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    posted a message on G-Rift, Normal Rift, Bounty Density Stink, Even on Console.

    The changes to greater rifts have encouraged more speed focused builds but I would refute that they are all long tunnels or making builds redundant. Difficulty naturally scales and makes builds redundant and has always been the case in D3.

    Cave rifts are pretty lacklustre right now. The open maps feel great with the density changes. There's more work to be done on specific map types, particularly the cave, plague tunnel and fractured realm tile sets.

    There is a valid complaint in the changes but it's also nice having the space to fight elites without pulling 3 more elite packs and wiping your GR key because of a 30 second death timer and no where to run. We now have the space to move on from fights without trailing that one shielding/mortar pack for 3 minutes, which is even more important when encountering juggernaut elites. This becomes more valid as you push higher.

    Personally I don't feel that bounties are any different, there was a reduction in kill requirements for some bounties. "Kill all enemies in level 2" bounties still require what feels like larger effort to complete than other bounties. Particularly early on when speed builds aren't ready. I don't know anyone who enjoys those. I'd rather do the treck to Adria than these, even with WD chicken speed farm set. There's also the bounty in Act two, something like "Kill Razormouth" where Razormouth spawns at the furthest point away from the teleport possible and is fairly frustrating early on.

    For normal rifts its basically a pre-requisite to have a speed farm build now and this was the case last season too. There is no fix that I can offer there. There are many viable speed farm builds in the build section and I'd suggest working towards those.

    This may not apply to you, but some advice that I had to force myself to take from streamers: Take it slower and work on the season over the time it lasts, don't get too caught up in the frustration that comes with trying to have everything now. Diablo 3 rewards consistency.

    Finally, if this frustration continues, submit it to the battle.net forums, but submit it constructively. Saying "every rift is a tunnel" will just have you dismissed and you are unlikely to get an official reply. Note the names of the levels in rifts that you don't like (at the top right of the screen) or the name of the bounties that aren't right, what level you are at, currently levelling/paragon 100 etc and what difficulty you are on.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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