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    posted a message on Rimeheart interaction with mob CC resistance for Vyr's build

    I don't know if anyone has tested this before, if so please put a link thanks.

    This post is about Rimeheart viability with the Vyr's set, and how it procs against the increasing CC(freeze in this case) resistance from mobs that was introduced in 2.3.

    Everyone knows that eventually, mobs stop becoming frozen entirely due to this addition. Does this mean that Rimeheart will have no chance of proccing for mobs that have reached this point? Or, from the Rimeheart procs' prospective, mobs that have reached this point are still classified as "frozen", only for a very very short duration (unnoticeable to the player) due to maxed resistance. Since resistance in general in Diablo 3 (for the player) works in a way that you can never achieve 100% dmg reduction, does this also apply to the mobs in term of CC resistance? If this is true then, because Archon abilities and Chantodo waves are still technically freezing, Rimeheart will still proc off of those uninterrupted? However, the mechanics of Parthon Defenders would suggest otherwise, as the player will eventually receive no benefit if he/she stood in one place surrounded by mobs...

    For the viability part, a lot of players run lightning Archon with Fulminator cubed, but can Rimeheart be as competitive if it always procs? Or if it doesn't proc when mobs become "immune" to the freeze, does actively kiting forward (coincidentally the optimal way to play Archon) solve that issue of being unable to proc? I am currently running 50s-60s speed w/ a cold archon in groups, with Blizzard and cold Blackhole to reset Zodiac and increase Archon dmg for 10 seconds by a decent amount. Blizzard also incidentally reduces Blackhole a lot and give more control (Blackhole can also reduce Archon CD because it is a spender), and with ~57%+ CDR, you can get Archon off CD and 20 Chantodo stacks around the same time, all the while spamming both skills. Cubbing a Furnace right now, and I wanted to know how a Rimeheart would work, not enough discipline to test it :P

    If anyone has any information on this please post. Thanks!

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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