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    posted a message on Beta Key Contest
    Here's my tribute to a scene from Black Swan.

    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on SWTOR and Diablo 3's Release Date
    Quote from Kayzer

    I find it funny how fast Blizzard is deleting anything with the name SWTOR on their forums.
    They've always deleted threads about games that weren't for that forum unless they were in off-topic. They simply no longer have an off-topic forum and they've stated that they don't want to moderate one. Blizzard isn't Facebook Forum Mode, there's plenty of places to discuss any non-Blizzard game.

    Quote from LordRayken

    Quote from Molsterr

    ugg these threads are getting old, this is a company which 100% scarped a game that was "almost finished" simply because "it was not as good as they could do". Its Moved to 2012 because thats when it can be the game THEY WANT. Enough with these dumb no basis conspiracy theories about why they moved it back.

    SWTOR releasing on December 20th is definitely not a "dumb no basis conspiracy theory".

    In fact, it pretty much proves why Diablo 3 was moved back. To claim otherwise is ludicrous.

    They scrapped StarCraft Ghost because it was for out-dated consoles and wouldn't make them money.
    SWTOR was announced to be released at the date after Diablo 3 was announced to be pushed back. Why aren't you conspiracy theorizing about how EA is releasing early to capitalize on D3 not releasing this year? That might actually make at least a lick of sense.

    It's like you guys just want to get yourselves worked up and mad. On a side note, Ghost was canceled because it was being made by two third-party organizations. One of them sold the material to the other, the second one dissolved (bought out by Blizzard) and Blizzard didn't want to put their own time into it. It wasn't even a Blizzard game.
    Posted in: Other Games
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