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    posted a message on Is there a petsader/bowmen AS breakpoint?
    That is the question? Since it seems to be brought up a lot amongst DH's. I'm assuming there is not because I haven't found a thread on it.

    In other news: I sadly and horribly salvaged my WH with 7%AS and 50% CHD last night while just stat checking between that and a Vigilante Belt. :(
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on A petsader's plea for one positive change that will help immensely, plus a wish list. :)
    Quote from yuhanz
    This has been a problem for WD's and DH's to some extent for a long time, unless they get the same treatment, you won't.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on A petsader's plea for one positive change that will help immensely, plus a wish list. :)
    You're absolutely correct and I support it should happen class wide, not just saders only.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on A petsader's plea for one positive change that will help immensely, plus a wish list. :)
    I'm a committed petsader just hopeful for a few positive changes to help progress and improve the build. I'm currently walled at GR 33, not because of survivability or dps (ok maybe a little bit of dps) but because of pet AI and pet pathing (which affects DPS).

    I completely understand petsader is all about positioning which makes it a very unique playstyle vs other sader builds. It's all I play, I do switch to stampede but would prefer to push my favorite build. However, what does hurt DPS are avatars stuck behind one another, therefore leading to missed opportunities for DPS.

    A lot of times it's like "go get that guy, gahhhhhhh, are you guys like part of the union?!"

    Is it possible for allied pets to pass through each other? This would allow avatar pets the ability to swarm like zerlings around targets like RGs. This would fix no avatar stuck behind or in the middle of bowmen formations or bottlenecks. This allows for more sword swings on targets which is more DPS. I hope this isn't a far fetched request because when I summon bowmen in a corner of a room, they are all stacked upon each other, so it seems like it can be done.

    Now the wishlist which is totally petsader biased but reasonable.

    Have a Phalanx-Bowmen be its own skill maybe named Phalanx Bowmen (lol)

    1. No Rune = current Phalanx-Bowmen (physical)

    2. Phalanx Bowmen- Crossbowmen: Arrows now pierce (physical)

    3. Phalanx Bowmen- Set Fire: Arrow hit for %wepdmg + burn enemies for %wepdmg for 5 secs. (fire)

    4. Phalanx Bowmen- Longbowmen: Increases the damage to %wepdmg (physical)

    5. Phalanx Bowmen- Siege Tower: Summon 2 siege towers, bowmen in the towers shoot explosive arrows that deal %wepdmg + %wepdmg on impact. (fire)

    6. Phalanx Bowmen- Trebuchet: Summon 2 Trebuchets that deal %wepdmg + %wepdmg on in a 10yr radius upon impact (physical)

    Some other cool possibilities for normal Phalanx

    * Phalanx- Horsemen: Summon 2 horseman archers that knockback and and shoot arrows

    * Phalanx- Spearmen: either charging spearman that dash at a target or a "protect the king" type of formation

    * Phalanx- Merlin: lol summon a powerful wizard that buffs your stats by 10% for 10 secs and does casts. (JK on this one).
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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