more interesting videos: like picking up Horadric Cache items' stats, how Entropy and Mirror Image make an awesome looking combo,  how Black Hole sucks in Gold stacks, how a Jade Doctor should engage Treasure Goblins, among others.

Also, since we are talking about him, might as well show an Archon guide teaser that he tweeted the other day. Judging from the original Archon Guide, I'm sure this one will also be amazing. Check the awesome artwork below!

Physical Demon Hunter vs Greater Rift 40

Natalya85 posted a very in-depth guide to a Physical-focused Demon Hunter that capable of doing Level 40 Greater Rifts (!). Watch it below!



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