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    posted a message on Global Warming Disproven? New Study Shows 2000 Yrs of Cooling!
    Quote from Maxyim

    Quote from Basher

    Quote from Maxyim

    Quote from Mormolyce

    Quote from Maxyim
    This is rather alarming. Any idea if this is legit?

    Pro tip: when assessing how biased a source is on the internet, try typing the name into wikipedia and see what comes up:

    Gee, I THINK Freep may have a slight ideological bias. And probably is not staffed by professional meteorologists. Just a thought.

    Quote from Maxyim
    If so, I just want to give a big fat "well played" kudos to left-wing parties around the world for such a highly successful power grab tactic! Wonder what will happen now...

    Why even phrase this thread as a question if you've already picked a team to join and are busy waving their flag around?

    Bro, this is all over the internet on multiple websites. Pro tip - when assessing whether a piece of news is biased, try typing the topic into google. :)
    And? Now its on this website and that makes it less biased?

    Your logical leap here is that a scientific article becomes biased when picked up by a biased news media? This is highly amusing to me. :)

    It does. This website states what they think this paper means. They tell their side of the story. Read the actual paper instead, not some guys opinion on it.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Global Warming Disproven? New Study Shows 2000 Yrs of Cooling!
    Read the actual article: http://www.nature.co...climate1589.pdf

    All it says is that there's a chance that it's just a change due to the sun going through cycles. It does not disprove CO2s effect on climat changes. Only says it's not the only factor. That can't be news to anyone can it? It only mentions CO2 once, when saying:

    "Together with long-term CO2 variability resulting from biogeochemical feedbacks of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems14, these insolation cycles have initiated the interplay between glacial and interglacial periods15."

    All this says is that CO2 has an effect on the climate, regardless of human influence.

    Besides, this observation is based on one method of estimating temperatures, which is also admitted by the article.

    All in all the linked post in the original post is a conclusion based on a scientific paper, that the paper itself doesn't even do. It's searched and biased.

    No, it has not been disproven.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on From a year ago... How did D3 and the RMAH turn out?
    Quote from L0ckless

    tired of ppl crying about the ah. would you rather that ppl still bought crap off of chinise farmers? it was gonna happen weather bliz added in the ah or not. you dont like it then dont use it, pretty simple.

    edit: sry reffering to rmah ofc. bit sleepy :P

    Sadly not that simple. Yes, some people would still spend money on items, but it would me a lot less if it wasn't legalized. And what RMAH has done to regular AH is just ridiculous. So even if you don't use it, it still affects you.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Starting HC, Monk or Wiz?
    Having played both monk and wizard in inferno, I'd say monk is by far the easiest. I enjoy wizard more tho.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Let's add a fourth search functionality
    Unlimited options already. UI shouldn't hold functionality back. Scrolling and pop-ups have been invented.

    Furthermore legendaries should have a better search function and stats gained from gems in a socket shouldn't affect the search.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Unscheduled scheduled maintenance?
    Quote from Ixir

    Quote from Nigelism

    Quote from Ixir

    Why do people still bitch about server maintenance?

    Don't people have jobs?lives?do you sleep?kids maybe? For fucks sake it's one "half day" where you don't get play a month maybe? Calm down already.

    The people getting hurt the most by random unscheduled maintenances are the people who can't play all day. If you have put aside time to play at a certain time, and the servers are down, you might have lost your entire Diablo 3 playing for that week.

    First off maintenance is mostly likely always on Tuesday morning. Secondly most average people who have jobs and lives work during these hours. Point being?

    If you are so butt hurt about 1 day of maintenance go play another game.

    You missed the words "Random" and "Unscheduled". That was quite a big part of the point.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Unscheduled scheduled maintenance?
    Quote from Ixir

    Why do people still bitch about server maintenance?

    Don't people have jobs?lives?do you sleep?kids maybe? For fucks sake it's one "half day" where you don't get play a month maybe? Calm down already.

    The people getting hurt the most by random unscheduled maintenances are the people who can't play all day. If you have put aside time to play at a certain time, and the servers are down, you might have lost your entire Diablo 3 playing for that week.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Player Drop. O.O!
    Quote from ZeroEdgeir

    Flaws to that graph:

    1: xFire is known to cause Diablo 3 to crash. I wonder why there is fewer people using xFire now.... HMMMMMMM. That is a real head-scratcher.

    2: The sample source is so small it isn't even worth mentioning. 130,000 / 7,000,000... that is literally 1.85% of the playerbase. OMG. THE GAME IS GONNA END!

    3: Too many people expected Diablo 3 to be, out of the box, a superior product, on a totally new game engine, using a totally different graphic system (3D Modelling vs Sprites), to the 12 year old Diablo 2: LoD, plus all of it's patches, and time spent doing balance and tweaks.

    I see the issue with people bashing games is because they just all jump on whatever big-title band-wagon is coming next, and the moment it doesn't meet THEIR expectations (which are beyond painfully high), it is time to start bashing the game dev's for whatever reason they can come up with.

    Plus, I wouldn't be surprised to see usage stats come down a little the next two months. It IS summer, and people DO go outside in the nice weather.

    I'm still playing. I'm still enjoying it. And I will be for years to come. Hell, I'm glad the population is dropping off. The AH will stabilize far better, and we will stop seeing items you want posted for 500,000,000 gold, just cause some 14yr old wants to troll everyone on the AH with "Haha! Look what I got and you can't have it!"

    I'm not agreeing with these graphs either, but a 2% sample size is more than enough if done right.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Players quitting after 1.0.3
    Quote from shaggy

    Quote from Nigelism

    Farming gear for the gear isn't fun, you need a purpose with the gear, like in Diablo 2.

    Please, elaborate what vast "purpose" D2 had for the gear?

    God help you if you say PvP because you know Blizzard is working on that and it will be patched in.

    Further leveling... And PvP. I'll still saying, cause until it's implemented, it's still not a feature. Hell, do we even have an ETA on it? I'm not waiting around for it, and I probably wont come back if I've found something else to waste my life on :)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Players quitting after 1.0.3
    Completely agree with what you say*. I quit softcore and started hardcore due to the difficulty nerfs in inferno. I'd cleared Inferno at that point and was already getting bored of it, the nerf just pushed me over the edge. The endgame, which was already sparse, completely disappeared to me, so there was no reason to continue playing softcore. I sold my gear on RMAH, and started from scratch on hardcore and the game was revived. For the time being. No doubt I will be out soon enough if no hard content stays in the game. Farming gear for the gear isn't fun, you need a purpose with the gear, like in Diablo 2.

    *Except the part with Diablo not being about identical gear.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on When to start Inferno as a monk?
    Thanks a lot for the feedback! Yea I was suspecting that my damage was what I needed to work on, but confirmation is always good. Hell is like butter, and I haven't done Inferno on anything else than a Demon Hunter (which is a completely different story). I get 787 LoH from my weapon, so getting a higher DPS (600+) with the same amount of LoH will be tough, but I should be able to get a decent LoH (500 - 600 total) with other pieces upgraded.
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on When to start Inferno as a monk?
    Hey all,

    I've fairly recently reached level 60 on my first hardcore character. I play a monk.

    Currently I'm farming Act 3 Hell, but being a player focused around progression rather than farming, my mind is constantly in Inferno. Given the ease I farm with I'm fairly certain I could steamroll Act 4, but until I decide to start doing Inferno, I don't see a reason.

    Thus my question; What kind of stats should I be looking at before venturing into Inferno? Currently my stats are as follows:

    Health: 31566
    Armor: 5300 (With Hard Target) resulting in 63,86% damage reduction
    All res: 562 resulting in 65,2% damage reduction
    Dodge: 40,2% (With Mantra of Evasion)
    Life on hit: 891
    Life on spirit spend: 61,2 (before Transcendence)

    Damage: 4934
    Crit chance: 15,5%
    Crit damage: 50% (aka base)

    What should I improve? My weapon is fairly low on damage (415 dps), but has 800 LoH and 61,2 Life on spirit spend. Currently I'm not even close to struggling, but given it's hardcore I'd rather be safe than sorry before going on.

    Thanks in advance!
    Posted in: Hardcore Discussion
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    posted a message on Kripp tips @Blizzard
    Ladder resets was the only reason Diablo 2 stayed fresh for that long. They need to implement it somehow.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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