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    posted a message on How are you Guys so RICH!!??
    Quote from GT4

    I'll say it again:
    If you feel, you have bad RNG (like me), do the AH. You don't need to spend much time, e.g. yesterday after I wrote my post in this thread, while eating, I got a mace for 1 million which now has a 3 million bid.

    You do not need RNG as long as there's the AH if you're clever.


    I've been away from home on vacation, and since I only have my laptop, I can't really play D3 at a framerate above 5. So in order to make gold, I've tried my hand at flipping stuff on the AH.

    My strategy is to bid on items, in an attempt to get them for 30 to 50% under their true value, and to then turn around and sell them. This is because I haven't had all that much luck sniping items on the AH (aside from a 1h xbow I bought for 50k and sold for 500).

    I havne't made a HUGE amount of money through flipping stuff on the AH (I've only made like 1 mil in the past few days), but then again I have only bought and sold three items, and I've spent maybe a total of 15 minutes in the past week checking around on the AH, placing bids, etc.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Which Places to Farm in Inferno Act 1, 2, 3 and 4
    Lately I have just been farming Act 3 inferno doing Spider + Azmo runs.

    That, or I farm whimsy, and just do a speed butcher run to get 5NV.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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