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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)
    Link to my build. http://us.battle.net...UjQg!dVY!cbaYca

    More in depth.
    Semi PvP
    Left Click: Deadly Reach
    Rune: Foresight
    i chose this combo because it should work very well at keeping opponerts at bay while building spirit.

    Right Click: Lashing Tail Kick
    Rune: Spinning Flame Kick
    This will be a great damage output skill with the addition knock back to continue generating spirit

    Defense: Serenity
    Rune: Peaceful Repose
    Critical when running low on health u can pop this cooldown and be invulnerable for a few seconds while regenerating health

    Conviction: Mantra of Conviction
    Rune: Reclamation
    usefull in a sense that it increases ur damage out put but also allows u a chance to heal when attacking an opponent near you. (which with the monk it should be all the time)

    Techniques: Way of the Hundred Fists
    Rune: Windforce Flurry
    high damage output while generating spirit with the boosted damage to the target(s) in front of you

    Focus: Seven Sided Strike
    Rune: Sudden Assualt
    High burst damage for a nice Finishing move. or a move to turn the tide of a match

    Exalted Soul: more spirit = more damage output
    Near Death Experiance: For those time when u should have died but it saves ur butt.
    Transendence: Great amount of healing which is great for pvp when combined with exalted soul. sometimes a match depends on the ability to live longer, and not put out more damage
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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