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    posted a message on Greater Rifts XP exploit - 70+b xp/hour - 200+ paragon lvl day
    They should do like how the Tour de france is handle:

    Each bike have a chip that record the delivery power. If the power value exceed a specific threshold the runner is suspected to doping. It's been like that because humane body has its limits.

    They should do the same for xp farming find a maximum xp/hour add 50% to this xp/hour and everybody beyond that threshold should be automatically ban temporarily and get like 6 hours rollback.

    It would prevent all unintended xp exploit. It seems a bit too much but to me it seems fair.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Doing t4 comfortably - Looking for advice to move onto t5/6
    Concerning set bonus I see it missing those which should come from the Ring of royal Grandeur like the "+20 % life".

    Also an other thing to mention, source seams to be bugged on armory, the range in damage are not those that display in game but dps seams to match the in game.

    For the t4 farming I Absolutely second what MrWinklesaid I really doubt you are doing t4 comfortably even with 4 players in game. Currently with my gear I do t3 comfortably when I play alone but even in group I still think it is a bit slow on elites. So going to t5 and t6 will require a lot more dps to be worthwhile.


    Sorry but I have no real advice to give you beyond those, peoples have already give you.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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