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    posted a message on Holy Shotgun AOE issues
    Thank you for the reply. I have since switched over to Stampede. I am using a stampede/bombardment build because I can't find a furnace. No more problems with AOE or wrath, even with only using provoke and bracers as my only wrath generators. I am still looking for strongarms and a furnace to go full stampede. I got a heart slaughter sitting in my stash but it rolled horribly low and before I noticed that (Was not paying attention), I rerolled something else and wasted a gift on it. I also have a baleful remnant that is fun sometimes but I feel that the mortal drama helps with some big damage on a ~22 Second cooldown.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on Holy Shotgun AOE issues
    Hi all! I have some issues with AOE outside of rifts/Grifts. I am wondering anyone has any suggestions. Perhaps it is because I am a relative newb and need to learn how to better position myself but whenever I am doing a timed cursed chests or cursed shrine events where I have to kill 100 or several waves, I end up struggling on t5. I can fairly efficiently clear a t5 rifth with no problems. I haven't attempted t6 yet but I can imagine with a couple tweeks, my gear would be able to handle it. I feel like shotgun is the king of single targets and tightly packed groups but struggles on spread out groups. Any suggestions to fix this? Should I substitute condemn or consecrated ground for shield glare or law before these events? here is a link to my profile, I don't think my issues are gear related but any advice is welcome. https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Raym0016-1924/hero/51175892

    I also realize that these timed events aren't really a big deal but it gets annoying to not be able to complete them.

    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on I have been incredibly lucky with weapon drops, now I don't know what to do next.
    Hi All, I am relatively new to the game and wanted to seek some advice. I am doing t4 bounties and running t3 rifts without many problems. Although I have a few pieces, I am lacking in the Akkan's set (only 3 pieces total). Over the last couple of days I have gotten lucky with weapon drops and now I don't know what to do next. I have a Maximus that I was doing a fire build around, I loved it but then a Cam's Rebuttal dropped a couple of days ago and found it was fun to use in a shield bash build with Piro Marella. Then yesterday I was gambling shields for fun and got a Jekanbord. Shortly before that I got a Shaefer's hammer and thought that it would be fun to try out a lightening build. Well before I could even think about that, I swapped out my piro mirella for a jekanbord and changed shield bash to blessed shield and started playing around in a t3 rift. That very next rift, I finally got a FotF... Luck overload is going on here! I would really like to try to push into t4-t6 and realize I need to farm the rest of the akkhan's set along with a RoRG but what should I focus on given my new weapons. I would ideally like to make the most of the Jekanbord and FotF in my next build. Some gear options I have are Cindercoat/Magefists for fire but I am not sure if that would synergize with heavens fury.. I also have some depth diggers in my stash for some increase in primary skills. I am thinking of replacing punish with smite going with a holy blessed sheild and heavens fury build. Here is a link to my profile. Any advice is appreciated:)

    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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