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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    DSII Had as many dark and dreary atmosphears as i did light and happy, the desert and jungle areas were not the dark and dreary that you show here. Personaly the reason i dont like DS is the controls. thats it. but you also understand something.... DS does not look like wow. It is its own style of artistry... inspired by Diablo.

    The Styles of Diablo III can be seen in Warcraft (Just not WOW but also WCIII) Upon looking at the barb screen shots and the warrior screen shots i realized that the environment looks the exact same. the stones looked the exact same. the railings looked the exact same. this poses a problem for me personaly. This umong a myriod of others have noticed. Now dont get me wrong i understand not everyone shareing the same opinion. However at least in here, more see the reseblence.

    The argument goes that D3 is in 3D... hence it looks like wow. Please people there are so many 3D games that look nothing like wow in character design and in environmental design. The flaw is not in the 3D element that looks wonderfuly, the flaw is that at present with the elements created thus far. The design they have given us looks to heavily influenced by the wrong source. Colorful with dreary.. thats fine. just not Warcraft colorful please.

    I dont want torches that burn red... and the dungeon looking like the torch burns green. (like in wow)

    and yes... this is my opinion, listen to it... or ignore it, it is both your and blizzards right. freedom of speech. gota love it... or hate it.
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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    this is part of the reason so many have signed the petition...

    and it gets results apparently


    Diablo 3 Producer responces to petition...
    hmm i think this says something... what about you guys?
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    i would suggest watching this for almost everyone If you had not seen it already. it explains alot. Not saying it makes anything more or less agravateing. but over all it may enlighten some darker areas on Blizzards Idea pool
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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    Quote from "Rukahs" »
    Well, then, dont buy it. Plain and simple.. We havent even seen 5% of the world, and everyone is already calling it bright and cheery..

    trying to fix the issue before the game is shipped so it wont come down to that lol
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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    Quote from "Grimhound" »
    The funny thing is this is breaking out into the same BS that happened with Fallout 3, except you're complaining when you really have no right to. Fallout went from a turn-based isometric RPG into a first person shooter with elements spliced in from every genre. You people have a beautiful game that Blizzard wasn't in any way obligated to make, done in the same relative style of gameplay as past entries, yet you have the utter gall and audacity to complain about it. God. Why not just drag the argument kicking and screaming back to its roots and compare WarCraft 2 to WarCraft 3.

    Oh my god! He has two axes in WarCraft 3! And it's too dull of a green! And the gold is missing off the armbands. 3d?! What is this, EVERQUEST?! Arrrghhh PETITION!

    Because it is quite simple, They dont make the game out of the kindness of there heart, they are makeing the game to make money, (and or because of the huge demand for the game) If changeing the game will get them more money, they will do it, plain and simple. However they cant know unless you say something. Hence, We some odd 20,000+ people and climbing, are speaking about it, wether blizzard choses to listen is completely there choice, as is ours to buy the finished product. Love free market and capitalizm.
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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    Quote from "liquid" »
    So if you don't like your meal, your drink, the way your new clothes were made etc. you just buy new and think "well, if I want it better, I should make it myself"? Come on, it's called an opinion and critique and everyone with half a brain can do it and express his preferences. We are the fans, we pay for the game, we will play it, the game is for us, we have EVERY right to complain and critique every aspect of the game to the last polygon.

    Freedom of speach.
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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    Quote from "MarioSpeedWagon" »
    this sarcastic post pretty much sums up the whining being done by these so called "fans" of diablo.

    the game needs a LITTLE more darkness in specific areas. i.e. dungeons/caverns/cellars thats about it. now stop exaggerating all of you.

    good post really sums up the bitching in this thread.

    btw that petition is 8,500 and counting, thats crazy. There is noway blizzard isnt going to make adjustments to the games visuals.

    8678 actualy at present, but thats just it... apparently there is a group of people that... by no means small, thinks the petition is correct. I personaly do not agree with all of it, but Blizzard made its money off people like us, The fans of the series. The ones who bought the originals and played them (way to much). Personaly i would like to think that Blizzard would not forget the people who helped get them to where they are now. I maybe wrong, we shall see.
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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    Quote from "Lydeck" »
    I don't think it really matters.

    ANY 3D rendering of characters will be bitched about for being 'Wowish'. I've looked at that barbarian photo several times now, and I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with it. The reason it looks 'Wowish' is because it's in ... um ... 3D you idiots. You see, in 3D, things have this cool thing called 'depth'. 'omfg oversized should pads'. Hello, what do you want them to be, flat? It's made from meatl and is there for protection, of course it's going to be big.

    Some of our fans would be more content with flat 2D, at least then they wouldn't have 'wowish' to complain about. Of course, then, they'd just bitch about it not utilizing modern equipment 'omg y is it 2d!?1?!"

    The only thing the things in this game needs is more detail, and better textures.

    I have seen quite a few dozens of games that are very 3-D, and look absolutely nothing like Warcraft. Unreal, Halo, Hellgate london, The Witcher, Neverwinter Nights, Devil may cry, Final Fantasy, and so on. There are quite a few verieties of 3-D, that do not look like Wow.
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    posted a message on Φ Diablo III Art Design Direction Survey
    Personaly I have played the hell (no pun intended) out of Diablo I and Diablo II. I have played Star Craft and Warcraft II, III. and so on. With this in mind each of the art forms of the previous games were different. Warcraft being cartoony, SC being more realistic but still Sci-fi. and Diablo being very dark, with lots of gothic and gore. I personaly Like the nice contrasts to light and dark that are portraid so far in Diablo III. The thing that upsets me is that it looks like a Warcraft game done Diablo style. I Will definately buy it (even as is), however I do not want a warcraft looking game with a Diablo title. So less warcraftish looking, and i would try to add some of the gothic feel of the previous Diablo games.
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