We Love Diablo - Anniversary Mosaic

29 June 2010 is a big day for the Diablo franchise and all its fans. Three major anniversaries come up on the same day, the biggest of which is of course the ten-year anniversary of Diablo II. Incidentally, 29 June is also the nine-year anniversary of Lord of Destruction as well as the two-year anniversary for the Diablo III announcement.

In order to give due respect to this big date in the Diablo community, the most recognized Diablo fansites have joined up together to create a big mosaic compiled of photos of the fans, similar to the Blizzard-run "I <3 SC" event from last year.

Each site will collect images from their visitors, which will be merged together into one massive image of DiabloWiki.com - Diablo Diablo himself. It's now up to YOU to show the world just how much all of us in the community loves Diablo by sending in your Diablo-inspired photos.

The photos should be themed with Diablo or his birthday and can be as simple as a shot of yourself posing with your Diablo I or Diablo II game box, holding a print saying "I <3 Diablo", someone with a Diablo shirt, a creatively decorated birthday cake, writing a massive "Diablo" in the sand on a beach or perhaps a shot of yourself summoning demons in your weekly Cultist rituals (joke! Please, it's definitely a joke!).

Each of these images will help build up a very small part of the mosaic, showing our combined appreciation for the dark Action RPG franchise and each participating member will forever be part of the final picture.

Two rules to enter:
- Submitted images need to be 800x600 pixels (4:3 aspect ratio).
- Images needs to be submitted by 26 June 2010 11:59:59PM
- Submit images in the "I <3 Diablo" image category.

We encourage each individual fan to upload as many funny/interesting/thoughtful/cool photos they can before the time runs out. The more pictures available when the mosaic is made, the better it will render the pictures into a cohesive whole.

Participating fansites:
*Diablo: IncGamers


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