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    posted a message on Open Letter against Botting

    Like mentioned before, THUD and other such advantages are not mentioned because none of the signees would be able to sign it without looking foolish. I agree with most points that THUD is a much bigger advantage that botting in getting a leaderboard spot. Seeing pylons ahead of time and mob density (along with the convenience of of seeing debuffs on the ground) is a big advantage over having just the vanilla UI.

    To say you want a competitive leaderboard for players who work hard and not mention TurboHud because you are trying to keep the letter from being "vague" is just an excuse. The reason is that none of the users could sign it even though THUD gives a much edge to these users that botting gives to botters.

    Botting is hurting the game as well and I agree it should be taken care of, but in regards to fair and competitive leaderboards for players who work hard the real problem is actually THUD.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Open Letter against Botting

    While I can agree with the letter and would like to see bots banned...there's a reason THUD and other such things aren't mentioned. No one listed would be able to actually sign it. I would say THUD has a bigger impact on a player getting the leaderboard than botting. To say in this letter that this is for getting players who work hard on the leaderboard isn't really true when you think about it. Someone who doesn't use THUD has a significant disadvantage to people who do.

    People keep saying that this letter is about bots and to keep the other programs separate as it will clutter it up and make a response less direct. I think the reason is that most users use THUD and so they can't add it to the letter without looking foolish.

    To use the EULA and ToS as a reason for banning bots so that users who use THUD can take these leaderboard spots is a bit ridiculous to me. They are not actually representing the community that uses nothing to help their gameplay and those users will still be significantly behind in getting a leaderboard spot no matter how much hard work they put in.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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