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    posted a message on Caster Spells Nerfed?!?
    I haven't had a chance to play through fully with the Wizard since the latest patch (But the above poster who mentions it being all gear based is definitely correct!) - but so far, Wizard feels similar to how it used to play, though certainly not as ridiculous. In the previous build, you basically could one-shot almost any normal mobs, and ruin huge groups with no effort. You still do great damage, but it feels much better between various classes.. I certainly have no problems staying at range. Ridiculous statement is ridiculous.

    As a side note, the new DH is way, way more fun than it used to be, though the first few levels are still a bit sparse... but then, Amazon was the same way.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta Key Contest


    It totally looks like she's doing that!
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Current State of FnF Beta and Public Closed Beta
    Quote from Deathdefier

    Even if they weren't talking about F&F invites for Q3, they never said the public will be getting invited DEFINITELY in Q3. People need to realize that bugs happen and they delay things as apparently from the current state of the beta.

    *ESPECIALLY* in software development. Production and production costs are astronomically huge these days, and there's so much pressure to bring out a quality product.. yet almost all companies bring hugely buggy launches. Blizzard does pretty amazingly to keep things are smooth as they do on launches, even with problems they do run into. Software is complicated.. Anyone who codes will agree. And before you start touting your CS degree, I'm not claiming everything is OMG IMPOSSIBLE... but games are complicated.. as is organizing half a dozen teams to do all sorts of different things for a single subject. It's been like, 8 years, what's 6 more months?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Current State of FnF Beta and Public Closed Beta
    I still sort of forget the entitlement the internet has spread to everyone. Many years ago, you had to wait on monthly magazine subscriptions for your game info.. that was already out of date and improper half the time.. lol.

    Look, I really don't feel they're trying to be disingenuious.. but plans change. You'd get mad if they said nothing, but they say something and things change, you get mad then, too. It's a lose-lose.. it's why Blizz says 'Soon' instead of, say, six months ago 'Okay, the game is coming out in September!'.. only for it to get to this and not be ready and say 'Sorry guys, it's not coming out for six more months!'

    Sadly, there's no way to please everyone, or even some, sometimes.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Current State of FnF Beta and Public Closed Beta
    People also don't seem to understand that you can make a statement - then, as you make changes to the game (Chaotic as coding is!) something happens that is major, and delays things. Blizzard doesn't want people to be unhappy with them.. no one does.

    Sure, there are marketing situations, releases of other games, etc to be considered, but in general, they're not sitting on their hands, cackling on the forums saying 'Ha ha! Those suckers who want into beta SURE are suffering since I told them next week, and it's not happening yet! ha ha ha!' - That's just silly, lol.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Did another wave of F&F invites go out?
    To be fair, they tend to use F&F as the Alpha. But with D3, it's a bit different, since it's not as involved as a WoW Alpha, and it's further along in the development process (Being used to test different things). However, procedures are probably somewhat standard, thus why they are sending out a few more F&F keys.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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