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    posted a message on Prize for beating the game or reaching level 100?
    theres already websites that make custom replicas of WoW weapons, which look a lot more exotic than what we seen in D2, anyways your all fighting hell and such right? wouldn't it be cool to get your own pair of tyrael wings?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I don't like the Witch-Doctor
    a lot of people dont like the witch doctor because it sounds uncool, like your some spiritual healer from a south american tribe rattling turtle shells filled with beans and waving a totem around. and form what we know of real witch doctors they care little of hygiene, tangled long hair and a layer of dirt on their skin. the fireballs where actualy fire bombs im guessing the WD mixed some flammable substance in little coconut shells or something and throws them like a grenade. either way necros where more emo and cool with their bone armor and white hair but w/e i just hope blizz dosent make WD OP just because no one plays them.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on When do you think D3 will come out?
    well i dont know gamespot still has D3 comming out in december along with SC2..
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on When do you think D3 will come out?
    why does gamespot say its comming out 12/31/08? but when u click diablo 3 and it redirects you to the page it says TBA
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on create a char? (or so the official FAQ says)
    Quote from ""[Thanatos »
    ;255322'']I think they mean like in HG:L you could chose hair and stuff. Fairly standard stuff for games these days. I doubt it will go into much detail and I hope they don't. Once I put on all the armour I doubt I will remember what my character looks like under it all.
    yes thats what i was thinking it wouldn't matter much maybe in D2 in D3 you can zoom in remember? and i dont want it super detailed, no sliders, just a few faces, ATLEAST skintones. nothing against brothers but uh IMO a black guy in the medieval times that was a holy warrior is only something blizzard came up with.

    and armor unique to every class is kind of boring, they where already unique in D2. necros all had their lil shoulder skele unicorn horns, amazons had a little shoulder armor, pallys had the full plate knight look etc
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on create a char? (or so the official FAQ says)
    on the diablo3 FAQ: http://www.blizzard.com/diablo3/faq/#3_1

    What’s new about Diablo III compared to the previous Diablo games?
    "...New customization options will provide for an even greater level of character specialization than the previous Diablo games, allowing the player to create unique characters brimming with power."

    unique dosent mean making a female barbarian. then again im not sure what "character specialization means, they could be talking about armor and the unique mix and matching people can do with them. not to be a flaming racist but if the paladin returns i would much rather have a female caucasian paladin with a flowing mane of blonde hair. naming makes this "uniqueness" more unique, you can name yourself based off of how your character looks, you wont name as skeleton white necro tupac for example. the customization does not have to be AOC/mass effect etc detailed, just simple things like 10 faces to chose, 3-5 skin tones would suffice. also from D2 if they dev's are referring to armor making people look unique then they are dead wrong. unique people ultimately in the end are all noobs endgame people all look the same. even from the low pixels and outdated graphics one could guess 95% of the time what someone else was wearing. and to further support my theory the dev says "options", equipping different items for uniqueness is not a option nor practical, the only "option" that would be practicle would be to let people switch through a series of premade faces and skin tones, as even in the endgame epic unique armor will look the same.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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