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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    Hey guys

    Was just directed here by the online petition which i signed and have been trying to expose to as many people as possible.

    There are just far too many good points being thrown around about why in its current state diablo 3 is a fail, everyone of you on the affirmative have excellent points, again just far too many to all list.

    I come from another gaming site where i am, strangely, the only one who is highly vocal and against the new visual style.Everyone else on the board simply keeps repeating it looks just like d2 but in 3d??I feel like we are looking at different pictures.Its insane, would be sweet to even up the odds there, sick and tired of it being me vs the board on the matter heh.

    No matter how many comparison pics i show or how i try to explain the dfference between real horror which d2 and d1 had and 'haunted house' horror that d3 uses, the point doesnt sink in.Im really disheartened by blizzards take on the franchise, its a crying shame.

    Needless to say, keep up the good work guys, and for those who disagree, what are you on?Go see an optometrist or get off the crack.

    ill leave with this great comparison shot i found earlier, which i used to argue how diablo 3 is clearly using character models based on the warcraft style of 'short, stumpy characters with overly cumbersome wooden/spiked/fantasy armour' rather then the realistically proportioned, slender models used in d1 and d2.



    Fight the good fight guys, dont lay down and settle for this recycled warcraft garbage!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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