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    posted a message on The Monk, SKILLS+RUNESTONES / Final Judgment and Open discussion.
    From what I see online and on videos I can sense that the Monk will be one of the most difficult out of the 5 classes that will be released in Diablo 3. I think just from looking at the videos and looking at skills online from the official site, that the Monk will be one of the most handson on-your-toes character and here's my thoughts why....

    If you don't know what I'm talking about please open the Monk spell list and open each individual one to understand! Thanks!!

    (The Monk, via official website)

    FISTS OF THUNDER: the basic combo builder, and bruiser.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Survival/tanking utility, pretty self-explanitory (11% dodge)

    Red: Strong utility for AOE and Survival. Being able to deal damage to an unlimited amount of units in a 6 yard radius and then teleporting away to prevent damage (Thunderclap, 30% weapon damage in an AOE)

    Yellow: Critical hits with the yellow stone activated allows the monk to gain additional Spirit, I believe that using the yellow stone will allow stronger combos, but focuses more on damage and combo building. I don't see any kinds of Survival or Tanking utilities seen in this stone.

    Blue: STRONG, AOE Bounding light Instead of knocking enemies back the third hit creates a chain of lightning that can jump to up to 6other nearby targets. Each lightning strike inflicts 156% weapon damage as Lightning.. Pure damage utility.

    Black: Allowing the monk to multi-task, with the Fists of Thunder. To use Fists of thunder without ignoring the primary target. (could be a boss, rare, etc.)

    BLINDING FLASH: Used for survival and tanking

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Merely increasing the Survivability and tanking utility.

    Red: Increasing the effect of the spell to increase utilities in Damage done.

    Yellow: Strong survivability, but I personally do not see tanking, may increase damage done by allowing the monk to open himself for more combinations on minions.

    Blue: This is probably just catching other minions that may have been missed from the first flash.

    Black: Increases damage done to each-other while blind. Not bad, I like this one.

    Mantra of Evasion: Buff the group for survivability, tanking utility, aura effect.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Strong defensive utility in order to block massive damage and regain health before being one shotted in hell+.

    Red: Defined as a damage boost, dodge they get burned.

    Yellow: Mobility utility. Nothing much, nothing less.

    Blue: Now this one is interesting, I presume that this will be almost on all the time specifically for PVP, reducing not some, but ALL control impairing effects by a whopping 30%. Dang, that's that's strong survivability and perhaps some tanking utility if in the future some bosses make you lose control perhaps mind control.

    Black: TANKING for sure, increasing armor.

    Lashing Tail Kick, aka: ROUND HOUSE KICK: Damage

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: PVP and single target utility stunning the target, not bad.

    Red: Basically increasing damage done by a huge amount.

    Yellow: Turns this into a strong AOE, Cripple a strong survivability add to the Utility tree.

    Blue: Turning this into a piercing attack that would probably just cut through enemies, not as much damage as the RED stone, but still added damage, and at a more controlled shot infront of wherever the player chooses to shoot the kick.

    Black: I feel like this is more of a single targeted attack, and within a certain range around that target the targets become slowed: Utility for survival, gaining distance.

    Deadly Reach: short ranged projectile-like attack.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Tanking utility, increasing armor, meh.

    Red: A HUGE DPS utility: man, 30% increased damage on ALL attacks, that's quite an impressive boost to give to the monk. Following this attack will probably be something of a burst combo destroying anything in it's path. Man, this one's dangerous.

    Yellow: Same as Fists of Thunder.

    Blue: Increases damage and bigger aoe, kinda boring,

    Black: Strong ranged AOE, for big tough minions that may surround the Boss, however I would still prefer the red stone for this skill if you were focusing more on damage.

    Breath of Heaven: AOE Healing utility.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: AOE revealing utility, opening up for others to hit the targets with their own combos and also survival (running around in fear)

    Red: Damage boost, eh.

    Yellow: Spirit builder, eh.

    Blue: Makes the healing stronger, making the Monk more supportive in the group, a DPS/HEALER.

    Black: Group DPS buff. Not bad, but not interesting either, just another aura to add with other Mantras.

    Dashing Strike: stronger movement on the battlefield.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: PVP, single target utility, not bad for stunning targets for almost up to three targets, but the bad side of this is probably the 50% chance.

    Red: Gain distance from enemies, or slowing them, strong utility for both movement and flexibility.

    Yellow: Makes the cost cheaper allowing the monk to perform other skills with the additional spirit opened up.

    Blue: Movement utility, increasing speed.

    Black: Strong tanking and survivability utilities, being able to dodge 32% more.

    Cyclone Strike: Somewhat tanking utility with an added bonus of doing a huge amount of damagE

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Tanking for sure, since it sucks everything towards your direction, the added dodge makes you more flexible allowing you to dodge most attacks.

    Red: FEAR AND TRUCK DAMAGE, nuff said.

    Yellow: Saving more spirit allowing more possible combinations.

    Blue: Increases range and damage, a huge upgrade.

    Black: Survivability, something I expect to be used more often then the others, since in nightmare + you'll be taking hits much more harder.

    Crippling Wave:Making you much more flexible and adds slowing effects, nice +

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Damage amplifier, not bad, makes Crippling wave a bit more appealing to spam.

    Red: Increasing damage done, eh.

    Yellow: Same effect with Fists of Thunder.

    Blue: Increases the range and slowing effect, good for flexibility and mobility.

    Black: TANK, TANK, TANK utility. Strong for reducing the amount of incoming damage.

    Mantra of Retribution:, Another mantra to add to the pack, kinda like flicking thorns with your finger.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Turns the aura into a more AOE friendly type AURA (Thorns Aura in Warcraft, but with an added AOE bonus)

    Red: Wow, this makes it also ranged attacks get hit back too, strong damage dealing utility.

    Yellow: Basic, spirit charger whenever you get hit.

    Blue: AOE Attack speed boost.

    Black: STRONG AOE STUN ABILITY, mixed in with the Cyclone attack make a powerful combination.

    Inner Sanctuary: Time buyer.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Good surviability utility and makes you more flexible.

    Red: Death trap, strong DPS utility.

    Yellow: I like this one, turns it into a circle of healing and life regeneration, may not be strong, but it buys time, and heals at the same time.

    Blue; Makes it last 4 seconds longer.

    Black: Tanking, survival, and defensive utilities wrapped into one.

    Exploding Palm:Amazing AOE and single target effect.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Kinda like the Which doctor's poison dart, and haunting thing all wrapped together.

    Red: Increases the bleeding duration, just a DPS utility.

    Yellow: Spirit builder.

    Blue: The bleed spreads in a cone like shape infront of the monk.

    Black: Increases damage done, damage amp.

    Mantra of healing:AOE Healing mechanic, slow heals, then becomes much stronger after the first 3 seconds, not bad, very balanced.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: HUGE resitance boost for survival, and tanking, amazing a huge resistance upgrade by 35%, that blocks so much already from magic dealers. Amazing for both PVE and PVP.

    Red: This one kind of confuses me, it may be refering the first few seconds before the additional increase, so I don't know for sure if it will increase the overall healing or will just stay the same as it says on the description of 2965.6.

    Yellow: Not bad, strong passive regeneration to Spirit.

    Blue: Sheilding effect, for both tanking and survival.

    Black: Increases vitality by 30%, good stuff..........

    Tempest Rush: To get out of those sticky situations...

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Increases slow effect. Survival.

    Red: Wow another 45% damage redux, not bad. Pretty good for tanking and survival.

    Yellow: Saves more Spirit for more combinations.

    Blue: Makes you run faster, stronger mobility.

    Black: TANK, TANK, AND TNAK AGAIN. 50% damage redux, I mean it's good. Wow a full 50% damage redux. Blam.

    Sweeping wind: Nice for when you need to run around and kill stuff at the same time. Strong mobility.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Increases the duration, makes you more deadly on the run.

    Red: I like this one, makes the vortex around you even stronger, making running around more appealing, while the effect is still active.

    Yellow: Another passive increase to Spirit... Well done yellow stone...

    Blue: Nice, bigger and better. Basically.

    Black: Ooooo, spawns lightning tornadoes, now thats "shocking" haha, but really thats sounds cool I'de like to see that when runestones are unlocked.

    Serenity: makes you immune to attacks for 3 seconds. K.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Makes it reflect most of the damage done, but cannot exceed your max health.

    Red: Woooah, big self heal. Stupid strong survival and tanking

    Blue: Hit's them right back at them. For 85% damage, fun to be around in PVP and tanking.

    Black: Increases the duration....k.

    Way of the Hundred Fists:Small cone attack, for 125% weapon damage.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Stronger AOE and a bigger cone.

    Red: Increases range by a bite, and adds a Damage over time effect. Eh whatever.

    Yellow: 15% chance? Really? that's it? Whatever, it's not even perhit, noooo it's every activation. I would rather have the crit from Fists of thunder.

    Blue: Increases hits. More damage utility more more more.

    Black: Makes you more flexible afterwords.

    Mantra of Conviction: Omg, this is epic....EPIC.

    Runestone effects and thoughts;

    White; WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHAAAAT?! Wow with an added persistent passive effect we now decrease the overall damage of EVERYTHING?! Just...wow, danng.

    Red: Okay so another increase in damage, thanks red I totally wasn't expecting that.

    Yellow: O-O okay so now it's kinda like a vamprism effect. Hit em, get some life. Not bad...pretty good. Epic....

    Blue: Aoe Damage over effect I guess.

    Black: SUUUUUUUUPER flexibility throughout the entire fight. Slowing movement and decreasing their defenses. Wowza. Nice nice utility.

    Seven-Sided strike: Oh man I was waiting for this one....

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: This one must have been made by Michael Bay, every punch EXPLODES. Lol, thats epic. 30%+ damage

    Red: O.O now you're teleporting AND increasing damage utility. Not bad.

    Yellow: Reducing the cooldown, I guess, it's kinda cool....

    Blue: More strikes, more damage. Okay.

    Black. Wait...CHARMED? I dont get it, but whatever, it's a nice effect to either be on your side or stunned. Nice survival utility.

    Mystic Ally: You get your own pet! Noice

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: So, when it dies, it has a chance to come back, AND it deals more damage. noiice.

    Red: Woah, this does some AOE with an additional "kick" to deal 60% damage. Okay.

    Yellow: Finally something interesting, the spirit regeneration proc is back, BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IT!! FINALLY!! AHH AND???! Woah an AOE Passive to deal damage around the ALLY?! Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

    Blue: AOE AND SLOW?! Man mobility survivability. Nice nice nice.

    Black; TANK TANK TANK, omg I thought black was gonna totally boss out on this skill...Guess not. Just, wait. The ally becomes the tank and you get 50% max life? Okay not so bad lolol.

    Wave of Light: The grand Finale:450% weapon damage + 450% weapon damage.....holy....damage.

    Runestone effects and thoughts:

    White: Stun on crit for 3.5 seconds? Major PVP weapon, amazing.

    Red: WOAH 585% Weapon damage...Holy mother.

    Yellow: 25 spirit cost reduced....yellow you have failed me...Well it could open up to some more promising combinations, but still. <sigh>

    Blue; ALL directions, boom just pure AOE. (143% WD)

    Black: Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, more more more more more damage!! and Damage over time!! Totally thought Black was going to become something more..tank, tank, tank...


    Man from just reading the effects of the skills, and imagining them in my head, I can already tell that this class is going to be the most hands on on your toes class in the game. Like a rouge with plate armor (WoW) It's just gonna rock. With supportive utilities for the team, and the ability to take on a few hits and rock face with all these different kinds of Runestones I think this class is going to be the most intensive AND the most fun class out of all of the others, however because of such, whenever the game comes out, I really don't know if I will play the Monk first, but we'll see!!

    I hope you have enjoyed this overview of what I think the monk skills look like overall with the additional runestone effects placed with each skill. This has come from complete inexperience with the game, and just my general logic of what the game may feel like, playing as the Monk. I do hope that this may shed light on what the attacks may do and how they may impact the game as a whole for when you play the monk. I hope you enjoyed and please comment and discuss over some of the effects of the runestones or whatever comment that I have made and make this post interesting for Monk players!

    Yours Truly: J2NO123

    P.S: I got a little crazy with some of the spells...just some.
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Why don't many people take Poison Dart in their builds?
    Well watching videos from online, I can only assume that, the skill "Poison Dart" is not "bad" it's just not at it's prime with regards with utility. (Runestones).

    When Runestones become available I'm 100% sure that Poison dart will be put into better use in the future.

    Specially in PVP and in low-mana situations.
    You can see the runestone effects here:


    So to answer your question: You're getting as much as everyone else is going to get with regards to how far the usefulness Poison Dart will be (given it is also the first spell and it's spammable people will lose interest quickly in the first couple levels since you cannot utilize it yet). Since you've chosen to use Poison Darts for most of the fights (and RS's have yet to be released) it's only as strong as your weapon chooses it to be, and if you've been hunting around for weapons to increase the effectiveness of your Poison Dart skill it will only APPEAR to be much stronger, given for single target it is very strong, but how Diablo has been laid out for years, single targets rarely appear. Also skills such as: Zombie Charger, Plague of Toads, etc (list of AOE spells go on and on.) A well placed AOE spell is much more effective than a single targeted attack, prob from watching the video's you'll understand now my thoughts are on the topic.

    Also I see that there is a cooldown upon changing spells, I just assume that people want to experiment skills and different combinations and just eventually got lazy when it came to going back to certain spells. (Poison dart)

    (I have ignored everything that was written in reply by other posters, and went straight to answering the question) Hope I helped.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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