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    posted a message on Group makeup, comments please
    Looking for any constructive comments on our current build thoughts for the group as described below. Not an endgame build as we don't know what that will be like.

    We're a group of 4 pretty decent players with many years of various MMO experience playing together,and lots of D1 and D2 ladder experience. We know pretty well how each other plays and reacts to pretty much everything; we've seen it all.

    We're not planning to be first to 60, but we do plan to play level pretty aggressively. Basically, we're strong believers in that if something is dead, it can't hurt us. And that if we're dieing too often, we need to respec or farm gear or both, before moving forward.

    Given that, and that each one of us has played every class in Beta, we've chosen our personal favorites.

    Also, keep in mind we think this approach/specs should hold through early to mid-Hell; all bets are off for late Hell and Inferno where we may have to redo things for survivability and dealing with resistances until we get geared up to go back to "if it's dead, it can't hurt us."

    Monk -- http://us.battle.net...XiTk!ZXc!ZZaZaa
    This should be our big front line 'tank', but not in a WoW sense, capable of taking a lot, providing some damage reduction to the group, adding some group dps and some limited aoe heals

    WD -- http://us.battle.net...YdgP!adU!a.YYZa
    Additional 'meat minions' should help out with the 'tank', help keep mobs off the other dps, while providing additional, good dps, and snares, etc.

    DH -- http://us.battle.net...gjkQ!bYe!aaaabZ
    This is our long-range artillery, providing some decent base aoe by having Contagion w/ Marked for Death and the WD Grasp of the Dead.

    Wizard -- http://us.battle.net...QRSP!YcZ!aaZaZZ
    This is our glass cannon, who can also provide some additional 'meat shields' or targets

    Thanks for your thoughts.
    Posted in: Theorycrafting and Analysis
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