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    posted a message on [Build] Guiding Man (For Party Build Only)
    Quote from Kobrakai

    In pub game how can u make everyone stack on you when you gonna use breath of heaven xD ?

    Cyclone strike would do but how you gonna tell those range dps to stack on you in pub game ? or people chasing elite far away from 24 yard cyclone strike. Mantra of Healing is like press it and forget it.

    WotHF is for personal dps boost build as I say you could change the skill you like but i prefer to get into the middle of the 100mob and crippling it for apply 10% increae damage taken debuff for my party (also slow move and attack speed).

    Blinding Light is good but what skill you gonna use for spirit spender ?

    from all above what MP do u mention? all I tested is mp8-10, as I said this build is perfectly when there is "another monk" around that already use MoC for you.

    I like to avoid the wildcard of pubs, I have a big enough list of decent players I've played with over the last bit that I can usually avoid public games.

    So just some feedback regarding your comments. Let's break down the DPS boosts. We'll ignore FoT and SW as they are in both builds.

    DS:F - Self - +18% damage from all attacks for 30 seconds
    CW:BW - Group - +10% damage to affected targets for 3 seconds

    And my buid.

    WofHF:BF - Self - +15% attack speed for 3 seconds
    BoH:BW - Self - +15% damage from all attacks for 45 seconds
    BF:FitL - Self - +30% weapon damage for 3 second

    MoC:O - Group - +24% damage taken by enemies

    As for the range of BoH, it sucks, but when I can activate it my groups does 44% more damage, not just 20% (or 30% for affected CW:BW targets). Worst case I swap out BoH for CS, almost all players should be within 24 yards (they are in your screenshots for example).

    I'm not arguing that your build is bad, I'm just pointing out my opinion on a few points.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on [Build] Guiding Man (For Party Build Only)
    I've put together a similar thread (http://www.diablofans.com/topic/93711-108-party-farming-build/), so it's nice to see another perspective on the GL build.

    Few things I thought I'd point out.

    - Why Mantra of Healing? I know it's there to activate GL, but the DPS boost from Mantra of Conviction should be more beneficial. Especially with the 3 second DPS boost when it's cast.

    - GL can be activated with Breath of Heaven or Cyclone Strike, both provide DPS increases also. If range is a concern rune BoH for the range, in that case you'd have 12% from MoC (all the time) and then 20% boost from GL/BoH activation.

    - Why not use Way of the Hundred Fists: Blazing Fists? Nice increase to your attack speed, as you pointed out it's important (in your gear section).

    - Thoughts on Blinding Light: Faith in the Light? Seems the DPS boost and (short) get out of jail free card is definitely a plus.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on [1.0.8] Party Farming Build
    Quote from Elendiro

    well, it's only the heal and guiding light that is relatively party focused, I say you try again :)

    The heal is really only to activate GL, I'd use SW except I like the additional DPS BoH gives.

    My last build was a nirvana/synergy build, which was not very party, specifically wizard, friendly.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on [1.0.8] Party Farming Build
    Just wanted to get some feedback on the new build that I'm testing/running with 1.0.8. It's based on the buff to Guiding Light.


    Thoughts behind it are as follows:
    • Fists of Thunder: Thunderclap - Using this as my primary damage/spirit regen ability.
    • Way of the Hundred Fists: Blazing Fists - Utilizing the the attack speed buff off this, only using it to keep the buff up.
    • Breath of Heaven: Blazing Wrath - This for not only the DPS increase, but to activate GL. Since I'm running (mostly) with a wizard the range is fine.
    • Blinding Flast: Faith in the Light - DPS boost
    • Sweeping Wind: Cyclone - DPS and LS
    • Mantra of Conviction: Owerawe - The go-to mantra it seems, although I want to experiment with Mantra of Evasion: Backlash tonight. Again, running with the wizard this should be useful, but we'll see.
    • Guiding Light - Duh?
    • One With Everything - I'm going to replace this with Combination Strike, just need to replace a bit more gear. Should be a big DPS increase with my two attacks.
    • Seize The Initiative - Armor is good.

    Feedback greatly appreciated.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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