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    posted a message on Inferno Drops - ilvl Discussion & Preferences
    Quote from Miraal

    But I do wish that lower iLvl items would be good later on in the game too ^^ Like my old trustworthy Buriza, could have it at like lvl 40 all the way til forever :P
    That is basically the problem with the loot design right now. Now you can have a "perfect" rare. Back in D2, there was no such thing. A unique was always a good choice. Consider runewords part of that team. Does anyone remember Magefist? I found one in D3, wanted to puke after finding it. A blue glove outperforms it easily.

    Now, back on posting generally on the thread.

    Then there is the luck thing. I'm also amongst the people who haven't found ANYTHING worth more than 50k in the AH. My profit with the AH came from buying low and selling high, which sucks. I want to play Diablo, not Diablo AH.

    If you find that hard to believe, I can show you my AH logs, gold looted, actual gold in character and my shitty gear. You make the math. Just don't say it is not true because it is not happening to you.

    Also, people farm in different ways. Farming with a full group of friends, sharing loot is infinitely better than farming alone. You die, get rezed, champs don't reset, so on and so forth. Not to mention that with a good group you actually kill stuff faster.

    So far, the only "upgrade" I've found that I use on my barb is an ammy with 190 str 190 vit, no resists or any other fancy thing on it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking to start a new farming character
    My 2 cents as I've played both.

    I'm not rich, I don't have anything worth more than a mil, so, keep that in mind.

    Barbs are, maybe, the most gear dependent class.

    While playing the DH I felt like things were scaling up with each piece or gear, with the Barb you either can or can not do it, there is no mid therm.

    Now, that is for a close combat barb. There are several ways of building a gameplay for the class, even ranged (facepalm) builds, and people like those.

    For example:
    60k health
    1100 phys res
    1050 fire res
    950 other res
    25% block shield
    10k DPS

    That was fail to me in A3.

    60k health
    1250 phys res
    1250 fire res
    1000 other res
    25% block shield
    15k DPS

    That was win.

    However, upgrading everything from 45-55 res to 65+ res costs a lot of gold. The difference is not that big, but when you melt down with 1050 fire res and 60k health in fire chains in 2 seconds, from full to dead, then you realize that you simply can't do it like that.

    My build is still almost full tank, aside from 1 skill. There is a guy I played with that had 3 or 4 offensive skills. What is the difference? Gear.

    So, as long as you're comfortable with a lot of experimentation to see what build fits your gameplay better and getting a lot of gear, you should be fine.

    Barbs are tons, hundreds of tons of fun up to Inferno. Then there, you'll find that you die as easily as everybody else, with the difference that you're mostly melee, has no bubble or awesome heals like the monk (revenge doesn't proc, you're dead), but you still have to be close (mostly) to do damage.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Inferno Drops - ilvl Discussion & Preferences
    Quote from voidburn

    Quote from Kooqu

    I hate to break it to some of you, but if inferno only dropped 60+ items, everything would be worthless. Even if most of the stuff was still crap, you'd have so many more chances at good loot that loot would be devalued. Furthermore, we'd all quit the game because we'd all have amazing loot and nobody to sell it to.

    Right.. 'cause we aren't playing Diablo, we're playing an elaborate gambling machine. That's the concern, isn't it? To protect the economy.

    No thanks, not fun, not what I bought the game for. If in six months from now everyone who bothers playing has the best gear in the game (without farming 5 hours a day), and new players can buy it cheaply, it's just the way it's always been, especially in D2.

    Who cares about your precious economy? The loot diversity should be so that every once and a while you'd come across a slight upgrade which polishes up already great stats, not a frantic search for pain relief. It sucks, and if you don't see it you're either already geared up (thank's to the brilliance of the launch issues, or blind luck in drops you sold), or you purposefully like this thing.

    It's been 20 days now since I dropped something I could use, all I can do is figure out if something can be useful to another class, and try to sell it to pay for what I know I need. I'm sorry, this game doesn't deserve to be called Diablo 3.

    Diablo 2 loot isn't anything like this crap, you could easily feel powerful and capable in blue gear, from there it was one hell of a journey to reach godlike status, but it sure didn't make you feel inadequate or unprepared while doing it. D3 lets you crawl in its shit, and slaps your hand if you try and reach for help.
    This, simply this.

    All those "face it or leave it" folks might go play Monopoly, kind of suits their needs better.

    I payed for a hack and slash game, not to learn economy.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Inferno Drops - ilvl Discussion & Preferences
    Quote from Savages

    Quote from ArcaneWeapon

    Been thinking this exact thing. Really wouldn't care if rares became much rarer as long as they were always level 60+.

    Exactly. I think this is a concern that we should share with Blizzard after seeing some more votes. At the very least, I would like to see an answer regarding why it is the way it is. If there is such a reasoning my guess is that it has something to do with the economy, but being the end-game content, I truly dislike finding ilvl 51-59 items as the majority of the items I find.
    You won't have one bud. The way it is it forces you to go to the AH. The Gold AH only exists because otherwise they could probably be sued. But it is clear the game was designed to use the RMAH.

    To progress, you MUST buy gear.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Inferno Drops - ilvl Discussion & Preferences
    To me, the game has a clear leveling if you just follow the quest line. Doing all extra dungeons or not makes little difference.

    With 2 toons at 60 and 3 at 30-35, I would say that:
    1-30: Normal
    31-50: Nightmare
    51-60: Hell

    I achieved that with no effort, just realizing with the second 60 that 50 was a requirement for Hell.

    Now, based on that, I would say that it made sense if each difficulty and act would base the iLvls accordingly, not the -5 or -10 actually in place, were we just find something we should have used 5 or 10 levels before.

    With that same idea, it makes sense to me that Inferno should only drop 60+ iLvls.

    As someone already posted, if I wanted iLvl 51-60 (yes, 60 could be in both hell and Inferno), I could simply farm Hell.

    Today I find myself just throwing 19 of 20 yellows out simply because they suck, and they suck because their stats suck, and their stats suck because the iLvl they have is too low to have good stats.

    The only exception I see on this is rings and amulets, which even at low lvls can have good stats. Problem is, I bet that if they were 60+, they would have been even better.

    Yet, with the loot system being as it is, with legendaries being just a laughable part of the game, unless Blizzard comes back to the drawing board and changes things so a Legendary iLvl 59 could be better than a Rare iLvl 63, which we had plenty in D2, I don't see the point of giving anything lower than iLvl 60+ in Inferno.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.03...wishing I had 1.02c back
    Quote from fer

    Quote from KorganNailo

    Well, as a barb, I'm still under geared, badly. Since I started playing (3rd day after the release), I've collected about 4.5 mil gold, spent about 1.5 of that in gear and my barb has: 800 resists, 10k DPS, 44k health, 1200 LoH.

    I can farm act 1 Inferno. That is it.

    1.0.3 came out, I tried to do A2, died a few times on champ packs, repaired for 15k a few times, lost gold on that o'course, found nothing worth of anything, and now I'm back trying A1.

    I have the exact same feeling as you do. It seems to me that I'll be playing A1 for the next 6 months, until prices drop or something else changes, because I can't for the good of me make 100mil to spend on gear like some other folks do.

    If it was not for gear in the AH, I would probably still be stuck in Nightmare.

    Well then you seriously need to learn how to play. Face tanking without moving like normal to inferno act 1 will not work anymore, and that is a good thing. Would be boring otherwise.

    With 600 resists, 45k hp, 0 LoH and wielding no shield I was farming act 2 just fine pre-patch. And so have many others, hell ppl with just slightly better stats than yours have been farming Siegebreaker no prob. People like you will get this game over-nerfed.

    I don't want to get the game over-nerfed, nor was I standing on shit or not moving. However, I do like to engage in close combat, yes.

    To me, the whole kiting is not why I play a barbarian. If I wanted that, I would play another class. That is just me, not saying it must be done like that.

    After I posted, I changed from dual wielding to S&B, got two new pieces and the barb is now with 1100 physical resists, 1000 fire, 900 the rest. Armor only 8k, and health 45k. DPS dropped to 8k as LoH to 400. Look good right?

    I then find a champion pack in the sewers, A2. Leap + charge where not enough to keep me alive with the mob having freeze + waller + nightmarish + arcane.

    Problem was being walled on top of desecration, or frozen to death (literally) for 5 or 6 seconds with chain freezes.

    Died twice, got the pack killed, and moved on. However, my feeling is that it should not had been that. Knowing to move out of crap and keeping clear of the arcane sentries was not enough. Why? Because the pack had 4 mobs. They simply can cast a lot of stuff and you simply don't have the CDs to survive.

    That is why I'm still saying there is room to improve, at least for me. Once I got ONE of the four down, it was so much easier, after the second it was a walk in the park, I could kill them with one finger, literally.

    But when they chain freeze + damage + damage on the floor, that is where I simply don't have the health pool to sit there and eat damage for so long.

    Take that out, and I've been enjoying A2 pretty much so far. I'm still wondering how A3 will be.

    Quote from JonasSK

    Quote from KorganNailo

    (same quote as above)
    You're just shit, you have way better gear than me, and i've completed all acts on inferno.

    I'm pretty sure I can complete the game at any time, however, that is not what I'm looking for.

    What I'm looking for is to enjoy the game, farm here and there, and feel that I'm progressing somehow.

    For example, SaracenS was doing a fantastic job, even before the nerf:

    However, that is not how I like to play. Do I suck then? Well, maybe for you I do, but what is the point of playing then if you can not do so as you like?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 1.03...wishing I had 1.02c back
    Quote from LargeCoke

    Quote from mavfin

    Funny. Those who had given up on Inferno before are still whining, while my friends who thought it just needed a little tweak are happily farming Act 3 or 4 in the gear they used to do Act 2 in.

    Good players adapt. Bad players whine. Figure out which one you are.
    Trolls, troll...
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.03...wishing I had 1.02c back
    Quote from kavselj

    Quote from KorganNailo

    Well, as a barb, I'm still under geared, badly. Since I started playing (3rd day after the release), I've collected about 4.5 mil gold, spent about 1.5 of that in gear and my barb has: 800 resists, 10k DPS, 44k health, 1200 LoH.

    I can farm act 1 Inferno. That is it.

    1.0.3 came out, I tried to do A2, died a few times on champ packs, repaired for 15k a few times, lost gold on that o'course, found nothing worth of anything, and now I'm back trying A1.

    I have the exact same feeling as you do. It seems to me that I'll be playing A1 for the next 6 months, until prices drop or something else changes, because I can't for the good of me make 100mil to spend on gear like some other folks do.

    If it was not for gear in the AH, I would probably still be stuck in Nightmare.

    How the hell can you be failing in Act 2 with those stats? I can farm act 3 with pretty much the same stats apart from certain elite packs with nasty affix combinations.
    Maybe the build / game play style. I've been seriously considering getting a new shield, with more block / health / resists.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.03...wishing I had 1.02c back
    Quote from Coaster_Man

    Quote from KorganNailo

    Well, as a barb, I'm still under geared, badly. Since I started playing (3rd day after the release), I've collected about 4.5 mil gold, spent about 1.5 of that in gear and my barb has: 800 resists, 10k DPS, 44k health, 1200 LoH.

    I can farm act 1 Inferno. That is it.

    1.0.3 came out, I tried to do A2, died a few times on champ packs, repaired for 15k a few times, lost gold on that o'course, found nothing worth of anything, and now I'm back trying A1.

    I have the exact same feeling as you do. It seems to me that I'll be playing A1 for the next 6 months, until prices drop or something else changes, because I can't for the good of me make 100mil to spend on gear like some other folks do.

    If it was not for gear in the AH, I would probably still be stuck in Nightmare.
    Are you kidding? I've got 300-500 res, 9k armor, 11k dps, 45k hp, 175 LoH, and I've only died a handful of times so far. Before 1.03 I couldn't even get to the first wp without lots of deaths but now it is much easier. I also found some ok items to sell on the AH for 30k~ to help those repair bills, of which I think in all my deaths only concluded of around 30k (total). I've progressed up to the sewers.
    Oh don't get me wrong, I could get 5 stacks of NVB and all, it is just a lot of trouble for it. But the damage spike is still high.

    Before 1.0.3 I was basically one shotted. Shield, no shield, pants, no pants, lollipop, no lollipop, you name it, dead.

    What I don't want to do is a "ranged" barb... **sigh** (hehehe)

    In A1 I simply face roll everything dual wielding... Just saying, I enjoy that a bit more than die die die.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.03...wishing I had 1.02c back
    Quote from mavfin

    Funny. Those who had given up on Inferno before are still whining, while my friends who thought it just needed a little tweak are happily farming Act 3 or 4 in the gear they used to do Act 2 in.

    Good players adapt. Bad players whine. Figure out which one you are.
    Would you mind posting your "good players" gear plz? I know what I have to buy / do, I just don't have the gold for it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on best all Resistance to have?
    I don't play a monk, but what I pay attention to in resists with my barb is physical and fire.

    Physical is obvious, but most of the bad ass damaging abilities are fire: desecration, molten, fire chains... etc.

    Maybe dropping a bit all resists but keeping those two up might do the trick.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
  • 0

    posted a message on 1.03...wishing I had 1.02c back
    Quote from Greenjoke

    if you're having a hard time in act 2 you need to farm act 1 or improve your build/skill

    remember, act 1 can drop the ilvls that act2-4 can
    Hehe, I've been there for the past 6 hours, didn't find anything worth putting in the AH for gold. Help?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 1.03...wishing I had 1.02c back
    Well, as a barb, I'm still under geared, badly. Since I started playing (3rd day after the release), I've collected about 4.5 mil gold, spent about 1.5 of that in gear and my barb has: 800 resists, 10k DPS, 44k health, 1200 LoH.

    I can farm act 1 Inferno. That is it.

    1.0.3 came out, I tried to do A2, died a few times on champ packs, repaired for 15k a few times, lost gold on that o'course, found nothing worth of anything, and now I'm back trying A1.

    I have the exact same feeling as you do. It seems to me that I'll be playing A1 for the next 6 months, until prices drop or something else changes, because I can't for the good of me make 100mil to spend on gear like some other folks do.

    If it was not for gear in the AH, I would probably still be stuck in Nightmare.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on extra loot from valor x 5
    Ruppgu, I must say I have the complete opposite feeling. I've done about 6 runs so far in A1, and I do have the impression that loot has been improved.

    Don't know if that would be related to the act though.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thinking of starting a Barb
    Clear inferno? mmm... though call...

    But other than that cheap gear might get you going...

    Did you see the 1mil barb BEFORE 1.0.3? by Zrave?

    Check it out.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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