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    posted a message on all out sacrifice build
    Quote from sacridoc


    This makes the most sense to me at the moment...

    first off your build lacks zombie handler so its restricted to 3 dogs; thats the most obvious passive right there as it allows a 4th dog (all of which have 20% more HP to tank better with) which means a 4th explosion when you sacrifice. furhtermore, to not use pierce the veil and soul harvest you are gimping your damage even more. You are missing 3 key abilities at increasing damage. Its not like youll need GOTD when you got 4 meat shields out snagging the mob aggro.

    so no it doesnt make the most sense... to me at least.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on all out sacrifice build
    Quote from Jadefox

    My only concern with this build is mana... looks like it might a problem... I would suggest changing a rune or even one ability to something that might be able to help you regen mana

    perhaps but 2 of the abilities dont use mana and 3 of the mana abilities have a cool down. Not too concerned about mana with the amount of damage this build does. there shouldnt really be a need to spam anything nonstop. 1-2 well timed sacrifices can clean an entire screen with the overlapping AOE damage. The big mana costs of explosive beast is justified as its a really powerful abilty that does a lot of damage; especially when jacked up on Soul Harvest + Pierce the Veil
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on all out sacrifice build
    uses every single dog producing ability. uses every ability that increase sacrifice damage; cept for next of kin instead of provoke the pack. press the sacrifice button every time you get 3-4 dogs. use your CDs when you need that extra oomf.

    heres the build:

    critiques welcome
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on death trance passive has been removed
    was one of the best pvp and hardcore passives... if not the best one. that blows.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Why take Zombie Dogs...
    There are other reasons to stack dog producing abilities. Especially if you want to have a sacrifice based build. So take for example these skills and passives:

    its easy to see that with such a high dog production rate that you will be able to do 3-4 dog sacrifices very often for massive aoe burst damage. The build i plan on using for pve takes advantage of similar synergies. If you were to choose just one of these (Boogie Man) for example, then you wouldnt be able to do nearly as many sacrifices because your dog production rate is too infrequent. Thus your sacrifice DPS would suffer greatly.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Zombie Suicide Dog build
    Quote from Hellmaister

    But you can only have 4 dogs out at once. This means that if any of those skills proc when you are at full stack then you waste something that would be better off on something else. And when nothing procs and you run out of dogs... then you are screwed! I fooled around abit asw with a sacrifice build but never got satisfied. Here is the best I could come up with though.

    Dr Boom

    or it just means you use sacrifice everytime you have 3-4 dogs out... not a big deal dude. thats how all these mass dog sacrifice builds play out. 3-4 dogs on the screen = sacrifice time.

    also your build is missing lots of dog production abilities... so not really unlocking the full potential of dog production. The more dog production = more gratuitous use of sacrifice spam.

    not saying going mass dogs will for sure work.. but i am saying that you cant really argue it until all the dog abilties are stacked and one sees how many dogs actually get produced.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Zombie Suicide Dog build
    I think going all out dog abilities can be interesting and its too soon to say if you need a spammable spell. You just might have a nice flow of dogs coming in that you can just sacrifice almost nonstop.

    its probably just a matter of juggling your CDs right. Some of them can produce lots of dogs fast. and im not just talking about sumon zombie dogs on a 1 min cd either. Im talking about the other combos
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Zombie Suicide Dog build
    if you want max crazy sacrifice then just go all out dogs... youre missing some great dog production abilities:
    http://us.battle.net...QSYP!bWi!cZZZba <--- this is similar to a build that Im going to use with a few changes to exploit sacrifice a bit more.

    switched the passive to tribal rights because Fetish Army (Amubush) + Big Bad Voodoo (Boogie man) makes a ton of dogs that you can spam sacrifice. Ambush is prefered on Fetish Army so you frontload the damage and get some kills immediately as you dont want to waste big bad voodoo time.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on critique my pvper
    Quote from ClassicWafflez

    Great concept, but you have one damning issue - mana. The WD has a base regen rate of 25 mps. You're gonna run out very quickly.

    yes its a concern of mine as well. However, the reason why i dont think it might be that bad is that most abilities are on CD except for Spirit Barrage. The only time one can use Spirit Barrage effectively is on a CCd/snared target otherwise the target will just line of sight the damage via pillar hugging; so thats situational at best and not really that spammable. Everything else has such long CDs that the mana regen might not that be that rough.

    other options are to to substitute in some mana regen glyphs instead of health regen ones. no clue which would be best though; spirit walk, big bad voodoo, and spirit barrage glyphs etc..

    passive substitutions also work but i think these 3 passives are very nice for pvp. no clue which passives could fit as well as these.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on critique my pvper
    the build:


    Haunt (grasping spirit) = long range fire and forget snare this snare lasts for 15 seconds. even though this snare is only 30% it is easy to get on target and lasts a very long time.

    Grasp of the Dead (desperate grasp/unbreakable grasp) = a more powerful ranged snare that takes more micro management but it does damage too... great ability for controling distance (kiting or chasing)

    Spirit Walk (healing journey) = offensive and defensive movement ability. Use offensively to go invisible and get close to opponent only to pop out of nowhere and CC them with horrify and then unload damage. Use defensively for a quick heal or when under a lot of pressure.

    Horrify (phobia) = offensive (when used with spirit walk) and defensive CC.

    Big Bad Voodoo (Ghost Trance) = very nice AOE life regen for your team as well as 20% movement speed makes kiting with haunt and grasp of dead easier. Not having to "cast" the heal (thus wasting valuable time) makes it easy to use. the long CD blows but its still a powerful ability if used right.

    Spirit Barage (phlebotomize) = powerful single target damage. 3% life leach stacks with the other healing and survivabilities. With all the snares and speed boosts its easier to create distance and have more time use more intensive DPS abilities such as this.

    Death Trance = major survivability

    Jungle Fortitude = more survivability stacks well with death trance

    Spirit vessel = helps spirit walk and horrify CDs as well as gives a passive "oh sh!t" stay alive safety net.

    I think this build has it all. Lots of survivability, lots of CC and kiting abilities, good damage output and ability to heal group members. Concerned bout mana issues though....

    please critique
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on burst damage summoner build
    the build:

    The entire right side of the skill tree is about keeping max 4 dogs in play for perpetual sacrifies. With big bad voodoo (w/boogie man) popped each time you sacrifice (w/next of kin) not only do you do burst AOE damage but also will likely get lots of new dogs which can be blown up imeediately thus repeating the cycle (all you gotta do is turbo mash sacrifice until theres no dogs left... its zero mana DPS). As the dog count starts do dwindle just recast zombie dogs and repeat the cycle.

    I use Ambush with fetish army to front load the damage of the spell, get some kills fast, thus taking advantage of the big bad voodoo (/w boogie man) timer more efficiently. I plan on popping both fetish army and big bad vodoo at the same time in order to get as many kills and thus zombie dog spawns and sacrifices in as possible.

    tribal rights because i want big bad voodoo up as often as possible for sacrifice spamming. tribal rights also works great on that fetish army. These are both zero mana abilities and are very powerful so using them as often as possible is ideal.

    Fetish sycophants + poison dart spam = keeps those fetishes up between cooldowns for even a bigger army. fetishes are cool. (Pierce the Veil might be better for sacrifice burst dps though so thats an option)

    Zombie handler makes it so 4 dogs can be out at once; this means more tanks and more units being sacrified for increased burst damage and better synergy with Big bad voodoo. Also gives your tanky summon (gargantuan) more life.

    The follower

    option 1
    I recommend the Enchantress because she has lots of aura buffs and a powerful aoe debuffs which compliments well when you have lots of units in play. Here is the build i recommend: http://us.battle.net...ower#!0110!0000

    option 2
    scoundrel can also work too; depends on how the 5% crit aura effects sacrifices. The slow and push back shot will help with crowd control a bit. Here is a build I recommend for the Scoundrel: http://us.battle.net...ower#!0110!0000

    all you gotta do with this build is sit in the back and spam poison dart and use sacrifice for that extra oomf. Everytime you get 3-4 dogs up you pop sacrifice spam until there are no more dogs auto spawning. pop your CDs when its time to redline your burst damage for a good 20 seconds. The only possible change Id make is perhaps substitute Fetish Sycophants for Pierce the Veil. Pierce the Veil might scale really nice with Sacrfice. But I just like fetishes so I went with "Fetish Sycophants" + poison dart spam instead as i thought it fit the theme of this build well.

    critiques more than welcome
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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