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    posted a message on Φ References to real life made in the Diablo series

    wait, star wars isn't real life, is it?
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on Bashiok on "Diablo 3 Battle.net Fees"
    Quote from "Zhar" »

    That was fixed pretty well... once they made it so TP's were removed upon hostility, it made PK way harder.
    Like you said, only way this could happen was if you AFK's at a waypoint.

    You'd still get killed by the hurricane that was there 1 second ago, or the frost orb still flying about, so you had to pay attention at all times while playing public games, but that's why hardcore was exciting when softcore started feeling dull. Not like wow where you close your eyes while hitting Tab - 2 - 3 - 4, Tab 2- 3 - 4, or leave on auto combat while getting orange juice; do that in HC and you will find yourself at the grace of every other player in your game. But then again, maybe you should stay on softcore and not ask for hardcore to be dulled down so that you can prance around pulling 3 screens worth of mobs, going OOPS, tp to safety and leave it open and unsafe??? Newbies in HC are a bigger threat than PKs...

    I can, like, see some barbarian with full hp running around taking hp orbs on the ground that you saved for 'later' use, in case you have to fall back. (in HC)
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    posted a message on Bashiok on "Dungeon Differences"
    Quote from "Ralsu" »
    Well, I'm saying that I am smart enough not to fall for the stereotype that any place where there is evil the world magically turns gray and loses all color. It's very possible to commit vile, evil acts in a room with bright walls. To learn about this for yourself, visit your local prison and speak to a child molester. Ask him if his victim's bed was covered with a gray comforter or maybe something with ponies and bright colors.

    As much as it sucks for fans of a gray scale game, evil is NOT confined to a world of black and white. Just because the color purple is present in a room, that does not mean that it has to be in the form of a purple cloud. Medieval kings paid top coin for silk tapestries died bright red and purple. The bright colors stood out on the gloomy stone walls of the castle and showed off the owner's wealth.

    That said, YES, it will suck if every epic dungeon is bathed in a green or purple glow with no discernible source. The caves in Diablo I had an appropriate orange glow because of the lava everywhere. The icy areas of Act 5 of Diablo II had an appropriate blue tint caused by the shadows on ice.

    So, I don't mind color, I just want it to match the environment in some way. And if Diablo shows up in a room with a purple tapestry on the wall, I won't be any less anxious about the coming encounter.

    I think the lighting removes any chances for 'bright colours', it all turns monotone, no real contrast, no real strong colors that will stand out (i.e it would get toned like everything else). I feel most of the time it just looks like light pollution, hiding the real colours.

    I think maybe I liked the outdoor area. The sun is still shining, and the outdoor might still flourish alot of places. But also this is lost on us if the dungeons aren't being a proper contrast, showing us what could become of the world.

    How old is that Tristram Cathedrals supposed to be anyway? Why do the carpets appear to be framed with spun gold and untouched, the curtains are newly dusted and unstained, someone is sure making an effort at keeping the place clean and inviting. Maybe it's what the zombies do during the day, to keep themselves occupied. Maybe the zombies didn't actually come from gooey dead people, but from a sterile lab? ..It sure looks more inviting than my apartment half the time.
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    posted a message on Bashiok on "Dungeon Differences"
    To those who say they like seeing purple lights, purple carpets, purple robes, purple pointy wizard hats etc; what exactly do you mean? Sure, I'd love a purple robe. But when you see Diablos disciples summoning some ugly monstrosity, do you really want them to do that in the purplest enviroment ever created? Please explain. Are you happy happy to meet diablo? Do you just want to see pretty colours and a turqouise mana orb? Pegasus ornaments and stainless purple curtains in the former hell of Tristram? Are you claiming to like the purple lighting separately from the thought of facing diablo, or do you wish to face diablo on a fluffy purple cloud of a dungeon? Please explain, I do not understand where you are coming from.
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    posted a message on Bashiok on "Diablo 3 Battle.net Fees"
    To be honest, it doesn't really surprise me they brought up something like "pay for hc resurrection". Ever since getting rid of blizzard north, blizzard has been all about removing competitive and hardcore elements in their games. a HC with resurrection is effectively no HC at all. You can come back any time, which effectively means HC = SoftCore with a fee to play it. That's the new blizzard for you, tho'. Doesn't surprise me at all that they have brought this up.

    That, and claiming that in d2 you could be declared hostility upon, and die before you even saw what was happening, leads me to believe that the d3 devs used to afk at waypoints alot. The only way this was ever a problem was with abusing hydras/hurricane/traps with tp (or w/e) which could be fixed had there been more than one person working on d2; and seeing this as a reason to tone down competitiveness in d3 just leaves me rolling my eyes, really.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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