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    posted a message on Paragon leveling DH. 135m exp/hour!!!
    I tried this out but I wouldn't recommend it without an extremely high dps while still being able to survive. With around 350-400 all resistance and 200k dps it was a pain in the butt to try and get past the elite packs etc. without getting shot down and if I upped my resistances to 600ish, the dps loss of almost 100k caused the scorpions to die way too slow. At best I was able to hit around 50mil xp/hour (by tweaking around with MP8-10) and even then the eventual deaths slowed it down even further.

    I'd say the bare minimum requirements for running this on MP10 would be around 550AR, 5000 armor, 50k+ hp and 200k dps. Any less than that and you'll probably be dieing too much or killing too slow.

    This isn't really criticism as I think the setup is excellent for xp, just a heads up for others to not spend gold on gear if they won't reach the needed stats, like I did :facepalm:
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Potentially amazing items after changes to legendaries
    Quote from LordPoekel

    (Legendary weapons always roll with minimum damage values)

    Always learn something new. Seems odd though.

    Quote from LordPoekel

    So the best Buriza would have 1181 DPS, 200 Dex, 3xx Armor, 15% Freeze Chance, 80% Pierce and 120% CD.

    Where did 120% come from or was that a typo? The Marquis gems are 110% aren't they?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Potentially amazing items after changes to legendaries
    I guess it's true what you're saying about different looks. I've been playing the efficiency game too much and that part didn't even occur to me. Now they only need to get the affixes right so that rare (dropped, not crafted) items will actually be viable in at least some other parts than gloves.
    The buriza could be really cool with the 40-80% pierce chance and up to 15% freeze. It's a shame there's only one random property on it, BUT on the other hand it has three properties that affect it's dps which (if they're allowed full rolls) would mean the dps on that thing will in most rolls be decent. Then again cold damage is lower than other types.

    Did the math on possible Buriza dps rolls and it seems the range is around 820dps-1300dps with 1300 broken by only the ones extremely near a perfect roll. Even with an open socket rolled for the random property, chances are the Buriza will remain a novelty item for multishot freezing scoundrels. The math below.

    Hellion Crossbow
    (413-421) - (498-514)
    1.10 APS

    Cold damage on req.lvl 60 items ranges between (44-201) - (102-459).
    +31% - 50% damage

    Minimum roll: (413+44)*1.31 - (498+102)*1.31
    599 - 786 Damage (avg 692.5)
    Max roll: (421+201)*1.5 - (514+459)*1.5
    723 - 1460 (avg 1091.5)

    Attack speed 8-9% (1.10 * 1.08 = 1.188) or (1.10*1.09 = 1.199)

    Worst possible dps: 692.5*1.188
    Best possible dps: 1091.5*1.199
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Potentially amazing items after changes to legendaries
    Quote from DreamWalker

    Seven sins are craftable, so are the next 2 items. Don't think that will get buffed tbh, no where is it mentioned that craftables will get the itemization buff, they only talk about dropped items. Also, doubt +60 rings and amulets will get any overhauling, since they're already max lvl req. But nice post tho, too bad all your detailed calculations were on craftables :(

    Quite right on the craftables. I wasn't paying much attention to that aspect when browsing through the items.
    Still, it gives some perspective on what level of items can get rolled. There will still be a few new (currently useless lowbie) items that'll have a chance of getting a roll that puts them up on top with the best of stuff. Will be fun to see what kind of stuff emerges after the changes to drops are live.

    Also, does anyone else find it idiotic that they're going to change base armor/damage stats to be based on the monster level as well? This would mean f.ex. all shoulder items in A3 MP0 and higher would always drop with 353-406 armor and essentially be Archon Spaulders. So why not just have those drop instead of Doom Pauldrons, Archon Spaulders, Pallium, Warlord Spaulders and Espaliers which will all be the same base item with different names?
    Same goes for weapons. Many names, same item underneath.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Has Anyone Tried Gold Farming in Hell Difficulty
    I think I gave it a try a while ago but I'm fairly sure A3 inferno MP0 yielded more gold than Hell MP10 with less effort.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Potentially amazing items after changes to legendaries
    After reading a lot about the upcoming changes to both fixed and random legendary affixes, I got curious and decided to look through the lower level items in order to try and figure out which ones have the most potential to be amazing at iLvl63. It's a lot of fun to try and figure out what could be the greatest possible rolled stats of an item.

    Here's what I've come up with so far and would love to know if others have noticed items that have the potential to roll insane things if updated to max level. I'm using dex as a main stat example since I play DH. Feel free to imagine the possibilities with a main stat of your choice.

    Seven Sins
    286 Armor, Item Level: 61
    +35–42 Strength
    +35–42 Dexterity
    +35–42 Intelligence
    +35–42 Vitality
    +41–45 Arcane Resistance
    +4 Random Magic Properties

    This is assuming the stat rolls get properly updated with the increase of 2 item levels and has increased potential if a main stat can roll as one of the random properties (I doubt it).
    "Possible" new stats at 63:
    353 Armor, Item Level: 63
    +200 Dex (Fixed main stats roll updated to a reasonable cap of 100 and a dex+vit random roll. If full dex roll allowed, could reach 300 at the expense of a defensive stat)
    +200 Vit (Same as above)
    +80 All Resist (random roll 2)
    +12% Life (Random roll 3)
    +265 Armor (Random roll 4, total armor max 618)
    +41–45 Arcane Resistance

    This would obviously be giving up some offense compared to the new crafted shoulders that can reach over 300 in main stats. On the other hand, the above "maximized" roll would be a defensive slot item that would free up a lot of other slots for more offense. Not the best of items but the potential exists for an amazing item.

    Rozpedin's Staff

    534.1–931.7 DPS, Item Level: 61
    (326–545)–(645–1149) Damage
    1.10 Attacks per Second
    +(87–306)–(203–707) Holy Damage
    Increases Spirit Regeneration by 1.00–2.33 per Second (Monk Only)
    Gain 15.1–29.8 Life per Spirit Spent (Monk Only)
    +3 Random Magic Properties

    A possible increase in two levels would allow more damage and as the spirit regen + life per spirit are already there, I would see it as a potentially amazing wepon for tempest rushing through content.
    "Possible" new stats at 63:
    ~1665 DPS, Item Level: 61
    (1174)–(2157) Damage
    1.10 Attacks per Second
    +(442)–(1017) Holy Damage
    Increases Spirit Regeneration by 2.5 per Second (Monk Only)
    Gain 63.9 Life per Spirit Spent (Monk Only)
    + 50% Damage (Random roll 1)
    + 1 socket (Random roll 2)
    + 200% Critical Hit Damage (Random roll 3)

    Huge possibility for high base dps and a nice chunk of spirit regen combined with a moderate heal for all spirit spent (heal while TR'ing between packs).

    Venomhusk (if crafted items will be allowed to use iLvl63 rolls as well)

    563.4–1080.5 DPS, Item Level: 61
    (163–384)–(642–1159) Damage
    1.40 Attacks per Second
    +(87–306)–(203–707) Poison Damage
    +31–35% Damage
    Increases Damage Against Elites by 7–8%
    +3 Random Magic Properties

    After an upgrade to iLvl 63 rolls, the damage potential is significantly higher and the random rolls allow for example critdmg, a socket and life steal.
    Here's how it could look like at 63:

    1666 DPS, Item Level: 63
    597–1783 Damage
    1.40 Attacks per Second
    +(316)–(727) Poison Damage
    +50% Damage
    Increases Damage Against Elites by 7–8%
    +1 socket (Random 1)
    +100% Critical Hit Damage (Random 2)
    +3.00% Life Steal (Random 3)

    Excellent dps combined with fast speed, a socket, crit damage and life steal would make an amazing weapon for elemental arrow and with a socketed ruby could substitute as a weapon for a low crit chance build with high average damage and attack speed. On lower MP levels this could eliminate the need for critical hits in order to oneshot most trash.

    Some other less calculated examples:

    Increased attack speed combined with fire damage increases which would probably exceed +30% at iLvl 63 and two random properties for CC and CHD. Low defensive value but with the right roll, these could provide around a 40% increase to a fire wizard's dps when equipped.

    AR and %Life with three random rolls. Possibility for maxed AR, %Life, Main Stat, Main+Vit and CC roll at iLvl 63. Slightly more defensive than the best possible Lacuni's but still only slightly.

    Almost a new Barbarian Lacuni's at iLvl 63. STR + VIT + Move Speed pre-rolled with three possible randoms for AR, CC and more STR/VIT.

    With AR, LoH, Armor, massive melee damage reduction and three random rolls for huge Main Stat + Vit potential this could be rolled as the best possible EHP belt. Potential for a hardcore god mode belt.
    Angel Hair Braid could also get close http://eu.battle.net...ngel-hair-braid

    Depending on the iLvl63 pre-determined rolls, this thing could be insane. Only one random roll ensures it remains purely offensive though.

    Could bring some average rolls. Remains to be seen.

    Roll it with CC, CHD and Avg.Dmg.. Yes please!

    Minor increases to the pre-determined rolls combined with some CC, CHD and Avg.Dmg. would make it a much-better-than-average offensive monk neck for sure.

    This guy with updated stats and a CHD + Attack Speed roll would be getting very close to best amulet ever territory. Quintfecta with LoH and all you need to hit is two random rolls? Dang!

    It's there but it's hard to see. AR, Main Stat and three random (CC, CHD, AVGDMG) with a possibility for an amazing extra resource/damage ability. Chances of an out-of-this-world roll is close to the chances of winning millions on the lottery.

    Some updated stats and a CC roll with some attack speed or average damage could provide for a very solid barbarian ring.

    Oh yes, it's only iLvl62 right now!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Suggestion : BoA legendary item from Boss Token.
    Might work but would need a LOT of refining. Boss appeal needs to be higher for sure.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on End of the world
    It better not end. I'm on holiday all of December and I'd hate to waste the extra days.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Gremlins vs. Zombies
    I'll gladly take the gremlins. As long as there's no food for them after midnight, they're nearly harmless fuzzballs.

    Edit: I may have mixed up Mogwai and Gremlin... Guess I died at this game :(
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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