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    Quote from Botter4Life

    Quote from MrBlaine

    Any chance you could share some more info on your server theory?
    What type of information are you looking for? I can provide you what I think you are asking but let me know if you have specific questions.

    So what I am going to do is give you a table of items

    1.Head5. Amulet
    2.Chest6. Left hand
    3.Legs 7. Right hand
    4.Ring8. Gloves

    This is not a full table but an example I hope you can follow along: So we take the above table and we make 1000 iterations of it to cover all items. These tables are selected when you start a game. The table is determined on the server you are on. So lets say you get the following server numbers

    215, 185, 144, 224, 185 & 111

    These servers all have the same loot table, when you create a game (server 215)and start farming you find a legendary! Well say its WoH wand and you are done with the run say greater rift. You leave game join another and the server you get on is 185. You grind and boom another WoH, some people say this is RNG. This is not RNG, people all the time on Diablo 3 forums bring up questions of "why do I find the same legendary all the time" prior to 1.8 I had this issue with Hellrack crossbow where I couldn't seem to get off the servers that dropped it ended up with 1000 hellracks before it finally put me on a server with different loot tables.

    Edit #1: If you want to find out what legendarys drop from what servers it is easy. Make excel spreadsheet and everytime you find legendary add it to the server # after you find all legendarys you will see in plain view of excel spreadsheet the loot tables. I would provide mine however I think they would frown on me here if I gave you Blizzards Server Loot tables.
    Thanks for that info. How do you determine which server you're currently connected to?

    Also I don't think anyone would frown upon you at all for sharing which servers you've found which loot on. Infact I'd say it would be highly valued in the community.

    If nothing else, shoot me a PM on which server/IPs you've found Wand of Woh and SMK!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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