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    posted a message on Do I understand the Monk?
    About 95% of my skill usage was with generators (partly due to the lvl 13 limit), so I usually had plenty of spirit lying around...

    How that will feel when there are really nice abilties to use for spirit is unclear, but I believe there are items that help increase regen (I know I've seen spirit to health items, so not needing a heal to use up spirit could also be considered a regen buff : ).

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Any people who don't rush during Diablo 3 Beta?
    Quote from TheOneS2k

    I am looking for people to play the game with that take their time exploring instead of rushing
    I am worried that Diablo 3 will become a rush fest once it is released, this thread is just
    to check if there are any people at all who enjoy taking it slow instead of rushing saying
    go go go come on hurry up etc.

    Are there any people out there who want to experience Beta slowly or full game
    once it is released? Please post here

    Play how you want to play... If playing MP, play with friends that want to play the same way... Or find new ones (plenty on here).

    Personally, I play the 'defeat the fog of war' path... D3 doesn't really offer much in the way of 'exploring'... The maps are pretty static, even the random dungeons, but since 13 is the max, and I normally kill the skeleton king at about 10, if I want to max (for the achievement that'll be deleted again soon, or to see all the skills/runes at that point), killing mobs is the main way to get xp (until you're too high lvl that the lowest areas are worthless), seeing all of it helps : )

    At launch, I will likely continue playing 'defeat the fog of war', but then, I've never been a 'get to max level and grind' Diablo player...

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Your thoughts on "Followers"
    Quote from LordSnow
    Since this is new content in D3 than in previous Diablo's, what are your thoughts on Followers? Are you going to use them? Are they going to be effective and useful? Personally I'll be rolling a Monk and I'd love to have a support Enchantress in the back casting on packs, buffing me, and dealing some damage as I run through the Acts. But this leads me to some questions, how will Followers work in parties? Will they count as a party member in the group of 4 or will they be excluded? And if your playing HC with a Follower and they die, are they gone for good as well? Also with Followers having there own skills and the equipment you can give to them (plus own unique equipment) I believe they will be very effective, especially if you plan on solo playing. Even though I feel like Followers have been getting a bad rep lately, I'm trying to get the opinions of everyone else, what do you guys think?

    The Templar, in the beta, is basically useless... With an upgraded weapon, his dps number is listed at ~2, so he regularly hits mobs for up to about 4 damage, while I'm throwing out AOE doing 5 times that (per mob)... In a previous patch, the un'followed Templar was hitting for about 20, and then once he was done with the 'boss' Templar, he started hitting for 10-20% of that... Previous to that beta, I didn't notice him being useless...

    Not sure what will happen at launch, and of course, higher level will help bring that number up a bit (but not as much as some may argue - Weapon is already the main dps contributor).

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 3x WD multiboxing video
    Quote from Kazlan

    Quote from Alladaskill1726

    Or play with friends...

    You made me think of this. It's not meant to be mean I just thought it was funny.

    (implies singing)

    Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
    (real men of genius)
    Today we salute you, Mr. Multiboxing Diablo III Beta Tester
    (Mr. Multiboxing Diablo III Beta Tester)
    Any Gamer can play as one character, but only you can play as a full party
    (All the loot is mine)
    Perfect for the gamer who has everything - everything except a friend to party up with
    (The loot is my friend)
    So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, but remember drinking alone means your an alcoholic
    (Mr. Multiboxing Diablo III Beta Tester)

    This is crazy talk... Drinking alone doesn't mean you're an alcoholic... It just means you're thirsty ; )

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Treasure Goblins
    Quote from Ruppgu

    So I thought the newest patch added more loot to the treasure goblins? Every time I've killed them, they drop less loot (used to be 2-3 blues, now 1 blue). What gives?
    Quote from Nightmyst

    That's strange, because it should actually have been buffed, here is a quote from patch 15 notes:

    Treasure Goblins now drop slightly better loot and less junk (slay them all!)


    More loot does not equal better loot... Could just be that instead of 3 crappy items, they drop 1 less-crappy item : )

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 12PST = Fail for EDT
    I will be up at the butt-crack of dawn, which for me, will likely be 10am or so, though I may find it hard to go to bed 'early' at 2ish...

    No hurry though, I expect the first day/week/month to be handled kind of badly... And no free subscriber time like their previous launch failure... : )

    I am purposefully going in with low expectations so that when it hits the fan, I can move on to something else for an hour/day...

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hacked Gear
    Quote from BleuSnaks42

    Quote from Kaito

    First-post-dupe > first-post-bot topic.

    It's okay in D3 they made it so you can buy items, to prevent people from buying items.....wait....uh....

    D3 made the RMAH to prevent 3rd party websites from making a profit selling diablo items, and also to prevent people from getting hacked / accounts / money stolen from the same websites. It's not to prevent people from buying items, it's to encourage it in a safe environment.

    While this is all true (because you use words like 'encourage' a safe environment), something just occurred to me...

    Blizzard has sent out a lot of messages about the evils of gold buying (excuse the irony for a moment), and how stolen credit card info is used in WoW to steal more gold and what not... But in the case of D3, we'll be buying stuff from other users, so our cards will be secure (true), but when these same people are using stolen cards to buy stuff off the RMAH, then selling it right back, I wonder how that is going to go.

    Blizzard will have to refund the purchase on the stolen card, requiring (perhaps?) them to take it back from the original seller, and then what about the final (legit) buyer? Will the item be taken from them, and their (hopefully full) amount refunded?

    Will be interesting to see how things turn out.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablofans, what is your profession?!
    Quote from H0w3r

    So, yeah, I saw this thread in the US forum and thought it'd be somewhat fun to do the same thing here. Just for curiosity!

    The "game" is simple:

    List your real life occupation

    But you didn't list yours...

    Myself... Software Developer... Games development in my spare time (currently iOS).

    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on So Uhhh... what now?
    Quote from sbsgrinth
    for weeks and weeks we have been hanging on and stressing over the release date... Now that we know other then wait what do we do now? i found myself looking at Dfans every day multiple times a day holding my breath hoping for really big front page news, now that i have it i find myself without anything to do after all my work is done and none of my friends have time to do anything because of studying/class/annoying girlfriends to visit and its time to waste time till bed time. My question is to you, what do you plan on doing for the next 59 days?? i'm looking for ideas here... I can't seem to play any games for more then 15 minutes before getting bored. edit: i've mainly been watching King of the Hill all the way through thats... been... ok i suppose : \

    Do something creative : ) Try building something, out of lego, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, cardboard boxes, imaging programs (the world needs more game artists ; ).

    For me, that means releasing my next iOS game, that I've been chugging away at for the last ~8 months... Now I have a deadline, or at least, I know I'll be totally useless for a few weeks mid May.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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