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    posted a message on how to get "the thrill" conquest with wizard?

    What paragon did you guys complete this at? I have no trouble with GR ~30 but starting to get around 35 without set bonuses and having a hard time. Been stuck at this wall for a week. Almost paragon 400 and level 35 rifts feel the same as they did when I was paragon 200.

    Tried the builds mentioned above and several others. My damage is close to 2mil and still no luck. I just die constantly. If I rebuild closer to 1-1.5 mil damage and more survivability then nothing dies fast enough.

    with a slow time / meteor / hydra build i can complete level 35-40 normal rifts but they take about 20 minutes! how can i speed this up?

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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