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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)

    So basically my build is for both PvE and PvP.

    PvE: Basically, I pop Mantra of Retribution and Serenity before fights, I then run into a large group of mobs with my team and hit Cyclone Strike, which pulls all enemies into attack me, while my comrades deal damage and i tank the monsters. I use Crippling Wave and Deadly Reach to build up my spirit when it is low, and I also use Breath of Heaven when me or my allies are low on health. I continually pop Cyclone Strike and Serenity through fights to get aggro and tank during the fight.

    PvP: I do the same thing, I pop mantra and serenity before fights, I then run in against the enemy team, and start beating them with deadly reach and crippling wave, and when they start running away i use cyclone strike to pull them back and continually pop serenity throughout the fight so that i can tank the damage for my team. I also make sure to use Breath of Heaven if my team mates are low on health and make sure to keep aggro of the enemy team by using cyclone strike
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Beta Patch 6 Tonight
    i highly doubt they will do Real Money Auction House in the beta...that would just be stupid for them because you dont get to keep your beta characters so you would lose your Real Money on that character when the game started...not gunna happen, but hey they might at the new gathering system.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Beta Key #4 winners??
    When do we find out who won the beta key #4 sweepstakes?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The End of an Era
    Will be missed greatly, side note: when will the beta winner be posted?
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Beta Key Contest #4
    Binkles the Frog comes from a long line of very wise witch doctors. In fact, Binkles is even considered to have been the most inquisitive witch doctor throughout the land. When Binkles was not slaying demons, he was inventing new spells, remedies, and other witch doctor like things to show off his power. Binkles, being quite good at what he did, one day came up with an idea for a spell that he thought would be an amazing one for all witch doctors to use. He began work on conjuring up this spell. It took many long sleepless nights for him to get the incantation perfect, but finally it was done. Finally his work had paid off, and he was going to show this to the village of the Tribe of the Five Hills, which is where he came from as a child. He began to travel from his house, which was off the beaten path, back to his tribe. The journey was a long and most dangerous one because Binkles lived in the most remote part of the Torajan jungles; however, his spell that he created helped him survive all the dangerous creatures that were blocking his path of returning to the Tribe of the Five Hills. He arrived in the village after many nights with a great tale of his journey and his new incantation. Binkles, being so tired from the sleepless nights of travel and work on his spell, collapsed when he arrived into the village, but not before he uttered these words "I bring great news for all to hear". Only one man was there to hear his words, but those words spread like wild fire around the camp. Many people wanted to know what he had to say. Many people were pondering the subject furiously; however, Binkles slept for two days recovering from his weariness. Finally, he awoke and told the boy at his bedside to bring him something to drink before he started his story. While the boy fetched him a drink, Binkles rose from his slumbering place and began to walk out from the hut that he was staying inside. Binkles gasped with shock when he pulled back the covering of his hut to see all the witchdoctors from his tribe and many from the Clan of the Seven Stones and Tribe of the Clouded Valley sitting outside of his hut waiting for this "great news" that they all had been pondering. Binkles sat down with amazement that he had conjured up such an enormous gathering. The boy slowly slipped through the crowd holding a bowl of water, which he had gotten from the stream running behind the encampment. Binkles stood and took the bowl from the boy. "Sit, boy, listen, and learn." said Binkles to the boy, who was amazed that the Great Binkles had even addressed him. The boy was young and wanted to train. Later down the road, he was to become the Witch Doctor. "The boy's first lesson," Binkles thought to himself, "let's make it interesting". The crowd began to grow noisy from their wait for his news, but Binkles looked up and shushed them until the only noise that was heard was the babbling of the stream and the soft murmur two crows sitting on a branch near the hut. Binkles slowly lifted his hands and spoke just enough so the front row of people could hear him. After a few sentences he began to raise his voice from the low whispering to a great yell that drew everyone's utmost attention. He began to weave his tale of how he got here, but he also remembered to leave out the parts of his new spell that was for the end. After a long exaggerated story of how he got to the camp, he announced that he had come up with a new spell to help defeat all that opposed the force of the witch doctors. He leaned slowly down to the boy and said "watch closely, I shall teach you this first". Binkles began to recite his incantation and waving around his arms in a dramatic way to draw more attention. After a few seconds of this, Binkles finished the incantation; however, nothing happened. He stared at his hands wondering if his pronunciation was correct, but coming from nowhere popped three bright green toads. Binkles, being proud of himself, said "there you have it, a new spell to help us all". Everyone began to laugh. A few people got up and left. Binkles, not doubting his power, whispered the second part of his incantation, and the frogs began to leap forward. They leaped off to the right of the crowd, which was the thinnest part, so they could get out into the open to do no harm to anyone. Binkles kept reciting this incantation until the frogs ran straight into a patch of trees and violently exploded. The explosions completely demolished the trees and made everyone silent for a few minutes. Binkles looked up and said "Use this to help slay your enemies". Binkles told the boy to get up and follow him. The boy got up and walked off with his new master. After a few hours of training the boy learned this spell, which Binkles kept calling the "Plague of Toads". The boy went home, but many others came up to Binkles and begged of him to teach them. Binkles agreed and began to teach this great spell to all that were willing to listen and to learn. After several days Binkles left the Tribe of the Five Hills to return home and rest. Binkles began to try to come up with more ideas of new spells. Binkles sitting up late one night finally thought of an idea. Binkles, the next morning, began working on this new spell of his and completed it by the end of the day. The spell was much like his first one. Binkles sat down for his dinner, and he began to eat. After finishing up his meal, he wanted to try out his new spell. So he began to recite the incantation and after a few moments he began to feel funny. He thought to himself "Maybe that chicken was old.” however, he did not realize that his toes were slowing turning green and that he was starting to shrink. After a few seconds Binkles resembled a giant green frog. After many years of training the Witch Doctor never forgot his first master who had believed in him, Binkles, the Summoner of Frogs. The Witch Doctor was sent on many quests, which he always completed without any problems thanks to his trusty spell, "Plague of Toads". The Witch Doctor began to wonder what ever happened to his great master, Binkles, so one afternoon the Witch Doctor set off the find him. After a few days of traveling through the Torajan Jungle, he found the house of Binkles. The door was shut, and the house looked like no one had been in it for a while. The Witch Doctor hoping to find Binkles began to open the door. He entered the house finding no one in the front room. He looked around and hoped to find out a clue as to where his master might be. From the bedroom of Binkles's house a strange croaking was heard by the Witch Doctor. He thought to himself, "that must be Binkles, summoning up his frogs". He ran to the bedroom and stopped short to see a large frog hopping slowly towards him croaking very loudly. The Witch Doctor was confused at this, but he began to walk into the bedroom where the frog came from. The Witch Doctor found no one, but he did find a pile of clothes and a voodoo mask lying on the floor. The Witch Doctor finally realized what had happened. Binkles must have somehow turned himself into a frog. The Witch Doctor slowly began to laugh at the realization of the situation. Binkles, the Summoner of Frogs, turned into Binkles the Frog. The Witch Doctor grabbed the oversized frog and began to leave the house. He traveled back to the camp of the Tribe of the Five Hills and told the news of Binkles's transformation. The Witch Doctor asked the elders of his tribe to keep Binkles inside the great council hall so that maybe his great magic can rub off on the village and make the Tribe of the Five Hills renowned for their rituals. To this day, Binkles sits in the great meeting hall of the elders.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Beta Key Contest #4
    Binkles the Frog comes from a long line of very wise witch doctors. In fact, Binkles is even considered to have been the most inquisitive witch doctor throughout the land. When Binkles was not slaying demons, he was inventing new spells, remedies, and other witch doctor like things to show off his power. Binkles, being quite good at what he did, one day came up with an idea for a spell that he thought would be an amazing one for all witch doctors to use. He began work on conjuring up this spell. It took many long sleepless nights for him to get the incantation perfect, but finally it was done. Finally his work had paid off, and he was going to show this to the village of the Tribe of the Five Hills, which is where he came from as a child. He began to travel from his house, which was off the beaten path, back to his tribe. The journey was a long and most dangerous one because Binkles lived in the most remote part of the Torajan jungles; however, his spell that he created helped him survive all the dangerous creatures that were blocking his path of returning to the Tribe of the Five Hills. He arrived in the village after many nights with a great tale of his journey and his new incantation. Binkles, being so tired from the sleepless nights of travel and work on his spell, collapsed when he arrived into the village, but not before he uttered these words "I bring great news for all to hear". Only one man was there to hear his words, but those words spread like wild fire around the camp. Many people wanted to know what he had to say. Many people were pondering the subject furiously; however, Binkles slept for two days recovering from his weariness. Finally, he awoke and told the boy at his bedside to bring him something to drink before he started his story. While the boy fetched him a drink, Binkles rose from his slumbering place and began to walk out from the hut that he was staying inside. Binkles gasped with shock when he pulled back the covering of his hut to see all the witchdoctors from his tribe and many from the Clan of the Seven Stones and Tribe of the Clouded Valley sitting outside of his hut waiting for this "great news" that they all had been pondering. Binkles sat down with amazement that he had conjured up such an enormous gathering. The boy slowly slipped through the crowd holding a bowl of water, which he had gotten from the stream running behind the encampment. Binkles stood and took the bowl from the boy. "Sit, boy, listen, and learn." said Binkles to the boy, who was amazed that the Great Binkles had even addressed him. The boy was young and wanted to train. Later down the road, he was to become the Witch Doctor. "The boy's first lesson," Binkles thought to himself, "let's make it interesting". The crowd began to grow noisy from their wait for his news, but Binkles looked up and shushed them until the only noise that was heard was the babbling of the stream and the soft murmur two crows sitting on a branch near the hut. Binkles slowly lifted his hands and spoke just enough so the front row of people could hear him. After a few sentences he began to raise his voice from the low whispering to a great yell that drew everyone's utmost attention. He began to weave his tale of how he got here, but he also remembered to leave out the parts of his new spell that was for the end. After a long exaggerated story of how he got to the camp, he announced that he had come up with a new spell to help defeat all that opposed the force of the witch doctors. He leaned slowly down to the boy and said "watch closely, I shall teach you this first". Binkles began to recite his incantation and waving around his arms in a dramatic way to draw more attention. After a few seconds of this, Binkles finished the incantation; however, nothing happened. He stared at his hands wondering if his pronunciation was correct, but coming from nowhere popped three bright green toads. Binkles, being proud of himself, said "there you have it, a new spell to help us all". Everyone began to laugh. A few people got up and left. Binkles, not doubting his power, whispered the second part of his incantation, and the frogs began to leap forward. They leaped off to the right of the crowd, which was the thinnest part, so they could get out into the open to do no harm to anyone. Binkles kept reciting this incantation until the frogs ran straight into a patch of trees and violently exploded. The explosions completely demolished the trees and made everyone silent for a few minutes. Binkles looked up and said "Use this to help slay your enemies". Binkles told the boy to get up and follow him. The boy got up and walked off with his new master. After a few hours of training the boy learned this spell, which Binkles kept calling the "Plague of Toads". The boy went home, but many others came up to Binkles and begged of him to teach them. Binkles agreed and began to teach this great spell to all that were willing to listen and to learn. After several days Binkles left the Tribe of the Five Hills to return home and rest. Binkles began to try to come up with more ideas of new spells. Binkles sitting up late one night finally thought of an idea. Binkles, the next morning, began working on this new spell of his and completed it by the end of the day. The spell was much like his first one. Binkles sat down for his dinner, and he began to eat. After finishing up his meal, he wanted to try out his new spell. So he began to recite the incantation and after a few moments he began to feel funny. He thought to himself "Maybe that chicken was old.” however, he did not realize that his toes were slowing turning green and that he was starting to shrink. After a few seconds Binkles resembled a giant green frog. After many years of training the Witch Doctor never forgot his first master who had believed in him, Binkles, the Summoner of Frogs. The Witch Doctor was sent of many quests, which he always completed without any problems thanks to his trusty spell, "Plague of Toads". The Witch Doctor began to wonder what ever happened to his great master, Binkles, so one afternoon the Witch Doctor set off the find him. After a few days of traveling through the Torajan Jungle, he found the house of Binkles. The door was shut, and the house looked like no one had been in it for a while. The Witch Doctor hoping to find Binkles began to open the door. He entered the house finding no one in the front room. He looked around and hoped to find out a clue as to where his master might be. From the bedroom of Binkles's house a strange croaking was heard by the Witch Doctor. He thought to himself, "that must be Binkles, summoning up his frogs". He ran to the bedroom and stopped short to see a large frog hopping slowly towards him croaking very loudly. The Witch Doctor was confused at this, but he began to walk into the bedroom where the frog came from. The Witch Doctor found no one, but he did find a pile of clothes and a voodoo mask lying on the floor. The Witch Doctor finally realized what had happened. Binkles must have somehow turned himself into a frog. The Witch Doctor slowly began to laugh at the realization of the situation. Binkles, the Summoner of Frogs, turned into Binkles the Frog. The Witch Doctor grabbed the oversized frog and began to leave the house. He traveled back to the camp of the Tribe of the Five Hills and told the news of Binkles's transformation. The Witch Doctor asked the elders of his tribe to keep Binkles inside the great council hall so that maybe his great magic can rub off on the village and make the Tribe of the Five Hills renowned for their rituals. To this day, Binkles sits in the great meeting hall of the elders.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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