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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)
    Hi all, good luck with the contest and here is my build: More Fist for Softcore.


    First I'm gonna hit you with Fists of Thunder, then use Thunderclap to hit all of your mates at the same time.

    Then I'm gonna roundhouse kick you with Lashing Tail Kick and all your mates so hard, you will all be stunned by Scorpion Sting for 1 full second.

    Then with the Blinding Flash and Blinding Echo, I'll flash you and all your mates not once, not three times, but twice, real hard.

    While you are stunned and blinded and struggling to hit me, I'll activate my Mantra of Retribution so when you do hit me, you also hit yourself and stunned yourself by Indignation.

    After you've stunned yourself with your own fists, I'll hit you a hundred times with Way of the Hundred Fists. Then hit you 7 to 10 hits more with Hands of Lightning.

    After I've hit you with Way of the Hundred Fists, I'll be real tired from all the clicking. So I'll summon my Mystic Ally: Earth Ally to beat you some more with his fist of rocks.

    Passive Skills:
    While doing all of above, I would be heavily armored with Seize the Initiative, running around you at 110% speed with Fleet Footed, and dodging your punches with Sixth Sense :D.

    Just a build that hits you, stuns you, hits you some more, then gets someone else to hit you a bit more.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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