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    posted a message on Spin It To Win It
    Quote from Kamui_1337»
    This build is extremely flawed. The reason why D3V barb worked so well is because it had constant fury generation. This doesn't. Even if you have 50% CDR you still wont have enough to maintain. The wind shear craps out on you when you get down to 3 or less targets. This also doesn't solve the issue with single targets. EQ/IK builds do a much better job than this.
    I dont really get your points. If the one thing that makes this build flawed is that you cannot maintain the ww with wind shear against 3 or less mobs, than it's kinda weird that i nuked the rift guardian while constantly at 95%+ fury. The windshear rune is pretty much self sustanable for fury. And i think I have something like 3% cooldown reduction.You would know this if you had taken the time to see the youtube video.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Spin It To Win It
    Tired of reakor?

    Not really playing greater rifts anymore?

    Love the Barbarian class?

    Want to have fun?

    Look no further.

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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