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    posted a message on Help with my wizard
    Hi all, I just had a few questions about my wizard – see attached profile

    I’m comfortably doing T4 atm - occasionally die from being careless and RG takes a while to take down, but generally feels fine.
    For paragon, I’ve done: MS (to max out 25%) then INT; CDR then AS (to get to ~40% reduction); armour then AR

    What should I be looking to change to get to T5?
    Things I’ve considered:
    - Strongarm bracers – but is this worth switching out of Andariels for Aughilds helm?
    - Vyrs chest – I have a good Magefist, but am still trying to find a Vyrs chest
    - Vyrs pants – should I be re-rolling one of armour or AR into MM damage?
    - Harringtons – should I be re-rolling the +life to something else?
    - Better amulet, though I’m pretty happy with the CHC and CHD
    - Vyrs feet – how come I can’t reroll the MS to AR?

    The other key question I’ve got is around TF – should I be switching to another weapon / why is TF considered to be so good?
    I have a few other 1H weapons which have significantly higher damage, e.g. a fulminator at 2,400+ I think. Should I switch, or is the proc on TF really that strong?
    If I do swap, should I change EE to unwavering will – I still have fire and lightning from weapon, and arcane from BH. Also have azurewarth on follower

    Lastly, are there any major changes coming in the next patch which will change my build or the above comments?
    I’ve tried to read all the recent posts / updates, but its all a bit overwhelming

    Thanks guys, really appreciate the help.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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