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    posted a message on D3 = Big Dissapointment (Not cos of colors)
    Man you are a retard on an epic level man..Seriously, it's really somethin else how you can come in here and ASSUME that what you see so far is end all of the whole game. Even if that was the case though jackass, it would still be far better than that pathetic excuse for an MMO WoW. If your gonna play one, play a real one.

    I, on the other hand, would STILL prefer D1/D2/D3 over any MMO, and it's really pathetic and narrowsighted that you can't realize that your tastes are obviously not the same as others, as horrendous as they may be. I think it's pretty obvious no one shares your worthless feeble minded opinion...Go back to having no life, feed your soul to WoW and GTFO.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The problem is not the colour
    EDIT: Sorry double post..

    Although on the other hand the thing I don't think is as big a deal as some people make it is the armor, it's only bulky in one image. In the gameplay trailer is looks fairly nice and quite true to diablo, it's just 3D..
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The problem is not the colour
    Quote from name="Sol Invictus" »
    How many threads like these must you make?

    Did you come up with this on your own? That's about the most ridiculous assertion about graphics that I have ever heard.

    Wow way to be mature about it dick. That being said I can honestly say I don't know a single person who wouldn't prefer a game like diablo to be dark than full of fucking rainbows and neon green do you?

    In all seriousness, the game looks GREAT. The gameplay and physics are stunning, the skills and characters are well thought out and smooth (beginning to like the witch-doctor a lot more after watching the trailer a few more times). But the simple fact remains that the game would look THAT MUCH BETTER if it looked at least somewhat similar to the edited fan pictures. And why the fuck not? Everyone who argues against it has terrible unjustified reasons for doing so..

    "The game will be set back 2 years" what makes you think blizzard can't add shades and contrasts to it just as easily and quickly as the editor of the images did?

    "Lets wait and see what the game looks like when it comes out" this IS what it will look like thats why they're SHOWING it to us. Lets NOT wait and see... How about we voice our opinions about it now and maybe on some stroke of luck blizzard will change it BEFORE it comes out like they did with SC2

    "Its 20 years after the evils were vanquished and the world is brighter" Sure as hell doesn't look that way with zombies and plagues stripping the colorful rainbow infested lands, doesn't quite mix no matter how you slice it.

    Here's an idea how about someone voices their opinion as to why they think the colors and cartoony glowy fuzziness of this game looks nice to them as is?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The problem is not the colour
    What people don't seem to realize is regardless of whether it's cartoony, colorful, or dark gloomy and gothic it will still attract the same audience. MOST gamers are MORE attracted to dark gloomy and gothic, especially little kids. It's simply a question of whether their parents will allow them to play it or not at first glance.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why the 20 minutes shows a lot.
    If you don't care to read what the man has to say don't click the mouse on the thread to begin with, stop being so damn immature about it, end of ****ing story.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Crafted (orange) Items
    Crafting was indeed good for HC and starting out but you had a chance of getting some pretty extraordinary ones with better stats than you could find on anything else. Of course this could take quite a while...
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on Will Diablo III be in acts like D2?
    Please excuse me if there have been any questions like this previously as I could not find them.

    Does anyone know if this game will be in different acts like in Diablo II? Or will it be more like WoW in this aspect where you can explore the whole world piece by piece..? I certainly hope it has acts ;/
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Φ Graphics Discussion (New art style proposal to Blizzard)
    The thing that drew me to diablo the first time THE MOST was the dark gloomy gothic mood it gave that no other game in it's time had. Honestly it was mostly the graphics both in the environment and the character models both npc and pc. But there was also the isolation (only tristram and it's dungeons) and the fear in the citizens who were also isolated with their own gloomy thoughts they conveyed to you.

    Now the latter was for the most part taken out in the 2nd game (with due justice) but it was still slightly there in some aspects. However the "dark gloomy gothic-ness" was still there. Even lut golein made up for it, although it was light most of the time (its the freaking desert what do you expect??) it made up for it with some of my favorite dungeons and tombs and even had a quest that cast shadow on the land that was in fact darker than some of the dungeons...

    ALL of this appears to be gone and I've got to be quite honest I absolutely hate the cartoony wow like features of the character models which was probably the main thing that kept me away from WoW aside from how easy it is.

    I have a feeling that blizzard is trying to attract a very young crowd with a WoW clone, and I can't say I blame them because lets face it more kids play games than anyone else. However the thing they don't seem to realize is that they can attract the same crows with a "dark gloomy gothic" game. So why the fuck not?

    I AM NOT SAYING BE MORE CONCERNED WITH GRAPHICS THAN GAMEPLAY IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM as thats the absolute LAST thing I want. Simply changing the darkness of everything as the original poster did would make me happy enough.
    Don't be foolish blizzard and make a WoW clone, for the love of god...(err diablo) :necro:
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Characters/classes we want to see/be in Diablo 3
    Why would the necromancer be in diablo 3? The witch doctor is almost the exact same archetype and concept as a necromancer...

    Think of it this way...Theres 5 classes total, barbarian and witch-doctor (necromancer replacement) are already in which leaves 3. What else are they going to pick? A class thats almost the same damn thing as another?

    I can almost garuntee there will be a paladin and sorceror type in this game and everyone seems pretty intent on there being either a druid, assassin, or amazon type to fill the 5th spot.

    Do the math

    Better yet, lets get a poll going to revive the necro as the replacement to the witch-doctor. See how many people would prefer that and send an email directly to blizzard. They might listen they might not, but I doubt they will want to disapoint their fans if everyone would prefer a necro.
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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    posted a message on Characters/classes we want to see/be in Diablo 3
    Blademaster (samurai/ninja hybrid)

    I would like to see a blademaster of sorts, something that would be the equivalent to a samurai/ninja hybrid, which I think would be quite a sick concept. The character itself would be quite easy to design both the skills and the graphics.

    In skills it would be able become stronger as either a master of blades or a master assassin or draw from both of them using them in conjunction with eachother. The master of blades, while obviously limited to only edged weapons would be exceptional with them as well as have some of the best defense in the game while wielding a sword. While the master assassin could use traps, hiding techniques, and backstabbing (or other such rogue/assassin skills), but have much lower defensive skills while wielding a weapon. It could even use a bow or shuriken.

    As far as the graphics go it would be a foreigner with japanese culture clothing and go from there with the more advanced armours being much like samurai armour and black ninja armour.

    Assuming that there's 3 skill trees per class the concept could go something like this...

    Master of Combat skill tree - In this tree you could see passive abilities such as sword mastery, polearm mastery, bow mastery, throwing mastery, as well as simple defensive skills such as dodge, evade, parry (much like the amazon)

    Master of Blades - In this tree you would see practically swords only, perhaps polearms as well. You'd have weapon skills only and could take your sword and polearm skills further making them deal out more damage and speed or allow for dual wield. Also the sword master would have some of if not the best defense of any of the classes, but only when wielding a sword (or 2). Skills would include things like counterattack, berserk, and strikethrough. Strikethrough could be a powerful attack that strike's through enemy armour but leaves the user defenseless for a short time before or after, however the master of blades could make up for this slightly with his high defense if he went pure blades.

    Master of Shadow - In this tree you would be able to take throw and bow mastery further and also be able to take up "dagger mastery" to use for such things as backstab if this game would allow for it. In this tree you would be a master of stealth using hiding and sneaking techniques and be able to use some of the amazons previous bow techniques. Also you could use throwing weapons exceptionally well, maybe on par with a barbarian, and the game could even introduce shurikens or needles. A shuriken/needle when wielded by any other class does normal dmg but when wielding by a master of shadow it used to pinpoint pressure points.

    This class could also take the place of rogues/assassins/amazons in one sick neat package. Worth a shot eh?

    Other than that I'd like to see...

    Necromancer - The witch-doctor may be a cool concept but the necromancer is still cooler yet. The fact that it was possibley the most advanced class to play drew me to it the most as well.
    Bard - As listed on first post a capable fighter/mage hybrid with songs for spells perhaps something somewhat similar to the everquest bard
    Wizard - Equivalent to a sorceror but does not follow the same spell paths (fire/lite/cold)
    perhaps it could use fire, water/earth, and some other dark magic, arcane power, or summoning abilty. *shrug*
    Posted in: Unannounced Class
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