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    posted a message on First 1.0.3, now Hotfix.
    OP - you have no clue about anything in this game. Vanilla D3 was broken in Inferno. not balanced. The bulk of people who finished it used exploits or abused OP abilities to get as far as they did. There have been more nerfs to players than the game.

    Claiming you got to A3 never using the AH and only by your own drops is crap, unless you also win the lottery a couple times a week, and have slot machines payout when you walk by.

    All in all, your comments on longevity and difficulty are the only thing subjective in this post. And since you haven't cleared A4 after the patch, it is clearly harder still than you claim it to be.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on only 24% vote that they like 1.03 in official diablofans poll
    Played ME3, thought the ending didn't feel like the rest of the series, but (1) took it to mean that in the end, some things are destined, and that the concept of choice is an illusion, and (2) acknowledged that bad or not, it wasn't my place to question their artistic integrity - merely to choose if i liked it or not.

    And ya, you can take my comment is though it was meant to be hurtful or hateful - but way to many posters here have never created anything or had to earn something. That is what entitlement creates - a lack of appreciation for hard work, especially that of others. And my comment was merely this - these people need to have some events occur to teach them about something in life more than "I expect anything I want to be handed to me". I'm not concerned how you take it - only for the lesson it clearly says some people need to be taught.


    People don't learn lessons that change how they behave or interact with life and/or people unless they are hard lessons. There are many things in life that suck that I wouldn't wish on others, but just as many that made me re-evaluate and change my life for the better.

    EXAMPLE: I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. However, I wouldn't be hurt wishing for any number of posters to become game developers and have the product of their effort and time be ridiculed or discarded.

    You can go on all you want about how you would never do that to someone - maybe you wouldn't - but the related issue is that you also have no care in them ever growing or becoming a better person, contributing more significantly/constructively in places like this, or becoming someone better able to appreciate the importance of someone else's hard work, instead of sitting around thinking everything is free, and there for the asking (demanding), and that other people exist only to provided for their every need.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on only 24% vote that they like 1.03 in official diablofans poll
    This community has, at best, 10K active users. 44% are on the fence or dislike the patch. Making it 4.4k people complaining. (I know the community itself is larger, only shooting for members who *own* the game - if someone has more valid numbers, let me know).

    Even if you extrapolate that there are at least 10 fansites with 10k active posters, and Battle.net with 50k (being way generous), and extending that by accepting those users mentioned actually *own* Diablo 3 (since any other comments are opinions are worthless), you come up with 69K users complaining.

    Again 7MIL+ purchases. At least that many, since we haven't had any news of additional sales since 1 week in. But again, being generous, as smaller total sales inflates the percentage.

    Making it .0098% of active users vocally throwing a fit. Otherwise - a vocal minority.

    Being fair, .0098% will translate into some larger % of the userbase being happy, that's how surveying a valid sample size works. Be very clear, however - the number of people playing the game is *far* larger than the number of people trolling these forums running on about how terrible the game is. Far to many entitled crybabies who, instead of accepting that not every game satisfies every need and moving on, think that they have to get back at Blizzard, and drive as many people as possible from the game.

    It makes me sad that this is the state of gaming. Used to be, we looked at the box and if the features sounded like they would be fun we would try it. If it sucked, we tried again. If it was broke we returned it.

    Now, thanks to mindless repetition of game series like CoD and Halo and MWx, people are so used to always getting exactly what they expect (because the games never truly change) that anytime a game comes out they don't like, they go running off raging. EA made it that much worse when they caved regarding the end of ME3. Players didn't make they game, they play it. EA screwed developers by setting the precedent that developers are just slaves to players now, and meant only to generate profit. And thanks to them and players like the ones that overpopulate these forums, you can expect the quality and uniqueness of games to deteriorate going forward. Because only the independently wealthy studios will continue to be able to make games as they want. The rest will be relegated to spamming out clones for the mindless drones this new generation of gamers has become.

    For every person who does this - I hope life takes something away from you unfairly, to teach you some perspective. And maybe make you mature a bit.

    EDIT: clarity, maths
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kripp tips @Blizzard
    Tl;DR - I agree it needs more to do at the end - after it is fixed. People need to stop expecting it to satisfy everyone. It isn't WoW, stop asking for endgame. People need to learn something about game development before they start demanding more game.


    Wow, this thread is just retarded.

    (1) OP has 1 post - this one. Even *if* the ideas were good, this would give me pause.

    (2) Some "endgame" perks would be cool. Once the game works right as it was sold. Not for the whole *maybe* 4% of people who can beat Inferno.

    D2 was no better at "endgame" - it is the genre, not the game itself. Titan Quest and Torchlight were incredible too - and yet, endgame was the same. And sure they could change the formula - they made it - but seriously, the people who don't like the game style will not stay regardless of the changes.

    And yes, I know the idea of "D2 was like this, it is OK" is flawed.I am not saying some improvements here are *not* needed - just that they aren't needed now.

    (3) Maybe play PvP to win, and take pride in your skill, and not for the need to rub peoples faces in it?

    (4) Drez - damn, you either have no clue what the Diablo series is, or have clouded memories of your time playing it. You spend hours farming items because that is the game. PvP serves a purpose - testing your skill. If your only interest in PvP is your e-peen, you should play "Counseling: The Game".

    I don't disagree about carrots post-60. It is a critical piece of psychology in games. But you can never add enough carrots, and a month (or 2, or 3) from now, Kripp or someone would still be here posting this - instead of accepting that the game as developed isn't for them.

    (5) Frozenkex - he made the video because he wants money. He still plays because he wants money. As soon as a new cash-cow arrives, he will go make videos of that - for the money. If his comments help improve the game, it would be nice. But I seriously doubt he will be here when any of them get implemented.

    They will have to do what ARPG's have to do - farm for better items. After a content update or 2 I am certain we will see more things to do once Inferno and drop rates and item qualities get better tuned.

    (6) GreenFlubber - So let me get this straight - you have a ton of money, nothing to spend it on, and wan't to rush a char to 60 and have the best gear when you get there, without farming/gathering it yourself - but won't spend the money on gear either?

    This is a gear game, based around farming and gathering the best gear you can find. It is *more* diverse because you can use different builds be retuning the stats you stack on your gear. D2's diversity was shit - you had a ton of "clicks" in the tree, usually balanced around 1 ability, and the diversity was "oh, let's have all the same clicks, but a different target" skill. Beyond that, once you had BiS gear, you could faceroll content with no talents at all. D3 may get there, but only for a very small % of players in the near future.

    Besides which, your sig just makes you look like a douche.

    (7) ElKapitan - every game has an end. And it depends entirely on the player. People who rush content always get there first. WoW has a crap-ton of content, but 30 days after every ExPac or content release, some tiny % of the population are on the forums, bitching about not enough content. Too many of you misunderstand the type of game you are playing, and the content pipline behind it.

    (8) PvP ranks based on matches played would be cool, Champion levels would be cool. Exposing wins/losses would not, they want it to be fun, not a pissing contest. Ladders and ranks like that would reduce the number of people pvping, because people that aren't good won't be inclined to do it with jackasses criticizing them for not being the best with the best gear. This system allows everyone to play, get matched against equal players (by level/gear/skill), and have a *chance* at winning everytime. The elitists who think PvP is terrible unless it has the chance of teabagging your opponents need to move along.

    (9) Fuleira - why does everyone relate the comments by a tiny % of the game community with "mass exodus". Being extremely generous, the vocally negative number of people in *this* community is maybe .25%, and across the top 10 game communities, I'm betting no more than 1%. There*will* be many people who leave - the game isn't for everybody, and D2 didn't have close to 7 million payers - maybe across it's lifetime, but certainly nowehere close during launch to a couple years after. Many bought it to try it out, many won't get what they want, or expect. That is how games work, and no changes made by Blizzard will fix this. Maybe for a few here or there, butultimately, those people will leave regardless - because IT ISN'T THEIR GAME.

    (10) Soujiro89 - your entire post condenses down to - I don't like this game, please change it to what I want.

    - the content is all repetitive. You don't get a new game with each new difficulty. That is the genre. Sucks you expected different, but it is something you won't get outside ExPacs with new Acts.
    - That is *exactly* the reward. The genre is about farming for the best gear. Again, that is typical for the genre.
    - The gearchecking is actualy new for Diablo. before, you finished Hell facerolling with mediocre gear, then farmed THE SAME bosses ad nauseum until you had the best gear. Then did it again with a new class.
    - you don't understand the concept of skill, outside what you want it to be to make you feel skilled. Understanding the interworkings of your gear/skills/tactics is critical to succeeding in Inferno, gearcheck or not.
    - AH prices - those are on the players, not Blizzard. You clearly have no clue how negatively it would effect the economy if Blizzard put there foot in and started massaging prices and values.
    - I agree drop rates and stats need some attention. I think the thing you are "missing" from above is getting enough good loot (even if not yours) to encourage you to keep farming. But again, no amount of tuning will make you like the game if you aren't pre-disposed to.

    In the end, people need to understand a couple of very basic game development concepts. (1) No amount of content will satisfy your players, (2) content is finite and limited by how much time/money you can spend on it, and how fast your game engine/chassis is created, and (3) no game system will satify every single buyer.

    (1) Some people will be faster/better/stronger than others. Some just won't like stuff. Every game has to balance content against items like longevity, non-content game systems, alternative gameplay types or systems. In D3 the primary content isn't the storyline/quest, it is the gear hunt. PvP, Inferno, HC are all plays on that concept - find the best gear you can, and defeat progressively harder content with it. I agree, some ancillary systems once 60 would be nice, to relieve the head trauma Inferno causes - and I am certain we will see it. But the D2 forums were like this 30 days in too, and it became great, and even greater with an expac.

    (2) Because of 1, you have to put a lock on how much content you create for launch, and how much you dole out later via content releases and ExPacs. In regards to launch content, you have to limit how much content you plan for and advertise ahead of schedule based on how quickly you can get a game engine and testing chassis running reliably. All the content in the world won't help you if you can't test it and make it behave as intended. This plays into Q&A time, which runs in parallel to the end of development. you also have to understand the contcept of feature-freezing - the process by which a game is locked from adding new features, and focus is placed on getting what is present working and polished. This means what you got in the box may not be neough, but gets the stuff they couldn't finish or wanted to add later into the pipelin faster.

    (3) Every game, new or old, derivitive or new concept, takes certain basic concepts to the table, then fleshes them out with the dialogue the develpoer has created. Things like control schemes, camera angles, etc. Anyone that has ever played a game with a truly horrid control scheme knows, some things you just don't screw with - and doing so will lose you players faster than any lack of content. Some things you can mess with to a point, and players will try it out. But some things are considered genre- or series- defining, and can only be touched withthe utmost caution, because chaning or removing them or burying them under other features will destroy the game.

    Which is where I feel Diablo was at launch. They made the game as much like the previous as possible while incorporating feedback from years of people playing D2. I think they failed a bit in also understanding how gaming has changed in the last 12 years, though. SC2 doesn't have any farming, but WoW had tons of it - and most players hated it, which is why rep farming has had so many iterations. Famring has to have a noteable time/reward system in place, or it sucks. D3 currently gives you lots of rewards, but because of the way loot is randomized, it's more like opening an xmas present - and finding dog poop. Then doing that 12 more times, followed by your brother beating your ass (fire chains/vortex/Invuln/waller).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gamebreaking Combat Mechanics - Movement Lockout and Weapon Types
    I should add - the title is not correct. It isn't game-breaking, even as a melee - with just enough dps, I can still progress. The bit of DPS I would gain would be nice, but it isn't enough to impede most. With ranged (especially glass cannon builds) I can see it being rough, as that extra seconds many times is the difference between life and death, though.

    Still needs to be fixed.

    EDIT: this wasn't added in 1.0.3. It has been there for a while now.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gamebreaking Combat Mechanics - Movement Lockout and Weapon Types
    Quote from repinSniper

    Quote from paroxysm2010

    if you have to wait before you can move again with certain weapons the game is basically LIENG to you about your attack speed

    I just fully comprehended what you were trying to get at just now. But it seems attacks per second correlating to overall attack speed are dead on if not very close to 100% accurate over a periodic timeframe without moving.

    The issue is that movement lockout time is basically a second mechanic that can cause what we could call secondary effects to movement alone.

    All in all, movement, not attack speed or "DPS", seems to be the one to suffer, which has major secondary side effects.

    A good example to relate this to would be, the jailer affix.
    Say you are jailed for 0.2 seconds per jail, compared to 0.5 seconds per jail. You still can stand still and deal damage without suffering any direct side effects, but when the time comes to move, you would want to know why there is a 0.3 second disparity.

    This is spot on from my experience in fights with no movement or when movement doesn't effect survivability, but also slightly off, and affects my dps in fights where movement is required for survivability, and here's why. When I can stand and DPS non-stop, my attacks/sec and DPS are very close to my stats overtime, because I can just spam my attacks until the monsters are dead.

    This changes when you get in fights that require movement. When you start spamming attacks, and get ground-effects thrown under you and have to move, you won't move out of it no matter how many times you click until your last attack animation ends. This leads one to click in a more metered fashion to make sure you don't get trapped in them, because if the ground-effects hurt enough to have to leave them, then the mobs themselves hurt enough for you to need to move.

    Basically, it ends up being a reduction in DPS in fights where you need it, and reflects the stat pages DPS in fights where it doesn't matter.

    EDIT: typos and clarity.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The diablo community
    Quote from sacridoc

    The reason that people "hate" on D3 so much is because D2 was such a good game lol... You can say what you want about the "community" but D3 has nothing on D2. The expectations for this game were massive, and it didn't live up to those expectations for most people.

    Also, even though WoW has a lot of cheese in it that makes me dislike it, it's crazy to say it was a bad game.

    However, I think a lot of people would agree with the idea that it went downhill after WotLK. Some might say everything after vanilla was bad, but really I feel like Wrath is where the game started to get bad. Then again, they really stopped adding anything major to the game at that point, and the storylines that people cared about were done.

    Your argument is a logical fallacy. People having unrealistic expectations of something which then fails to meet then doesn't make it bad or a failure. It just means people are unrealistic and believe too much crap based on rumor and conjecture and anticipation of something they really want.

    People have been getting screwed on unrealistic expectations all year : ME3, SW:TOR, D3...and soon GW2, TSW, and any other big name title. Because instead of basing an opinion on experience, they base it on hype and excitement, and have set themselves up for disappointment before even giving the games a chance.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on This game is getting less and less fun by the minute
    Quote from Cyeron

    Quote from Mutilate24

    For me, games are a hobby. I get maybe an hour a night to do Diablo. At any point when it stops being fun I am not going to sit down and try and analyze why. I am not going to make a post on any forums telling people I am done and here is why. I am just going to move on to something else. For me, that's just makes sense.

    And for me games are mind-breakers that help me distinct between my everyday work having largely abstract bases. I actually don't primarily play games to sit down and have fun, I play them mostly to restart my brain - so to speak.

    I wouldn't dare to say that I am trying to analyze such. I am simply pointing out a trend that seems obvious to me after having read through forums once in a while. And the reason I do it is 'cause I think people should think of the bigger picture instead of focusing on rage coming from a single person - and I must simply admit I find it hilarious that so many people react so easily to rage.

    In my case, I am not reacting with rage, I tend to react to people who confuse inability to manage complex games systems with them being bad systems or broken. In the case of your post specifically, I responded to your invalid correlation of players being bored and players quitting over class changes being significant in regards to leaving a game if you don't like it. Players not enjoying the game should quit, regardless of the reason. But trying to say "well, they were bored, but still playing until there was one more nail in the coffin" is valid in and of itself, but just obfuscating the point. Those people who were bored should have left too, since it is clear they already weren't having fun, instead of just doing their time.

    In other words - your point that the game has issues which will drive people away is valid. Your point that repetition is boring is valid. Your point that for some people who were already bored, nerfs to their chosen cheesy gameplay mechanic of choice is valid. And is valid for everyone in every game, and every pursuit, not specifically to D3. All of which has nothing to do with not continuing to do something you do not enjoy (although working doesn't give you much choice lol). I agree with your point in general, but it doesn't really have anything to do with this post, or the specific comment you quoted.

    And if I misread if you linked them, I apologize. But the fact still stands, that regardless of how they arrived at their unhappiness with the game, if they are unhappy, they should leave. And it would be nice if people would stop assuming that because some small percentage of vocal players do not like a game means the game is significantly flawed too.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on This game is getting less and less fun by the minute
    Quote from Lushy

    Im with Jackoo on this one. D2 shits all over D3. At least they didn't Nerf every class and make them harder and harder every 2 months so people have to try change their game style all the time. Leave Jackoo be.
    Funny how everyone is slandering Jackoo for having an opinion when it takes more guts to voice one. Those who have a go at someone for having a voice are lower then maggots in MY OPINION. Get it. Got it. Good now F@%k OFF

    He doesn't have an opinion. He is incapable of managing game mechanics at Inferno difficulty, and wants to blame the game and the RMAH on it.

    You people who revere D2 and want to put it on a pedestal are half the issue with these forums, and how it represents the game. It isn't bad, it just isn't *EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT*. Which was a straight D2 clone, with everything D2 had, but newer GFX and a different story.

    D2 was a decent game. Besides being easy as hell, having a skill/talent system that was irrelevant because any skills with any gear allowed you to progress. And by that, it was "more customizable" - your skills choices *DID NOT MATTER*. They weren't choices, it was a glorified "whack-a-mole" screen than made pretty changes to what your character looked like in combat. Because everyone looked the same once they got the BiS gear everyone was duping out.

    OP - the stats you list for Act 2 are crap. You have an account here, you posted your river of tears - but you couldn't be bothered researching minimum stats needed to move forward. Because you see a Barb *with* enough (more than enough) gear, *he* must be broken, not you - because, of course, your gaming prowess is legendary.

    Your stats aren't enough. I can farm Act 1 just fine, and Act 2 *was* easier yesterday. I have 38K HP/11.5K DPS/450 RA and was still struggling. The IAS nerf hurt a bit (lost 1.5K DPS), *BUT* I don't blame the game for my inability to advance. I know this is a gear game, and I don't have it. I Don't go crying to Blizzard telling them change the game, because I am so great it can't be me.

    As for Lushy, savior of the downtrodden - on the Internet, everyone has the balls to voice an opinion. Anonymity requires *ZERO* bravery. You know what requires bravery? Acknowledging that your failures are *YOUR* failures, instead of hunting down any and every scapegoat you can find, because your ego is far to fragile to accept you just aren't perfect.

    D2 only shit's on something because it is covered in it. It was a good game, and had some good systems. D3 has the potential to match that, while avoiding many of the pitfalls and abuse/hack/exploits D2 suffered from, which ultimately ruined it for many. For folks like you, who don't want a challenge, just a glorified loot pinata that even the OP's referenced 10 y/o's would get bored of, go back to it. Get it? Got it? Go back to pre-school, little kid.


    Cyeron - technically correct, yes. The OP does illuminate a point many *VOCAL* players have on *MANY GAME FORUMS* (note: this number is *NOT* a significant sampling of the players base, and many players are just as vocal in support of them game. IT is common knowledge that more people complain than praise, however, so the greater number of negative voices comes as no shock for anybody with more than a junior college education).

    Repetition is boring. Repetition in D2 was boring too. For every person that played D2 as intended, at least one was either using hacks or exploits or dupes, or benefiting from them by using items from people who did. Saying a game is great because you can bypass significant portions of game mechanics is an error in logic too. Likewise with D3. You use class changes as the qualification for the games weakness of repetition driving people away. I see peoples need to find ways to cheese their way through hard games driving them away as stuff gets fixed. See the difference?

    Your deeper issue, simply put, is as follows -

    (1) Repetition is boring - people who hate this will hate D3, will have hated D2, or have grown out of this type game in between releases.
    (2) People used to D2's difficulty and easy of acquiring gear will hate repetition in D3, because they never really had to experience it in D2.

    People who do not like grind games will be bored. People who thought D2 was perfect will be bored or unhappy. People who like the game aren't being driven away by grinding/repetition - that is why they play it. Some of them are driven away by balance, difficulty, patches, etc. Things that are not the cornerstone of Diablo games.

    And those people who are not having fun should stop playing. Class/game changes may be the straw that broke the camels back for those players, but those people weren't having fun regardless, per your statement above. It is weak reasoning to try and link 2 unrelated issues to support your (or another) argument.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on So how is Act 2-4 on 1.03?
    Quote from Mirthen

    I went from being able to 'very slowly' progress through act 2, to still getting 1-2 shot and just having a shit ton of repair bills to pay. So now i have even less gold then before. The drops are still completly worthless low level crap. Nothing to AH at all, gold going down the tube from repairs. So i cant regear with extra resist/vit/armor. So yeah forcing my WoW sub to lapse by killing the card its charged to, hence removing my Diablo.

    So everyone's experience improved except this one incompetent. Even though the sample is too low to draw any factual conclusions, it does imply the damage reduction was an overall success. Unless you are badly geared/specc'd/skilled.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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