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    posted a message on Fire Vyrs Wiz - Rank 8th U.S


    Have you tried Explosive Blast with Woh? It's a decent variant... doesn't do as much damage as Hydra but I've seen crits for 400-500m during the convention window and high stacks. As you are already stacking so much CDR, you get to the crazy levels of overlapping EBs. This also builds Chantodo stacks super fast.

    It's a fun variant, by no means meant for top tier progression, but works well in group play.


    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Arcane dynamo
    Quote from kilee217»

    Thanks for the answer

    i feel like blizzard wants the users to play each characters in a very specific way, which i think is horrible decision by the devs.

    Yes and no - I believe they are trying to provide options through creating "frames" that guide players to tweaking parts of a build. I think in the WIzard's case we have a lot of abilities that just don't interact well with each other innately... I also think that the QA team just suck asshole on our skills and can't get the coefficients/game interaction mechanics correct.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Fire bird
    Quote from Kallizk»

    Quote from Nightshade1233»

    Pretty much the same as on season 3.

    You can use it for farming up to T9 or even T10, but it is very slow for Grifts (especially in group).

    The damage output is pretty consistent over time (1000% weapon damage every second that scales with CHC and CHD and benefits from some multipliers) BUT at the same time it is low AND it is the 6pc effect.

    For a comparison the "second worst" wizard set is the Delsere, which gives you 2000% weapon damage per second as the 4pc effect, without build up AND the added effect of slowing the target (obviously with Slow Time). Plus a 750% damage multiplier on some skills.

    This said, in high Grifts the Delsere set was and is never used as a complete set, but just as an addendum to the Tal'Rasha's set.

    I think that if you REALLY want to push Firebird to the limit, the best you could do is around Grift 50 (by using the legendary gems farmed in high level 4p groups).

    So much misinformation... the 6pc bonus of firebird is 3000% wep dmg per sec, not 1000%,
    firebird is actually stronger than delsere if played right (for solo)
    It can farm t10 really fast if again you know what you're doing, and 50 is def not it's limit specially in season with the new gem.
    With that said, the set still needs a buff (stated for 2.4) but for wizards the problem is their skills and not the sets, because let's face it none of the wiz sets are really performing THAT great, tal and vyr's are the best we got, but given the weak state of our skills they are not even close to most of the other classes.
    The problem with Wizard is it's intrinsic need for really three things:
    1. CC
    2. Damage
    3. Mobility
    With CC nerfs in full swing, Wizards have to gear more defensively. Even with Vyrs for high greater rifts you end up trading in Convention of the Elements for Unity. Furthermore, we're basically required to run one specific set of skills to make Vyrs work (it literally has maybe two or three variations MAX). It's fun don't get me wrong, I do enjoy face tanking shit at 200 stacks but even then that's not enough sometimes.
    Furthermore in relation to Tals... You still get pidgeon-holed on abilities. The obvious choice for mobility is the one and only Teleport spell (which only procs on Calamity and only Arcane). This limits ALL THE OTHER arcane abilities that could be used.. Sure you can not run calamity, but you're not going ot have a good time.
    Dels/Firebirds are complete shit now. Reason being? Damage reduction. Vyrs obviously provides now the most damage reduction followed by Tal's. These two sets are atrocious because they don't provide the same innate tankiness to make up for the lack of CC in the game now. Also, Dels has only 4 spells that work with the 6 piece. Why is Explosive Blast not included in the 6 piece benefit? Where is a viable interaction with Wave of Force?
    So many of our spells are complete shit and unusable. They were originally designed with Critical Mass in mind (LOOKING AT YOU MOLTEN IMPACT) but are now basically useless. It's funny that CM is back in one form through a cubed Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac.
    Also last note, and all Wizards know this - you basically play with 4 skills, Teleport and Force Armor / Halo of Arlyse Frost Armor are mandatory. Kind of shitty to be limited to 4 combinations that often end in a spender, Frost Nova, Magic Weapon, and then you pick between primary/another spender/cooldown spell. So shitty.
    All wizard sets 2 pieces should buff Lightning Armor/Frost Armor/Energy Armor in some massive way if we're going to be forced to have that slot filled.
    I'll get off my podium now.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Arcane dynamo

    I think this was tested that it doesn't do anything...

    Much like other wizard abilities, the way shit doesn't work together, doesn't make sense. For example, Wand of Woh repeated Explosive Blast doesn't trigger Obsidian Ring because it isn't considered "spent" resources. On a literal translation of the abilities and legendaries this makes sense but mechanically it seems pretty dumb.

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Del'rasha damage sources

    one item:

    Ancient Parthan defenders

    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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