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    posted a message on New WW barb - what stats to aim for?
    While dps is nice and will greatly increase your farm speed, it really takes a backseat to defense for the ww barb. With the exception of certain ranged packs where it's much more beneficial to burst them down in a single wotb rather than a drawn-out kite fest that ends in an enrage (looking at you, a3 occultists), dps is really just icing on the cake. Resists should be your priority, especially given that your hp is so high. Ideally you should look to replace some of your high vit pieces with AR pieces as that will boost your effective health significantly; so long as your resists are decent you can afford to run as low as 40k hp. I would look to find high str/high AR pieces on the shoulders, bracers, and pants and sacrifice some of that vit in the process. You would be surprised on the deals you can get by ignoring either vit *or* AR on a piece. I would also replace as many vit gems with str gems as you're comfortable with.

    Personally, I find loh rings to not generally be worth their cost. Even a low amount of loh tends to multiply the price of an item enormously, and those 100 loh rings aren't as cost effective as nabbing an 800+loh stat stick off hand. If you can find loh on rings cheap, great, but those pieces are huge for dps and in my opinion you lost far too much dps in the tradeoff. Same philosophy applies to the ammy, but yours strikes a nice balance so there's no need to replace it. You mh looks alright, more dps is better but it's adequate and expensive to upgrade. I would definitely try to find a very high loh off hand, preferably one with a socket for more crit damage and whatever other stats you can find for cheap. Keep in mind that off hand dps is 90% inconsequential with this spec since it only affect ww damage, which isn't a large % of your total. Find an offhand with huge stats for cheap due to it's low dps. Finding another lifesteal piece is essential, however, if you lose it on your spear. One piece of lifesteal pretty much makes wotb into godmode for the duration, losing that is a big hit. Easiest place to find it is on the belt.

    All in all, you're still pretty well-equipped to clear the game so long as you get the playstyle down. Your biggest need is loh imo, nothing else really screams immediate attention. I've run with significantly lower defenses (think 300 unbuffed resists and 45k health) and was able to clear inferno without too much trouble. So long as you just learn when to cut your losses and skip a tough pack of elites (when doing a3 speed runs I typically don't even deal with heralds, firemages, or occultists unless the affixes are easy and I can pin them in a small area), and know which mobs you can't afford to facetank, you should be able to handle most of the game's content.

    As far as spec goes, I absolutely loathe the leap and overpower builds. Iron impact is easy to start fights with and the defense is killer, but I find myself wanting to save it as an escape tool rather than an offensive tool. Obviously that's just my opinion, but there were just too many situations where I had used leap to generate fury and found myself unable to get out of a bad wall/arcane sentry combo as a result. Overpower is just way overpowered (heh), but starting fights is a pain and it slows down your farm speed enormously. Crushing advance makes nearly any pack with an aoe affix piss easy, but comes at the cost of more reliable fury generation, which was a deal breaker for me. While probably not an immediate concern of yours, trying to clear acts quickly and having to wait on overpower's cd to finish before generating any fury just didn't work for me. I prefer a traditional fury generator because it gives on-demand fury for when you run dry mid-fight, allows you to perma-sprint through zones by breaking things along the way, and makes finishing off that last ranged mob easy instead of trying to outrun him with sprint to get tornados rolling. I use bash with instigation for maximum fury, but the choice comes down to preference.

    I've been trying replacing wotb with overpower lately, and it has been working pretty well. I find that being able to facetank super stacked aoe packs with crushing advance generally provides as much if not more benefit as being able to burst down packs with wotb, but I find myself not wanting to deal with bad ranged packs very often due to not being able to kill them quickly with wotb. Bosses are generally easier too since you Ghom's clouds, azmodan's pools and diablo's fire all heal you, but they weren't much of an issue anyways. Point is, there a couple ways to play and you should experiment to find what works for you, not what someone says is the only way to play on some forum.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Quick update video regarding my previous act 1 farm loop
    As great as this is for elites/time, I can't help but thinking that having 0 rares worth selling (imo) and your friend in mumble saying something along the lines of, "ooh *ilvl 63 rare*, hope it's good... god damn it," is far too indicative of the current state of the game. Here's hoping the Act III/IV item buff will be worthwhile.

    Also, do you not finish your run with Halls of Agony 2 through Butcher? Or are you just omitting that part since it's fairly straighforward.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ghom Post-patch
    Get around 900 loh and the cheapest vit/dex/AR gear you can find. Dps is inconsequential. Easy enough with 30k hp, ~600 AR, 2.7k armor, and a sad 10k dps. I used double 1h's for faster attack speed with loh on each. Bought the set specifically for this fight, cost about 500k.

    Grenades - Poison
    Chakram - Shuriken Cloud
    Shadow Power - Gloom
    Sentry - Guardian
    Caltrops - Jagged Spikes
    Preparation - Backup Plan or w/e you want

    Custom Engineering
    Nightstalker (Not so important)
    Numbing Traps

    Fight starts, drop a sentry and a caltrop. Before things get ticking you might want to pop an early shadow power. Once you're stable, it's just a grenade spam while refreshing caltrops, sentry, and chakram. Shadow Power if things get nasty, but it's nothing an extra caltrops won't give you in loh if you double stack them.

    As an aside, I like the people saying it's a l2p issue. It's clearly not when the fight is a total cockblock for any glass cannon build and the fight requires significant tank gear in order to stack the clouds tight enough to allow them to despawn, at which time you hit enrage. Poorly designed mechanics ftl.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on mf really working as intended?
    Quote from Echesia

    It's likely working as intended. I'd say you've hit a streak of bad luck.

    Considering that increasing the chance of getting blues and rares will also give you more of the crap items.
    Imagine this example.

    0% Magic Find
    - 10 blues and/or rares with one good in them. So 9 crappy ones.

    100% Magic Find
    - 20 blues and/or rares with two good in them. So 18 crappy ones.

    200% Magic Find
    - 30 blues and/or rares with three good in them. So 27 crappy ones.

    Bigger magic find will give you more crappy ones, but also more good ones.
    You still get 9 crappy ones for every good item.
    In any case, luck has a very large influence on this one.

    The numbers are imaginary. Still, this is much how Magic Find works.

    That's not quite how mf works. MF doesn't increase the amount of items that drop in any way, it merely causes a higher percentage of equipment drops to be of higher quality. High mf causes all items to have a greater chance of being rolled as higher quality. Thus with a high mf, your ratio of magic-quality and above drops compared to white and below drops will increase. Eventually at some unknown and unreachable mf level, it would be possible to totally force lower quality drops off a loot table. If the lowest drop rate for a magic item in-game was say, 10%, then a mf of 1000% would render every equipment drop as a magic item minimally. This does not mean that all of your drops will be good, or have better stats, however. MF only influences whether a piece is white, magic, rare, etc and not the stats, item level, or any other item statistic.

    For instance, let's say you open a standard chest while playing. The chest drops 100g, 2 crafting tomes, and 1 gem. Even if you had switched to a high mf set before opening this chest, the results would not have changed since mf only affects equipment drops. Now, if the chest had contained 1 white-quality spear, having a high mf would have resulted in that spear having a greater chance of having been rolled as a magic, rare, set, or legendary item in proportion to the amount of mf you have equipped. If the hidden probability of this given spear being magic was 20% then having the highest mf possible in the game (342) would mean 68.4% of the time that spear will at least be blue.

    Hope that helps people understand mf a little better, and I hope none of the workings of mf have changed since I last researched it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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