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    posted a message on This is what diablo 3 needs...
    Quote from "cyberslick" »
    Diablo 3 needs to be diablo 2 with some new shit.

    Nothing more, nothing less. 95% of people that fanatically played diablo 2 will tell you that.

    This is what made diablo 2 great:

    Battlenet. End of subject, single player was worthless when compared online.

    Being overpowered. The fact that if you made a perfect build, worked your ass off with perfect items, perfect runes, perfect combos, perfect everything, you could 100% absolutely destroy another player / baal / cow run. None of this oh everyone still has a chance nonsense, thats for 4 year olds.

    The economy. The fact that items meant SO much was the best part. The fact that the economy was so defined, gold meant nothing, and getting an SoJ or WF or ECCB was the best rush of your life.

    Magic Find. Again with the items, the items made diablo 1 fun, and made diablo 3 legendary. Titan quest, darkstone, Sacred, Dungeon siege, just never pulled off the items the same way d2 could, and its one of the reasons they sucked.

    Specific quests and how you could use them to your advantage. Little stuff like way back in 1.07 (I think? its been awhile), where rushing characters to get charsi so you could imbue a lance for your WW barb was epic. Knowing exactly when to do ancients so you could 7 levels in 2 minutes was awesome. Shit like that made the game awesome.

    Rushing. If you couldn't rush through the game and get high enough level to wear gear and get max skills (again, all back to items) in a few days, it would have sucked. Think of how many lvl 70+ characters you had in diablo 2. I know I practically had a rolodex full of passwords and usernames for all the accounts I had stuffed with level 80s of different builds. Knowing that if you got raped in a pvp game by a DR barb you could log your hammerdin in and open up shop.

    I could go on for days, but what made diablo 2 so much fun was that it was competitive.

    In mmos, one class can kill another class, but you never get the same feeling you do in diablo 2. In WoW or Age of Conan or whatever, if you had tier 4 stuff as opposed to tier 1 stuff, it meant when you killed someone you had 60% health left instead of the usual 35%. You never got that "OMG I JUST ONE SHOTTED THIS GUY AND I'LL DO IT ALL DAY LONG" feeling.

    I like feeling like an absolute badass. I want the best gear, I want to one shot people, when I get killed I want to roll a new class, rush through the game, get some awesome loot and mess people up.

    What was the last game that you played, when you opened up your inventory, or stash, looked at your items and said "holy crap I have enough gear to make a javazon, lets do this"? Diablo 2 is prolly the only game where I've made classes, to suit the ITEMS. I made classes based on what GEAR dropped.


    Just my 2 cents anyway, anyone feel the same?

    I feel exactly the same. I think this is near perfection of what D3 should be. I think the 3D graphics would be bad ass but i hope they pull them of good (not like titan quest). I think Battle net and items made D2 what it was. And they better have rushing or im gonna be pissed. If they have put something in to stop rushing its gonna suck ass(not D3 just that concept). I mean im am phsyced for 3. But from what I saw on the video it appeared as though it was heading in the wrong direction. They were talkin about endless items (wtf) or some poo like that. We need many items but the unique and set systems in D2 worked perfectly. And those who said Single player was more important the Multiplayer. Get the hell off the internet. Yes SP was good but nothing compared to MP. Im sure some still play it but who cares. Please Blizz let D3 Be as Good as I Hope. Let it have good classes and fun builds. Let it have hours and hours and hours of replay as we all are still playing D2. PLEASE.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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