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    posted a message on Kick/boot/ban/evict Feature! (More Admin rights for hosts)
    Quote from "synthaza" »
    Any type of booting system will lead to abuse imo.

    No booting system also allows abuse. The purpose of the booting system is to add punishment for abuse, any punishment system can be abused but you cant throw them out because of that.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kick/boot/ban/evict Feature! (More Admin rights for hosts)
    Completely for this, yes it can be abused but so can anything else. As for making passworded games I don't know why everyone keeps throwing that out. The whole point of this game is multi player, as in to play with other people.

    If I had a whole bunch of friends that play it might be an option, but I don't so I have to subject myself to trying to find decent people over the internet. Difficult of course, but they do exist.

    Another thing I would like is the ability to mark a host, that way if there is some guy that likes to kick everyone right as the boss is about to die or something you wont wander in to his game twice. Maybe something you can do right after being kicked.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Infinite Dungeon / Survival Arena
    Quote from "ZharTheMad" »
    Cool idea! If you could forgive me, WoW-like instances on D3 might be cool too.

    If you are talking about a raid, then as the player limit is at most going to be around 8 a 24 person raid would be impossible. That and D3 will be a single player game as well so anything that requires more than one person to achieve is unlikely, not impossible though.

    Also any raid, and WoW didnt do them first, relies on a tank+healer+dps. As all classes in Diablo are designed for DPS and there is no real tank or healer it would just be a bunch of people wailing on a boss on screen.

    That and the entire game is its own instance.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ranger - amazon/assassin/druid
    I know a lot of people don't want the archer class to have pets, mostly due to the rampant WOW hate. But in some ways it makes sense to have a pet the same way casters have summons, you are a ranged class so you need something to "tank" for you while you rain down death upon your enemies.

    DnD did it first, as they did pretty much everything first.
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on WoWfags please GTFO my diablo
    I don't understand why every sees the game as looking like WOW. Never played the game myself but I find the art style in the trailer to be quite good. Sure it could be darker in some points but its hardly the cartoon everyone makes it out to be.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Φ Barbarian
    Quote from "Tiger" »
    If you stopped for 20 years you would be useless again, 20 years is a massive amount of time. I haven't played tennis in 14 years, I used to play all the time, bet I'm completely useless. Fighting demons and undead with attacks like whirlwind would take even more effort to pick up again.

    Diablo is not a game you start feeling weak anyway, I'm sure the Barbarian will be one shotting ghouls from the start.

    I am not saying he should be at the same level as he once was, I am just saying that he would still have more knowledge of how to fight than a base character. Also he would pick fighting back up faster, in the same way that relearning something is always faster than learning it.

    You may not be good a tennis, but you are probably better than someone just starting out and you would get better faster as your body relearns how to play.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Φ Barbarian
    Quote from "GhostZ" »
    Ummm.... Wrong. An elite skill in videogames is something that requires much more energy and is achieved at a higher level. Because it is a much more demanding skill it is NOT able to be used as frequently. Like Orb for the sorc, she couldn't just spam it there was a cool down time. The same would be done for any other elite type skill.

    He is not saying you can spam it, he is merely saying that if you gained an elite skill, its cause your awesome. Even if he took a twenty year vacation he would still retain all the knowledge he had before, so he would get in top shape faster than somebody just starting out so a normal start at level 1 and get to level 99 system doesn't make all that much sense. And also I doubt he would get rid of everything, at the very least he would have tons of gold.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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