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    posted a message on Belial post 1.0.3
    Is anyone else having trouble killing Belial within the three minute enrage timer in phase 3?

    I have 21k dps at full rage (Berserker Rage passive) with Battle Rage (Marauder) up and 5 stack Frenzy (Maniac). I don't stop attacking except for the explosions. I have Furious Charge on constant cooldown for the heal and the hit since it does more damage than Frenzy. Resistances and hp are irrelevant since the enrage timer is a pure DPS concern.

    I was killing him with ease before the patch, of course it took about 4-5 minutes. Now, I'm hitting the enrage timer when he is around 10% health, and there is no where to run when explosions are everywhere.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Inferno: Super Fast Mob help
    Just started inferno and ran into a wall really quick with a rare mob named Gilgamesh in Act I. He is one of those frog looking mobs and is really fast. I tried using Grasp of the Dead - Unbreakable Grasp but he just flies right through it. Wall of Zombies works until he runs around it in a second or two. Horrify/Mass Confusion/Hex work for like three seconds max. Using everything I mentioned or at least four of them to activate Vision Quest, I can get him down to like 75%. Just him, not any of his 3 cronies that are equally annoying. The problem is when everything is on cooldown. It's very difficult to kite since he is super fast and catches up in seconds if he doesn't port right next to me. Even if I used offensive cooldowns like the burst Garg and Fetish Army, they are not enough to burst him down before they die even with hard nukes from Spirit Barrage. I didn't see the point in trying bears since you need to be within range to use them and the closer I get the faster I would die.

    I have roughly 32k hp and 16k damage. I just need some advice on how to go about killing really fast moving Champion/Rare mobs. I stack Int and Vitality and have not tried to stack physical resist due to a lack of gold. Even if I used the armor bonus rune with Horrify and damge reduction passives it was not enough to effectively kite. Maybe I cannot kite for my life, but I think I'm alright.

    Any advice? Sacrifice hp for more damage? Kite better? Mash harder?
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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