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    posted a message on Diablo III PvP - Battle Arenas
    I agree that this would make an awesome eSport. But the fact of unbalanced gameplay existing no matter what because of the numerous amount of options for each character should be lessened in importance. And that a possible pvp closed beta that ran for a few months after the pve beta to get an understanding of what unbalances will occur. And even after all that is said and done there will still be imbalances, and I believe that if there is to be any form of escort that there needs to be changes on a smaller scale done as well. And a game that came to mind is when a fighting game is layer online. Those games have severe imbalance issues and when players are fighting online, the character choices cannot be seen until the match is started. So if there was a timer giving 20 seconds to choose your character (under the notion people will obviously have multiple characters) and then without revealing yet you have 30 to select your equipment and spells that you may want to change or have altered prior to the match. I think something small like that could prevent any chance of someone seeing their opponent choosing a monk and going for their monk killing character. And that that exact focus can't be focused on a pvp character. And instead focusing your character on his role in the 3 player teams for the ranked matches.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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