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    posted a message on Dashing strike and rainment 6p feels broken

    its not a fps issue or a latency issue its a the move doesn't always hit cause there is a certain distance you have to travel apperently i read somwhere it just blizz needs to make it so if you ds near a target it hits it regardless . it isn't broken they just need to make it hit when you do it near something .

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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    posted a message on Dashing strike and rainment 6p feels broken
    Quote from azakus87»

    Quote from kifix»

    My issue is that i find DS not reliable as a dmg source, since sometimes it simply won't hit.

    I'm using it on a mob, repeatedly, and no damage... for a skill that is SO ressource expensive, it's a big problem.

    Maybe you should aim more carefuly. I don't have much problem playing raiment. Even in GR50+ feels powerful. But it need some time to get accustomed to gameplay style. Hardest thing is getting used to nonconsistent attack speed of flying dragon and optimal spirit spending.

    regardelss if i aim directley at a mob or not it just fails to hit sometimes it need to be made to hit 100% of the time if it costs this much spirit just increase the hit box or something

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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