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    posted a message on Is It Coming? Is It Fake U Decide!
    If Diablo 3 comes out, we will be old and grey by the time they even think about it. The rumours have been out about Diablo 3 for about 14 months now. But Blizzard isn't even talking about it right now. I am on the Blizzard forums everyday for about a year now and no talks about making Diablo 3 have ever been out. Would be nice to see the game for the computer, but there is a lot of ppl who believe it will never happen. I for one am not sure if its true or not. Diablo 2 is full of lag, and I think if they make Diablo 3 it will be just as bad. They should make it with better and bigger characters, more gear to buy and better graphics. But don't make it like u need to buy a 1500.00 cpu or better. Like I said before, I will believe it when I see it. lol

    Yours Truly,
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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