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    posted a message on Stat points - issues and solutions?
    Hack'n'Slash games doesn't require much intelligence. And making them even more dumb is crime. Stats auto-assignment makes the game much easier and that is the only ''profit' player can get from it. 'Some people can say, that Blizzards want to make the game more class-based. But ask yourselfs, wasn't it enough class-based before? Yes, without auto-assigned stats you could make, for example, barbarian with high intelligence. But for what purpose? He doesn't even have proper skills to feel the benefits of high intelligce. Yes, there are many +stats items and i think, that they should better reduce amount of such items or to put high penalties on them. And to prevent the appearance of wizards with heavy swords and armor they can increase attributes impact on skills.
    Maybe we can compose a new petition? What do you think guys? I don't think that i can do this alone, because my english isn't very good :(
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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